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Marat Saitov edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 56 revisions



AEM Developer Companion (AEMDC) helps to quckly create any resource in your AEM maven project from predefined templates using command lines. Currently it is possible to create:

  • templates
  • components
  • editable templates structure (since AEM 6.2) with template types
  • content pages
  • osgi configurations
  • java models
  • java services
  • java servlets

AEMDC allows to prepare different project patterns with placeholders such as AEMDC Files ( for your future AEM projects and quickly setup a new project structure and project contents using the sets of command lines.


Download the last released AEMDC binary ".zip" or "tar.gz" file from (

Extract the binary to any your tools / "Program Files" directory.

Set the path to AEMDC "bin" folder in the global PATH variable. In Windows it must be under "Systems Properties -> Advanced -> Environmental Variables -> User/System Variables". You can also set the PATH in your cmd/cygwin console start command file like:

set GIT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git
set AEMDC_PATH=C:\mytools\aemdc

Use example and video

As example of AEMDC using the next steps show integration of "Template 1: Landing Page" from


YouTube Video how to use AEMDC

  1. Create a new AEM maven project "my-aem-project" using Lazybones project creator.

    lazybones create aem-multimodule-project my-aem-project -PgroupId=com.headwire.myaem -PartifactId=my-aem-project -PuseNewNamingConvention=yes -PbundleInBundlesDirectory=no -PbundleArtifactId=my-aem-project.core -PcontentArtifactId=my-aem-project.ui.apps -Pversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -PprojectName="My AEM Project" -PpackageGroup=my-aem-project -PaemVersion=6.2 -PappsFolderName=my-aem-project -PcontentFolderName=my-aem-project -PcreateEditableTemplatesStructure=yes -PconfFolderName=my-aem-project -PcreateDesign=yes -PdesignFolderName=my-aem-project -PcreateMainClientLib=yes -PcreateDependenciesClientLib=no -PenableCodeQuality=no -PcreateRunModeConfigFolders=no -PcreateAuthorAndPublishPerEnv=no -PreconfigureRootMapping=no -PincludeAcsAemCommons=no -PusingSlingModels=yes -PslingModelsPackage=com.headwire.myaem.core -PpurgeDamWorkflows=no

  2. Create configuration properties.

Go to parent project "/my-aem-project" and create a configuration file:

aemdc config


This command creates the next configuration file.


Modify it for your needs, for example

  1. Checkout project with placeholders.


In the interactive mode clone the "aemdc-files" placeholders project from GitHub. aemdc-files-gitclone.jpg

Or use git clone command

git clone ../aemdc-files

Modify the aemdc-files templates for you needs.

  1. Create editable template structure with template-type.

    aemdc confstr project-with-template-type my-aem-project "ranking={Long}1" "aemdc-page-title=AEMDC HTML5 Page" "aemdc-page-description=Template for a AEMDC HTML5 content page." "componentGroup=my-aem-project" "aemdc-page-resourceType=/apps/my-aem-project/components/page/page"


Rename the "aemdc-page" template-type if you want.


  1. Create structured page component.

    aemdc comp contentpage page/page

  2. Create paragraph component shells.

    aemdc comp component-model content/hero "comp-model=com.headwire.myaem.core.models.hero.Hero" aemdc comp component-model content/graphicList aemdc comp component-model content/headings aemdc comp component-js content/tagline


  1. Create component model shells.

    aemdc model hero/ aemdc model list/ aemdc model section/


  1. Create site root content page.

Our custom Landing Page editable template "/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/templates/landingpage" will be used for site root content page. Landing Page editable template will be created later.

aemdc page siteroot my-aem-project "sling:resourceType=/apps/my-aem-project/components/page/page" "cq:template=/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/templates/landingpage"


  1. Create policies for editable templates.

Update policies for your needs to allow components for your editable templates. Modify the next resource

  1. Copy html to page component shells.

    /apps/my-aem-project/components/page/page.html, body.html, ...

  2. Copy html to paragraph component shells.

    /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/hero /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/tagline /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/graphicList /apps/my-aem-project/components/content/headings


Put fields definition in to components dialogs.


  1. Implement component models.

    /src/main/java/com/headwire/myaem/core/models/hero/ /src/main/java/com/headwire/myaem/core/models/list/ /src/main/java/com/headwire/myaem/core/models/section/

  2. Implement component JavaScripts.


  3. Create designs assets.

Put HTML static images and fonts to designs folder under



  1. Create client library for JavaScripts and CSS used in your site under



  1. Update filter.xml

Modify the file



<filter root="/apps/my-aem-project"/>
<filter root="/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/policies" mode="merge"/>
<filter root="/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/templates" mode="merge"/>
<filter root="/conf/my-aem-project/settings/wcm/template-types"/>
<filter root="/content/my-aem-project" mode="merge"/>
<filter root="/etc/designs/my-aem-project"/>
<filter root="/etc/clientlibs/my-aem-project"/>
  1. Deploy project to AEM.

In the root of "my-aem-project" project run

mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage


mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage --settings /<path-to-maven-user-settings>/settings.xml
  1. Create a new editable template - Author.

To create a new "landingpage" template, see [Creating a New Template - Author]( a New Template - Author)

Go to the Template console at

  • Select Folder "my-aem-project" and click to "Create" to create a new template. aemdc-create-template.jpg
  • Select "AEMDC HTML5 Page" template Type, click to "Next". aemdc-page-type.jpg
  • Complete the Template Details with Template Name "landingpage" and Description "Editable template for Landing Page".
  • Select Create. A confirmation will be shown, select Done to return to the template console.
  • For the new template "landingpage" select Enable from the Toolbar, and again in the confirmation dialog.


  1. Editing a Template Structure - Author.


Drag and Drop the next components into Layout Container


Unlock structure components.

  1. Allow templates - Author.
  1. Setup the designs - Author.
  • In the same Advanced tab under Settings specify the path to your designs.


  • Click "Done" to save and close dialog.

  1. Create basic site - Author.
  1. Publishing a Template - Author.
  • In the Templates console, select the template.
  • Select Publish from the toolbar to open the wizard.
  • Select the Content Policies to be published in tandem.
  • Select Publish from the toolbar to complete the action.
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