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Mikhail Kalinin edited this page May 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Benchmaker is a tool for benchmarking Beacon chain consensus algorithms, i.e. a part of Beacon chain spec which operates with attestations including slot, block and epoch processing; operations like deposits, slashings and the others are not counted. Benchmaker is based on Beacon chain simulator with one major difference, all validators are handled by a single beacon chain instance which significantly reduces memory and CPU consumption.

Installation guide


To run a simulator you need to install Java 8 or later. There are many guidelines in Internet, even the official one, from Oracle.

Build from sources

Clone the repo and execute build command:

git clone --branch develop --recurse-submodules -j4
cd beacon-chain-java
./gradlew clean build -x test

Unpack the distribution:

unzip start/benchmaker/build/distributions/

Use following commands to check it out:

cd benchmaker-0.1.0/bin
./benchmaker --no-bls

Command Line Options

./benchmaker --help
Usage: benchmaker [-hV] [--no-bls] [--no-cache] [--no-increment]
                  [--epochs=epochs] [--registry-size=size]
Benchmark tool for beacon chain spec
      --epochs=epochs        Length of benchmark session in epochs.
                             Note: session starts from a 3rd epoch.
      --no-bls               Turns off BLS.
      --no-cache             Turns off caches used in the spec execution.
      --no-increment         Turns off incremental hashing.
      --registry-size=size   Validator registry size.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.


Use following command to run session with 10,000 validators:

./benchmaker --registry-size 10000 --no-bls --epochs 1
15:01:08.623 INFO - Benchmark session: 1 epochs, 10000 validators, BLS is disabled, caches are enabled

PROCESSING OVERVIEW                                  min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms
  slot                                                 0.470          0.616          0.687
  block                                                0.926          1.515          2.221
  epoch                                            27420.555      27420.555      27420.555

  TOP METHODS                                             min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    cache_state                                             0.047          0.067          0.060              1          0.067
    advance_slot                                            0.001          0.002          0.002              1          0.002

  HELPERS                                                 min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    signing_root                                            0.018          0.022          0.024              1          0.022
    hash_tree_root                                          0.017          0.021          0.022              1          0.021

  SUMMARY                                                 min, ms        avg, ms     % of total
    TOP METHODS                                             0.048          0.068        100.00%
      signing_root                                          0.018          0.022         32.75%
      hash_tree_root                                        0.017          0.021         31.15%

  TOP METHODS                                             min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    process_block_header                                    0.488          0.796          0.693              1          0.796
    process_attestation                                     0.176          0.265          1.322              1          0.265
    process_randao                                          0.019          0.029          0.027              1          0.029
    process_eth1_data                                       0.016          0.019          0.020              1          0.019

  BLS                                                     min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    bls_aggregate_pubkeys                                   0.002          0.013          0.020              2          0.027
    bls_verify                                              0.000          0.002          0.002              2          0.003
    bls_verify_multiple                                     0.001          0.001          0.001              1          0.001

  HELPERS                                                 min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    get_beacon_proposer_index                               0.003          0.177          0.012              3          0.530
    get_crosslink_committee                                 0.000          0.096          0.000              5          0.481
    hash_tree_root                                          0.000          0.034          0.030              5          0.171
    signing_root                                            0.009          0.083          0.037              2          0.166
    get_attesting_indices                                   0.001          0.016          0.028              2          0.033
    generate_seed                                           0.001          0.005          0.004              4          0.022
    get_active_validator_indices                            0.000          0.000          0.000             21          0.010
    verify_bitfield                                         0.000          0.000          0.000              2          0.001

  SUMMARY                                                 min, ms        avg, ms     % of total
    TOP METHODS                                             0.700          1.109        100.00%
      get_beacon_proposer_index                             0.008          0.530         47.77%
      get_crosslink_committee                               0.000          0.481         43.40%
      hash_tree_root                                        0.000          0.171         15.44%
      signing_root                                          0.017          0.166         14.98%
      get_attesting_indices                                 0.002          0.033          2.96%
      generate_seed                                         0.003          0.022          1.97%
      get_active_validator_indices                          0.000          0.010          0.92%
      verify_bitfield                                       0.000          0.001          0.06%
      bls_aggregate_pubkeys                                 0.005          0.027          2.42%
      bls_verify                                            0.001          0.003          0.29%
      bls_verify_multiple                                   0.001          0.001          0.11%

  TOP METHODS                                             min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    process_rewards_and_penalties                       27366.349      27366.349      27366.349              1      27366.349
    process_justification_and_finalization                 31.099         31.099         31.099              1         31.099
    process_crosslinks                                      9.268          9.268          9.268              1          9.268
    process_registry_updates                                5.665          5.665          5.665              1          5.665
    process_final_updates                                   4.152          4.152          4.152              1          4.152
    process_slashings                                       1.984          1.984          1.984              1          1.984

  HELPERS                                                 min, ms        avg, ms        95%, ms          count      total, ms
    get_base_reward                                         0.000          0.267          0.217          60000      16038.778
    get_total_balance                                       0.000          0.264          0.216          60393      15949.137
    get_attesting_indices                                   0.000          0.017          0.014         640758      10618.926
    get_crosslink_committee                                 0.000          0.000          0.000         640950        209.611
    get_unslashed_attesting_indices                         0.000          0.318          0.049            196         62.331
    verify_bitfield                                         0.000          0.000          0.000         640758         62.145
    get_active_validator_indices                            0.000          0.000          0.000          61034         15.284
    get_winning_crosslink_and_attesting_indices             0.000          0.060          0.091            192         11.507
    hash_tree_root                                          0.000          0.002          0.005            311          0.769
    generate_seed                                           0.000          0.003          0.010             64          0.200

  SUMMARY                                                 min, ms        avg, ms     % of total
    TOP METHODS                                         27418.517      27418.517        100.00%
      get_base_reward                                       0.213      16038.778         58.50%
      get_total_balance                                     0.000      15949.137         58.17%
      get_attesting_indices                                 0.013      10618.926         38.73%
      get_crosslink_committee                               0.000        209.611          0.76%
      get_unslashed_attesting_indices                       0.033         62.331          0.23%
      verify_bitfield                                       0.000         62.145          0.23%
      get_active_validator_indices                          0.000         15.284          0.06%
      get_winning_crosslink_and_attesting_indices           0.003         11.507          0.04%
      hash_tree_root                                        0.001          0.769          0.00%
      generate_seed                                         0.002          0.200          0.00%

Understanding the output


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