Nov 18, 2015
Attending (add your name here):
- Samantha
- Burt
- Phillip
- Misha
- Thomas
Next actions / decisions:
- PS to post minutes
- PS to create issue for UX conversation next steps
- All to weigh-in on UX thread in GitHub
- Decision: No etherpad project for now
- Decision: Propose/encourage other committees to post their minutes/update to a GitHub repo, or -- at minimum -- to list their committee members and a way to contact that committee because committees want to communicate with other committees.
To be discussed:
- Next steps / next action
- Survey data here,
- Themes:
- Didn't know there was a website
- Couln't find the information they were looking for (How to run a chapter, where chapters are active, etc.)
- Website is really, mainly for organizers (looking for resources, how to run their chapter, getting in touch)
- Themes:
- Website ideas
- Make the front page more of an "about the network" page vs. a blog
- Content is fairly static
- Purview/Scope of Work:
- UX
- What experience are we pushing
- "Technology"
- Etherpad!? Is that part of the "Website" per se?
- What are the requirements?
- Who's responsible?
- Samantha: considering the amount of work, maybe migrate to our own Etherpad at some point when we have some time/energy, etc.
- Decision: Not undertake this for now, but ask people to paste their minutes to GitHub
- Etherpad!? Is that part of the "Website" per se?
- GitHub?
- Do we assume that organizers would collaborate across GitHub? [Thomas - yes; Misha; Samantha - yes; Burt -; Phillip - yes]
- Porting existing blog posts over: there's an import tool for Jekyll from Wordpress
- Who "owns" the site
- How is it maintained? Who does the security updates?
- Who do we call?
- Who is it for/audience:
- Decision: Organizers, or potential organizers [Samantha, Misha, Thomas, Phillip, Burt]
- How does it enable collaboration?
- Communications committee
- Google Hangouts / Google Docs (not Etherpad)
- Everyone uses whatever they want / seems easiest
- Google Group is really the only place we could reach committees consistently
- Communications committee
- UX