- RabbitMQ Host.
- NodeJS.
Install docker and run this command:
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
After that, you will be able to access to the management on
or localhost:15672
and have access to the services on the port 5672
- Open a terminal to run the consumer:
# this will show: [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C
$ node t1-basic-consumer.js
- Open other terminal to run the producer:
# this will show: [x] Sent 'hello world'
$ node t1-basic.js 'hello world.'
- Wait 3 seconds and then you will see
[x] Received 'hello world'
on the consumers terminal.
- Open the terminal to run the consumer:
# this will show: [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C.
$ node t2-direct-consumer.js SEVERITY
- Open other terminal to run the producer:
# this will show: [x] Sent SEVERITY:'hellow world'
$ node t2-direct.js SEVERITY 'hello world'
- Open the terminal to run the consumer:
# This command will consume all the messages with a key that match with `logs.#`: `logs.info`, `logs.error`, `logs.warning`
$ node t3-topics-consumer.js 'logs.#'
- Open other terminal to run the producer:
$ node t3-topics.js 'logs.info' 'information message'
$ node t3-topics.js 'logs.error' 'error message'
$ node t3-topics.js 'logs.warning' 'warning message'
- Open the terminal to run the consumer:
# this consumer will process events only that match with `logs.info`. Also
# this consumer will only accept the messages equal to `hello` and reject the others.
# All the messages rejected will be stored on `queue.dl`.
$ node t4-deadletter-consumer.js 'logs.info'
- Open other terminal to runt the producer:
# this message is accepted
$ node t4-deadletter.js 'logs.info' 'hello'
# and this is rejected.
$ node t4-deadletter.js 'logs.info' 'hellos'