Input/Output | Objects Everywhere | String Quotes |
#Basic Input/Output $Name = Read-Host "Your Name Plz" Write-Host "Hello $Name" |
$my_string = "Hello" $my_string.Length #=> 5 $my_string.ToUpper() #=> HELLO |
$NAME="John" Write-Host "Hi $NAME" #=> Hi John Write-Host 'Hi $NAME' #=> Hi $NAME |
if-else | switch-case | expressions |
if($expression -eq $true){ Write-Host "Cond. True" } elseif{ Write-Host "2nd True" } else{ Write-Host "Cond. False" } |
switch ($x) { 'value1' {} {$_ -in 'A','B','C'} {} 'value3' {} Default {} } |
$true #=> True 1 #=> True $null #=> False $empty = "" #=> False CmdLet-ReturnsFalse #=> False |
do-while | do-until | For Loop | ForEach Loop |
do { # Code } while ($x -gt 0) |
do { # Code } until ($x -gt 0) |
for ($i = 1; $i -lt 99; $i++){ # Code } |
foreach($item in $collection){ Write-Output $item } |
Defining Arrays | Working with Arrays |
$my_numbers = 1..100 $Fruits = 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange' $Fruits = @('Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange') |
Write-Host $Fruits[0] # Element #0 Write-Host $Fruits.Count # Number of elements Write-Host $Fruits[0].Length # String length of the 1st element Write-Host $Fruits[0..1] # Array from first to Nth element Write-Host $Fruits[-2] # Second last element of the Array |
Hash Table or Dictionary |
$my_vm_config = @{ "hostname" = "vm00002314"; "pvt_ip" = ""; "domain"= "" } |
Execute a Remote Script |
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) |