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AEM Developer Companion (AEMDC) can be used to quckly create any resource in your AEM maven project from predefined templates using the command line. Currently it is possible to create:
- templates
- components
- editable templates structure (since AEM 6.2) with template types
- content pages
- osgi configurations
- java models
- java services
- java servlets
AEMDC allows to prepare different project patterns with placeholders such as AEMDC Files (https://github.com/headwirecom/aemdc-files) for your future AEM projects and quickly setup a new project structure and project contents using the sets of command lines.
Download the last released AEMDC binary ".zip" or "tar.gz" file from (https://github.com/headwirecom/aemdc/releases).
Extract the binary to any your tools / "Program Files" directory.
Set the path to AEMDC "bin" folder in the global PATH variable. In Windows it must be under "Systems Properties -> Advanced -> Environmental Variables -> User/System Variables". You can also set the PATH in your cmd/cygwin console start command file like:
set GIT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git
set AEMDC_PATH=C:\mytools\aemdc
As example of AEMDC using the next steps show integration of "Template 1: Landing Page" from https://standards.usa.gov/page-templates/#landing-page
- Installation of AEMDC
- Installation of Maven
- Installation of Git
- Installation of Adobe Consulting AEM Lazybones Templates
YouTube Video how to use AEMDC.
Create a new AEM maven project "my-aem-project" using Lazybones project creator.
lazybones create aem-multimodule-project my-aem-project -PgroupId=com.headwire.myaem -PartifactId=my-aem-project -PuseNewNamingConvention=yes -PbundleInBundlesDirectory=no -PbundleArtifactId=my-aem-project.core -PcontentArtifactId=my-aem-project.ui.apps -Pversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -PprojectName="My AEM Project" -PpackageGroup=my-aem-project -PaemVersion=6.2 -PappsFolderName=my-aem-project -PcontentFolderName=my-aem-project -PcreateEditableTemplatesStructure=yes -PconfFolderName=my-aem-project -PcreateDesign=yes -PdesignFolderName=my-aem-project -PcreateMainClientLib=yes -PcreateDependenciesClientLib=no -PenableCodeQuality=no -PcreateRunModeConfigFolders=no -PcreateAuthorAndPublishPerEnv=no -PreconfigureRootMapping=no -PincludeAcsAemCommons=no -PusingSlingModels=yes -PslingModelsPackage=com.headwire.myaem.core -PpurgeDamWorkflows=no
Create configuration properties.
Go to parent project "/my-aem-project" and create a configuration file:
aemdc config
This command creates the next configuration file.
Modify it for your needs, for example
Checkout project with placeholders.
In the interactive mode clone the "aemdc-files" placeholders project from GitHub.
Or use git clone command
git clone https://github.com/headwirecom/aemdc-files.git ../aemdc-files
Modify the aemdc-files templates for you needs.
Create editable template structure with template-type.
aemdc confstr project-with-template-type my-aem-project "ranking={Long}1" "aemdc-page-title=AEMDC HTML5 Page" "aemdc-page-description=Template for a AEMDC HTML5 content page." "componentGroup=my-aem-project" "aemdc-page-resourceType=/apps/my-aem-project/components/page/page"
Rename the "aemdc-page" template-type if you want.
Create structured page component.
aemdc comp contentpage page/page
Create paragraph component shells.
aemdc comp component-model content/hero "comp-model=com.headwire.myaem.core.models.hero.Hero" aemdc comp component-model content/graphicList aemdc comp component-model content/headings aemdc comp component-js content/tagline
Create component model shells.
aemdc model HeroModel.java hero/Hero.java aemdc model SampleSlingModel.java list/GraphicList.java aemdc model SampleSlingModel.java section/Headings.java
- Create site root content page.
Our custom Landing Page editable template "/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/templates/landingpage" will be used for site root content page. Landing Page editable template will be created later.
aemdc page siteroot my-aem-project "sling:resourceType=/apps/my-aem-project/components/page/page" "cq:template=/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/templates/landingpage"
- Create policies for editable templates.
Update policies for your needs to allow components for your editable templates. Modify the next resource
Copy html to page component shells.
/apps/my-aem-project/components/page/page.html, body.html, ...
Copy html to paragraph component shells.
/apps/my-aem-project/components/content/hero /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/tagline /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/graphicList /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/headings
Put fields definition in to components dialogs.
Implement component models.
/src/main/java/com/headwire/myaem/core/models/hero/Hero.java /src/main/java/com/headwire/myaem/core/models/list/GraphicList.java /src/main/java/com/headwire/myaem/core/models/section/Headings.java
Implement component JavaScripts.
Create designs assets.
Put HTML static images and fonts to designs folder under
Create client library for JavaScripts and CSS used in your site under
- Update filter.xml
Modify the file
<filter root="/apps/my-aem-project"/>
<filter root="/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/policies" mode="merge"/>
<filter root="/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/templates" mode="merge"/>
<filter root="/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/template-types"/>
<filter root="/content/my-aem-project" mode="merge"/>
<filter root="/etc/designs/my-aem-project"/>
<filter root="/etc/clientlibs/my-aem-project"/>
- Deploy project to AEM.
In the root of "my-aem-project" project run
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage --settings /<path-to-maven-user-settings>/settings.xml
- Create a new editable template - Author.
To create a new "landingpage" template, see [Creating a New Template - Author](https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/author/site-page-features/templates.html#Creating a New Template - Author)
Go to the Template console at
- Select Folder "my-aem-project" and click to "Create" to create a new template.
- Select "AEMDC HTML5 Page" template Type, click to "Next".
- Complete the Template Details with Template Name "landingpage" and Description "Editable template for Landing Page".
- Select Create. A confirmation will be shown, select Done to return to the template console.
- For the new template "landingpage" select Enable from the Toolbar, and again in the confirmation dialog.
Editing a Template Structure - Author.
Drag and Drop the next components into Layout Container
Unlock structure components.
- Allow templates - Author.
Go to the Sites
Open the root Content Page "my-aem-project".
Open Properties of this page (in the left top corner)
Open the Advanced tab.
Under Template Settings use Add field to specify the path(s) to your template(s).
- Setup the designs - Author.
In the same Advanced tab under Settings specify the path to your designs.
- Click "Done" to save and close dialog.
- Create basic site - Author.
Create a new "landingpage" Content Page
Open the page
Edit Component contents over component dialogs or over in-place-editing.
- Publishing a Template - Author.
- In the Templates console, select the template.
- Select Publish from the toolbar to open the wizard.
- Select the Content Policies to be published in tandem.
- Select Publish from the toolbar to complete the action.