// E:\Github repository\Zero-to-Advance-OOP-Concepts-CPP\Some_important_points>g++ command_line_arguments.cpp -o program.exe
// E:\Github repository\Zero-to-Advance-OOP-Concepts-CPP\Some_important_points>program.exe "Muhib Arshad" BSSE F2021 BSEF21M540 40 // The Total number of arguments passed from the command line // Including name of the program also =6 // The arguments that are passed are named as: // Argument no 0 program.exe // Argument no 1 Muhib Arshad // Argument no 2 BSSE // Argument no 3 F2021 // Argument no 4 BSEF21M540 // Argument no 5 40
/*The conclusion is that : character dataype is by deafult signed means negative is negative and positive is converted into its value than its negative image unsigned char datatypes are be always poistive */ // Comparison between Signed Char and Unsigned Char:
// Signed Char Unsigned Char
// Range
// -128 to +127 0 to 255
// Typical bit width
// 1 byte 1 byte
// Example (x=10000010)
// Signed char x = -2 Unsigned char = 82
// Representation
// 1 bit = signed bit // 8 bit = data bits // 7 bit = data bits
// Declaration
// Signed char b Unsigned char a