This document describes how to connect to and participate in the Witti testnet using the Lighthouse ETH2 client.
This requires Rust, of course, get it here:
To connect to Witti v0.11.3, you would have to compile Lighthouse from faster-genesis
git clone
cd lighthouse/
git checkout faster-genesis
Make sure to build in release mode.
cargo build --release
Get the Witti v0.11.3 testnet repository.
git clone
cd witti/
Run a beacon chain node by pointing it to the Witti testnet configuration directory.
lighthouse bn \
--testnet-dir ${PATH_TO_WITTI}/lighthouse
If you plan to run a validator on Schlesi, enable the Rest API with --http
and provide an --eth1-endpoint
lighthouse bn --http \
--testnet-dir ${PATH_TO_WITTI}/lighthouse \
Firstly, you have to create a new HD-Wallet. Let's call it witti
lighthouse account_manager wallet create \
--name "witti" \
--passphrase-file ${PATH_TO_SECURE_BACKUP}/password.txt \
--testnet-dir ${PATH_TO_WITTI}/lighthouse \
--mnemonic-output-path ${PATH_TO_SECURE_BACKUP}/mnemonic.txt
After initializing the wallet and backing up the passphrase, we can create validator keypairs.
lighthouse account_manager validator create \
--at-most 1 \
--testnet-dir ${PATH_TO_WITTI}/lighthouse \
--wallet-name "witti" \
--wallet-passphrase ${PATH_TO_SECURE_BACKUP}/password.txt
The validator contract is deployed on Goerli testnet address 0x42cc0FcEB02015F145105Cf6f19F90e9BEa76558
Assuming you have a Goerli node running with an IPC endpoint exposed and the sender address unlocked. This will send the deposit from your account 0x272dd1ff68461dfa848c9c30d8e2c3180a8f18de
lighthouse account_manager validator deposit \
--eth1-ipc ${PATH_TO_GOERLI}/geth.ipc \
--from-address 272dd1ff68461dfa848c9c30d8e2c3180a8f18de \
--testnet-dir ${PATH_TO_WITTI}/lighthouse \
--validator all
It's recommended to use a Geth node as ETH1 provider.
To start validating, open another terminal and launch the validator client:
lighthouse vc --auto-register \
--testnet-dir ${PATH_TO_WITTI}/lighthouse
That's it. Please create an issue if this does not work. We will figure it out: