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[G,H]SoC 2018 Project Ideas

Mikhail Glushenkov edited this page Dec 27, 2017 · 6 revisions

[G,H]SoC 2018 Project Ideas

List of Cabal/cabal-install project ideas for the 2018 Summer of Code. Feel free to add new project ideas, edit entries for existing ones, and add/remove yourself to/from potential mentors. Please use the following template:

Project name

Mentor(s): Mentor Name(s)

Project description.

Once this list is fairly complete, a PR for will be created.

Current WIP list of project ideas

See also

Further new-build improvements

Mentors: Duncan (?), Mikhail, Herbert (?)

There's still quite a lot of work left to do before we can make new-build the default. This project will bring us closer to that goal. See here and here for a list of issues with current implementation.

Package collections for cabal-install (?)

Mentors: Herbert(?), Duncan (?)

Design and implement the curated package collections feature for Hackage/cabal-install. The feature should be powerful enough to allow using Stackage LTS and nightly snapshots with cabal new-build; later on we can add support for git:// dependencies. Implementing this will require some server-side support in hackage-server; to support Stackage interop cabal-install constraint syntax will have to be made aware of Hackage revisions.