New features:
- UI Clock Interface for managing the RTC @SumolX in #206
- Add ULTR FC OSD @KissUltra
- Embedded OSD Glyphs optional SD CARD Location @shannonbaker in #224
- Add button to reset all settings @Nikolas-S in #249
- Add new settings page and element positioning preview for goggle OSD @Nikolas-S in #222
- Add goggle battery voltage to inflight OSD @Nikolas-S in #176
- New Virtual Keyboard, WiFi Module Page and ELRS Backpack Page @SumolX in #256
- Optimized the performance of analog @czhou1972 in #264
- Pre-installed hdzgogle-services-1.0.0(dropbear) @SumolX in #264
- Clean up ELRS bind behaviour @pkendall64 #272
- UI keyboard usage @SumolX #270
- Page Stroage with SD Card Auto Repair @SumolX #276
- New Fonts for Live view @SumolX #279
- Go sleep! inprovements -restore analog power state @pitts-mo #268
- Send MSP to backpack when channel is changed for HDZero @cruwaller #283
- Add option to set startup OSD visibility @Nikolas-S #284
- WiFi Module: added 3rd Page to configure System Options @SumolX #286
A lot of source code optimization and a few bug fixes @SumolX @Nikolas-S @ligenxxxx @pkendall64 @bkleiner @pitts-mo @Knifa