diff --git a/assets/js/wins.js b/assets/js/wins.js
index 52ca85d7d1..6390af7cf0 100644
--- a/assets/js/wins.js
+++ b/assets/js/wins.js
@@ -1,533 +1,506 @@
- //assigning the google form questions to variables for readability
- //these variables correspond with a question on the google form
- //these variables can be used as a key to access the data
- const time = "Timestamp"
- const email = "Email Address"
- const name = "Full name"
- const linkedin_url = "Linkedin URL (optional)"
- const linkedin_permission = "Could we use your Linkedin profile picture next to your story?"
- const github_url = "Github URL (optional)"
- const github_permission = "Could we use your Github profile picture next to your story?"
- const team = "Select the team(s) you're on"
- const role = "Select your role(s) on the team"
- const specific_role = "What is/was your specific role? (optional)"
- const join_date = "When did you join Hack for LA? (optional)"
- const win = "What do you want to celebrate (select all that apply)?"
- const overview = "Give us a brief overview"
- const display = "Display?"
- const otherIcon = `star.svg`
- const badgeIcons = {
- "I got a new job": `briefcase.svg`,
- "I produced something for my portfolio": `file.svg`,
- "I improved my LinkedIn": `linkedin.svg`,
- "I learned how to work better on a team": `team.svg`,
- "I increased the number of commits on my Github profile": `github.svg`,
- "I learned a new language": `code.svg`,
- "I set up 2FA": `twofa.svg`,
- "I became part of a a caring community": `$community.svg`,
- "I worked on an enterprise project": `enterprise.svg`,
- "I worked on a project that will help the people of Los Angeles": `giving.svg`,
- "I worked on two or more projects": `hammers.svg`,
- "I taught or mentored a person on my team": `mentor.svg`,
- "I taught or mentored a person on another team": `mentor-external.svg`,
- "My team delivered software to a stakeholder": `deliverable.svg`,
- "My team launched our MVP": `launch.svg`,
- }
- function main() {
- {% assign localData = site.data.external._wins-data %}
- // Escapes JSON for injections. See: #2134. If this is no longer the case, perform necessary edits, and remove this comment
- const cardData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent("{{ localData | jsonify | uri_escape }}"));
- window.localStorage.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(cardData));
- makeCards(cardData);
- ifPageEmpty();
- }
+//assigning the google form questions to variables for readability
+//these variables correspond with a question on the google form
+//these variables can be used as a key to access the data
+// const time = "Timestamp"
+// const email = "Email Address"
+const name = "Full name"
+const linkedin_url = "Linkedin URL (optional)"
+// const linkedin_permission = "Could we use your Linkedin profile picture next to your story?"
+const github_url = "Github URL (optional)"
+const github_permission = "Could we use your Github profile picture next to your story?"
+const team = "Select the team(s) you're on"
+const role = "Select your role(s) on the team"
+// const specific_role = "What is/was your specific role? (optional)"
+// const join_date = "When did you join Hack for LA? (optional)"
+const win = "What do you want to celebrate (select all that apply)?"
+const overview = "Give us a brief overview"
+// const display = "Display?"
+const otherIcon = `star.svg`
+const badgeIcons = {
+ "I got a new job": `briefcase.svg`,
+ "I produced something for my portfolio": `file.svg`,
+ "I improved my LinkedIn": `linkedin.svg`,
+ "I learned how to work better on a team": `team.svg`,
+ "I increased the number of commits on my Github profile": `github.svg`,
+ "I learned a new language": `code.svg`,
+ "I set up 2FA": `twofa.svg`,
+ "I became part of a a caring community": `$community.svg`,
+ "I worked on an enterprise project": `enterprise.svg`,
+ "I worked on a project that will help the people of Los Angeles": `giving.svg`,
+ "I worked on two or more projects": `hammers.svg`,
+ "I taught or mentored a person on my team": `mentor.svg`,
+ "I taught or mentored a person on another team": `mentor-external.svg`,
+ "My team delivered software to a stakeholder": `deliverable.svg`,
+ "My team launched our MVP": `launch.svg`,
+function main() {
+ const winsDataContainer = document.querySelector("#winsDataContainer");
+ const data = winsDataContainer.getAttribute("data-wins-data");
+ const cardData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(data));
+ winsDataContainer.remove();
+ window.localStorage.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(cardData));
+ makeCards(cardData);
+ ifPageEmpty();
- //Create The "Role" and "Team" Filters From The Displayed Cards On Page Load
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", createFilter);
- document.addEventListener('click', event => {
- // if the .see-more-div element is clicked
- if (event.target.closest('.see-more-div')) {
- // open the seeMore with the id of the selected target
- seeMore(event.target.id)
- }
- if (event.target.matches('.overlay') || event.target.closest('.overlay-close-icon') || event.target.closest('.top-buffer') || event.target.closest('.bottom-buffer')) {
- hideOverlay();
- }
- // else, do nothing
- return false;
- }, false);
- document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
- // if its the enter key and the .see-more-div element is currently tabbed on
- if (event.key === "Enter" && document.activeElement.classList.contains('see-more-div')) {
- // run seeMore with the active tab element id
- seeMore(document.activeElement.id);
- }
- // else, do nothing
- return false;
- }, false);
- function createFilter(){
- const roleArr = [];
- const teamArr = [];
- const responses = document.querySelector("#responses");
- responses.querySelectorAll('.wins-card-team:not([style*="display:none"]):not([style*="display: none"]').forEach(item =>{
- let value = item.textContent.replace("Team(s):","").trim();
- let team = value.split(",").map(x=>x.trim());
- Array.isArray(team) ? teamArr.push(...team) : teamArr.push(team);
- })
- //Assign Role for each Wins-Card
- responses.querySelectorAll('.wins-card-role:not([style*="display:none"]):not([style*="display: none"]').forEach(item =>{
- let value = item.textContent.replace("Role(s):","").trim();
- let role = value.split(",").map(x=>x.trim());
- Array.isArray(role) ? roleArr.push(...role) : roleArr.push(role);
- })
- //Create dropdown key,values where the keys are name of the drops downs and the values are the number of occurences of each key
- const roleHash = Object.fromEntries([ ...roleArr.reduce((map, key) => map.set(key, (map.get(key) || 0) + 1), new Map()) ]);
- const teamHash = Object.fromEntries([ ...teamArr.reduce((map, key) => map.set(key, (map.get(key) || 0) + 1), new Map()) ]);
- const filterTemplate = document.getElementById("wins-filter-template-repeat");
- const roleDropDown = document.getElementById("role-dropdown");
- const teamDropDown = document.getElementById("team-dropdown");
- for(const [key,value] of Object.entries(roleHash) ){
- if (key === '') {
- continue
- }
- let cloneFilterTemplate = filterTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").value = `role_${key}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").id = `role_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").name = `role_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").addEventListener("click",checkboxClickHandler);
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").textContent = `${key}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").htmlFor =`role_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
- roleDropDown.append(cloneFilterTemplate);
+//Create The "Role" and "Team" Filters From The Displayed Cards On Page Load
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", createFilter);
+document.addEventListener('click', event => {
+ // if the .see-more-div element is clicked
+ if (event.target.closest('.see-more-div')) {
+ // open the seeMore with the id of the selected target
+ seeMore(event.target.id)
+ }
+ if (event.target.matches('.overlay') || event.target.closest('.overlay-close-icon') || event.target.closest('.top-buffer') || event.target.closest('.bottom-buffer')) {
+ hideOverlay();
+ }
+ // else, do nothing
+ return false;
+}, false);
+document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
+ // if its the enter key and the .see-more-div element is currently tabbed on
+ if (event.key === "Enter" && document.activeElement.classList.contains('see-more-div')) {
+ // run seeMore with the active tab element id
+ seeMore(document.activeElement.id);
+ }
+ // else, do nothing
+ return false;
+}, false);
+function createFilter() {
+ const roleArr = [];
+ const teamArr = [];
+ const responses = document.querySelector("#responses");
+ responses.querySelectorAll('.wins-card-team:not([style*="display:none"]):not([style*="display: none"]').forEach(item => {
+ let value = item.textContent.replace("Team(s):", "").trim();
+ let team = value.split(",").map(x => x.trim());
+ Array.isArray(team) ? teamArr.push(...team) : teamArr.push(team);
+ })
+ //Assign Role for each Wins-Card
+ responses.querySelectorAll('.wins-card-role:not([style*="display:none"]):not([style*="display: none"]').forEach(item =>{
+ let value = item.textContent.replace("Role(s):","").trim();
+ let role = value.split(",").map(x => x.trim());
+ Array.isArray(role) ? roleArr.push(...role) : roleArr.push(role);
+ })
+ //Create dropdown key,values where the keys are name of the drops downs and the values are the number of occurences of each key
+ const roleHash = Object.fromEntries([...roleArr.reduce((map, key) => map.set(key, (map.get(key) || 0) + 1), new Map())]);
+ const teamHash = Object.fromEntries([...teamArr.reduce((map, key) => map.set(key, (map.get(key) || 0) + 1), new Map())]);
+ const filterTemplate = document.getElementById("wins-filter-template-repeat");
+ const roleDropDown = document.getElementById("role-dropdown");
+ const teamDropDown = document.getElementById("team-dropdown");
+ for(const [key] of Object.entries(roleHash)) {
+ if (key === '') {
+ continue
- for(const [key,value] of Object.entries(teamHash) ){
- let cloneFilterTemplate = filterTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").value = `team_${key}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").id = `team_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").name = `team_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").addEventListener("click",checkboxClickHandler);
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").textContent = `${key}`;
- cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").htmlFor =`team_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
- teamDropDown.append(cloneFilterTemplate);
+ let cloneFilterTemplate = filterTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").value = `role_${key}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").id = `role_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").name = `role_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").addEventListener("click",checkboxClickHandler);
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").textContent = `${key}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").htmlFor =`role_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
+ roleDropDown.append(cloneFilterTemplate);
+ }
+ for(const [key] of Object.entries(teamHash)) {
+ let cloneFilterTemplate = filterTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").value = `team_${key}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").id = `team_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").name = `team_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("input").addEventListener("click",checkboxClickHandler);
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").textContent = `${key}`;
+ cloneFilterTemplate.querySelector("label").htmlFor =`team_${key.replace(/\s+/g, '')}`;
+ teamDropDown.append(cloneFilterTemplate);
+ }
+//Update History State / URL on checkbox click
+function checkboxClickHandler() {
+ let incomingFilterData = document.querySelectorAll("input");
+ let queryObj = { };
+ //Calculate and Create Updated Query String
+ incomingFilterData.forEach(e => {
+ //Find boxes that are checked
+ if (e.checked) {
+ let data = e.value.split("_");
+ if (data[0] == 'role') {
+ if (data[0] in queryObj) {
+ queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
+ } else {
+ queryObj[data[0]] = [];
+ queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
+ }
+ }
+ if (data[0] == 'team') {
+ if (data[0] in queryObj) {
+ queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
+ } else {
+ queryObj[data[0]] = [];
+ queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ let questionSymbol = '?';
+ let queryString = Object.keys(queryObj).map(key => key + '=' + queryObj[key]).join('&').replaceAll(" ", "+");
+ let urlParameter = `${questionSymbol}${queryString}`;
- }
+ //Update URL parameters
+ window.history.replaceState(null, '', urlParameter.replaceAll(" ", "+"));
- //Update History State / URL on checkbox click
- function checkboxClickHandler(event){
- let incomingFilterData = document.querySelectorAll("input");
- let queryObj = { };
- //Calculate and Create Updated Query String
- incomingFilterData.forEach(e => {
- //Find boxes that are checked
- if(e.checked){
- let data = e.value.split("_");
- if(data[0] == 'role'){
- if(data[0] in queryObj){
- queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
- }
- else{
- queryObj[data[0]] = [];
- queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
- }
- }
- if(data[0]=='team'){
- if(data[0] in queryObj){
- queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
- }
- else{
- queryObj[data[0]] = [];
- queryObj[data[0]].push(data[1].trim());
- }
- }
- }
- })
- let questionSymbol = '?';
- let queryString = Object.keys(queryObj).map(key => key + '=' + queryObj[key]).join('&').replaceAll(" ","+");
- let urlParameter = `${questionSymbol}${queryString}`;
- //Update URL parameters
- window.history.replaceState(null, '', urlParameter.replaceAll(" ","+"));
+//Update UI on URL history change and on DomContent loaded
+function updateUI(){
+ const filterParams = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(window.location.search));
+ const winsCards = document.querySelectorAll("#responses > .wins-card");
+ const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input");
+ //If there are no entries in URL display all Cards
+ if (Object.keys(filterParams).length === 0) {
+ winsCards.forEach(card => { card.style.display = 'flex'; })
+ return;
- //Update UI on URL history change and on DomContent loaded
- window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',updateUI)
- window.addEventListener('locationchange',updateUI)
- function updateUI(){
- const filterParams = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(window.location.search));
- const winsCards = document.querySelectorAll("#responses > .wins-card");
- const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input");
- //If there are no entries in URL display all Cards
- if(Object.keys(filterParams).length === 0){
- winsCards.forEach(card=>{card.style.display='flex';})
- return;
- }
- //Ensure that checkboxes are marked according to the url query
- checkboxes.forEach(checkbox =>{
- let checkboxData = checkbox.value;
- let checkboxType = checkboxData.split("_")[0];
- let checkboxValue = checkboxData.split('_')[1];
- if(checkboxType in filterParams){
- let args = filterParams[checkboxType].split(',');
- args.includes(checkboxValue) ? checkbox.checked = true : checkbox.checked = false;
- }
- })
- //Card Display/Hide Logic
- winsCards.forEach(card=>{
- let teamsInCard = (card.querySelector('.wins-card-team').textContent.replace("Team(s):","")).trim();
- teamsInCard = teamsInCard.split(",").map(x=>x.trim());
- let rolesInCard = (card.querySelector('.wins-card-role').textContent.replace("Role(s):","")).trim();
- rolesInCard = rolesInCard.split(",").map(x=>x.trim());
- let cardUnion = [...rolesInCard,...teamsInCard];
- if(('role' in filterParams) && ('team' in filterParams)){
- let roleInURL = filterParams.role.split(',');
- let teamInURL = filterParams.team.split(',');
- let roleIntersection = rolesInCard.filter(x => roleInURL.includes(x));
- let teamIntersection = teamsInCard.filter(x => teamInURL.includes(x));
- ((roleIntersection.length == 0) || (teamIntersection.length == 0)) ? card.style.display='none' : card.style.display='flex'
- }
- else if('role' in filterParams){
- let roleInURL = filterParams.role.split(',');
- let roleIntersection = rolesInCard.filter(x => roleInURL.includes(x));
- roleIntersection.length == 0 ? card.style.display='none' : card.style.display='flex';
- }
- else if('team' in filterParams){
- let teamInURL = filterParams.team.split(',');
- let teamIntersection = teamsInCard.filter(x => teamInURL.includes(x));
- teamIntersection.length == 0 ? card.style.display='none' : card.style.display='flex';
- }
- })
+ //Ensure that checkboxes are marked according to the url query
+ checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
+ let checkboxData = checkbox.value;
+ let checkboxType = checkboxData.split("_")[0];
+ let checkboxValue = checkboxData.split('_')[1];
+ if (checkboxType in filterParams) {
+ let args = filterParams[checkboxType].split(',');
+ args.includes(checkboxValue) ? checkbox.checked = true : checkbox.checked = false;
+ }
+ })
+ //Card Display/Hide Logic
+ winsCards.forEach(card => {
+ let teamsInCard = (card.querySelector('.wins-card-team').textContent.replace("Team(s):", "")).trim();
+ teamsInCard = teamsInCard.split(",").map(x => x.trim());
+ let rolesInCard = (card.querySelector('.wins-card-role').textContent.replace("Role(s):", "")).trim();
+ rolesInCard = rolesInCard.split(",").map(x => x.trim());
+ // let cardUnion = [...rolesInCard, ...teamsInCard];
+ if (('role' in filterParams) && ('team' in filterParams)) {
+ let roleInURL = filterParams.role.split(',');
+ let teamInURL = filterParams.team.split(',');
+ let roleIntersection = rolesInCard.filter(x => roleInURL.includes(x));
+ let teamIntersection = teamsInCard.filter(x => teamInURL.includes(x));
+ ((roleIntersection.length == 0) || (teamIntersection.length == 0)) ? card.style.display = 'none' : card.style.display = 'flex'
+ } else if ('role' in filterParams) {
+ let roleInURL = filterParams.role.split(',');
+ let roleIntersection = rolesInCard.filter(x => roleInURL.includes(x));
+ roleIntersection.length == 0 ? card.style.display = 'none' : card.style.display = 'flex';
+ } else if ('team' in filterParams) {
+ let teamInURL = filterParams.team.split(',');
+ let teamIntersection = teamsInCard.filter(x => teamInURL.includes(x));
+ teamIntersection.length == 0 ? card.style.display = 'none' : card.style.display = 'flex';
+ }
+ })
+function ifPageEmpty() {
+ if (document.querySelectorAll('.wins-card').length == 0) {
+ const page = document.querySelector('.wins-page-contain');
+ const p = document.createElement('p');
+ page.appendChild(p);
+ p.innerHTML = "No one has shared a win yet...be the first!";
- function ifPageEmpty() {
- if (document.querySelectorAll('.wins-card').length == 0) {
- const page = document.querySelector('.wins-page-contain');
- const p = document.createElement('p');
- page.appendChild(p);
- p.innerHTML = "No one has shared a win yet...be the first!";
- }
- }
+function insertIcons(cardSelector, cardString, viewType, cloneCardTemplate = document) {
+ let initialCardList = cardString.split(',').map(item => item.trim())
+ let otherWinsText = [];
+ let cardList = [];
+ const view = viewType;
+ initialCardList.forEach(win => {
+ if (win.length > 0 && Object.keys(badgeIcons).indexOf(win) > -1) {
+ cardList.push(win);
+ } else if (win.length > 0 && Object.keys(badgeIcons).indexOf(win) === -1) {
+ otherWinsText.push(win);
+ }
+ });
+ cardList.push(otherWinsText.join(", "));
+ const SVG_FILE_PATH = `/assets/images/wins-page/wins-badges/`
+ const iconContainer = cloneCardTemplate.querySelector(cardSelector);
+ cardList.forEach(item => {
+ if (item in badgeIcons) {
+ iconContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',
+ `
+ )
+ } else if (item !== '') {
+ iconContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',
+ `
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ return iconContainer
+function makeCards(data) {
+ const githubDataContainer = document.querySelector('#githubDataContainer')
+ const rawGithubData = githubDataContainer.getAttribute("data-github-data");
+ const githubData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(rawGithubData));
+ githubDataContainer.remove();
+ const cards = data.reverse();
+ const cardTemplate = document.getElementById("wins-card-template");
+ const QUOTE_ICON_PATH = '/assets/images/wins-page/quote-icon.svg'
+ const AVATAR_DEFAULT_PATH = "/assets/images/wins-page/avatar-default.svg"
+ const GITHUB_ICON = '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-github-small.svg';
+ const LINKEDIN_ICON = '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-linkedin-small.svg'
+ const winsCardContainer = document.querySelector('#responses');
+ cards.forEach((card, index) => {
+ // if (card[display] != true) return;
+ let cloneCardTemplate = cardTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
+ let ghId;
+ if(card[github_url] && card[github_permission] === "Yes") {
+ githubData.slice(1).map(item=> {
+ item.contributorsComplete.data.map(contributors=> {
+ if(contributors.github_url == card[github_url]) {
+ ghId = contributors.id;
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ let profileImgSrc = ghId ?
+ `https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/${ghId}?v=4` :
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-profile-img').src = profileImgSrc;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-profile-img').id = `ghImg-${index}`;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-profile-img').alt = `photograph of ${card[name]}`;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-big-quote').src = QUOTE_ICON_PATH;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-big-quote').alt = `Quote from ${card[name]}`
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-name').textContent = card[name];
+ if (card[linkedin_url].length > 0) {
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-linkedin-icon').href = card[linkedin_url];
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.linkedin-icon').src = LINKEDIN_ICON ;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.linkedin-icon').alt = `LinkedIn profile for ${card[name]}`;
+ } else {
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-linkedin-icon').setAttribute('hidden', 'true')
+ }
- function insertIcons(cardSelector, cardString, viewType, cloneCardTemplate = document) {
- let initialCardList = cardString.split(',').map(item => item.trim())
- let otherWinsText = [];
- let cardList = [];
- const view = viewType;
- initialCardList.forEach(win => {
- if (win.length > 0 && Object.keys(badgeIcons).indexOf(win) > -1){
- cardList.push(win);
- } else if (win.length > 0 && Object.keys(badgeIcons).indexOf(win) === -1) {
- otherWinsText.push(win);
- }
- });
- cardList.push(otherWinsText.join(", "));
- const SVG_FILE_PATH = `/assets/images/wins-page/wins-badges/`
- const iconContainer = cloneCardTemplate.querySelector(cardSelector);
- cardList.forEach(item => {
- if (badgeIcons.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
- iconContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',
- `
- )
- } else if (item !== '') {
- iconContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',
- `
- )
- }
- })
- return iconContainer
- }
- function makeCards(data) {
- {% assign githubData = site.data.external.github-data %}
- // Escapes JSON for injections. See: #2134. If this is no longer the case, perform necessary edits, and remove this comment.
- let githubData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent("{{ githubData | jsonify | uri_escape }}"));
- const cards = data.reverse();
- const cardTemplate = document.getElementById("wins-card-template");
- const QUOTE_ICON_PATH = '/assets/images/wins-page/quote-icon.svg'
- const AVATAR_DEFAULT_PATH = "/assets/images/wins-page/avatar-default.svg"
- const GITHUB_ICON = '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-github-small.svg';
- const LINKEDIN_ICON = '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-linkedin-small.svg'
- const winsCardContainer = document.querySelector('#responses');
- cards.forEach((card, index) => {
- // if (card[display] != true) return;
- let cloneCardTemplate = cardTemplate.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
- let ghId;
- if(card[github_url] && card[github_permission] === "Yes"){
- githubData.slice(1).map(item=>{
- item.contributorsComplete.data.map(contributors=>{
- if(contributors.github_url == card[github_url]){
- ghId = contributors.id;
- }
- })
- })
- }
- let profileImgSrc = ghId ?
- `https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/${ghId}?v=4` :
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-profile-img').src = profileImgSrc;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-profile-img').id = `ghImg-${index}`;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-profile-img').alt = `photograph of ${card[name]}`;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-big-quote').src = QUOTE_ICON_PATH;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-big-quote').alt = `Quote from ${card[name]}`
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-name').textContent = card[name];
- if (card[linkedin_url].length > 0) {
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-linkedin-icon').href = card[linkedin_url];
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.linkedin-icon').src = LINKEDIN_ICON ;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.linkedin-icon').alt = `LinkedIn profile for ${card[name]}`;
- } else {
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-linkedin-icon').setAttribute('hidden', 'true')
- };
- if (card[github_url].length > 0){
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-github-icon').href = card[github_url];
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.github-icon').src = GITHUB_ICON ;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.github-icon').alt = `Github profile for ${card[name]}`;
- } else {
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-github-icon').setAttribute('hidden', 'true')
- }
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.project-inner.wins-card-team').innerHTML = `Team(s): ${card[team]}`;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.project-inner.wins-card-role').innerHTML = `Role(s): ${card[role]}`;
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-overview').textContent = card[overview];
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-icon-container').setAttribute('data-index', index)
- const iconContainer = insertIcons('.wins-icon-container', card[win], 'wins', cloneCardTemplate)
- iconContainer.id = `icons-${index}`
- cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('span.see-more-div').id = index;
- winsCardContainer.append(cloneCardTemplate);
- const winTextContainer = cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-text')
- function addSeeMore() {
- const winText = winTextContainer.querySelector('.wins-card-overview')
- const seeMoreDiv = winTextContainer.querySelector('.wins-see-more-div')
- if (window.innerWidth > 960){
- const winsCardTextContainer = seeMoreDiv.parentElement
- if (winsCardTextContainer.classList.contains("expanded")){
- toggleSeeMoreLess(seeMoreDiv.children[0].id)
- }
- }
- }
- addSeeMore()
- new ResizeObserver(addSeeMore).observe(winTextContainer)
- })
+ if (card[github_url].length > 0) {
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-github-icon').href = card[github_url];
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.github-icon').src = GITHUB_ICON ;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.github-icon').alt = `Github profile for ${card[name]}`;
+ } else {
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-github-icon').setAttribute('hidden', 'true')
+ }
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.project-inner.wins-card-team').innerHTML = `Team(s): ${card[team]}`;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.project-inner.wins-card-role').innerHTML = `Role(s): ${card[role]}`;
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-overview').textContent = card[overview];
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-icon-container').setAttribute('data-index', index)
+ const iconContainer = insertIcons('.wins-icon-container', card[win], 'wins', cloneCardTemplate)
+ iconContainer.id = `icons-${index}`
+ cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('span.see-more-div').id = index;
+ winsCardContainer.append(cloneCardTemplate);
+ const winTextContainer = cloneCardTemplate.querySelector('.wins-card-text')
+ function addSeeMore() {
+ // const winText = winTextContainer.querySelector('.wins-card-overview')
+ const seeMoreDiv = winTextContainer.querySelector('.wins-see-more-div')
+ if (window.innerWidth > 960){
+ const winsCardTextContainer = seeMoreDiv.parentElement
+ if (winsCardTextContainer.classList.contains("expanded")){
+ toggleSeeMoreLess(seeMoreDiv.children[0].id)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ addSeeMore()
+ new ResizeObserver(addSeeMore).observe(winTextContainer)
+ })
-function seeMore(id){
- let screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
- if (screenWidth > 960){
- updateOverlay(id);
- }else{
- toggleSeeMoreLess(id);
- }
+function seeMore(id) {
+ let screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
+ if (screenWidth > 960) {
+ updateOverlay(id);
+ } else {
+ toggleSeeMoreLess(id);
+ }
- //Adds event listener to badge icons when viewers interface is below desktop size
- //Click to toggle "see more" and "see less" to expand and collapse wins text
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", winsBelowDesktop);
- function winsBelowDesktop() {
- document.querySelectorAll('.wins-badge-icon').forEach(img => img.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
- const container = event.target.parentElement.parentElement;
- const id = container.dataset.index;
- let span = document.getElementById(id);
- let parent = span.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (!parent.classList.contains('expanded'))
- toggleSeeMoreLess(id);
- }))
- }
- // Toggles between see more and see less in tablet and mobile view
- function toggleSeeMoreLess(id) {
- let span = document.getElementById(id);
- let screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
- let parent = span.parentElement.parentElement;
- let winsIconContainer = document.getElementById(`icons-${id}`)
- if (parent.classList.contains('expanded') && screenWidth > 960) {
- parent.setAttribute('class', 'project-inner wins-card-text');
- winsIconContainer.setAttribute('class', 'wins-icon-container');
- } else if(parent.classList.contains('expanded') && screenWidth < 960) {
- parent.setAttribute('class', 'project-inner wins-card-text');
- span.setAttribute('class', 'see-more-div');
- winsIconContainer.setAttribute('class', 'wins-icon-container');
- for (const child of winsIconContainer.children) {
- child.firstElementChild.alt = child.lastElementChild.textContent
- };
- } else {
- parent.setAttribute('class','project-inner wins-card-text expanded');
- span.setAttribute('class', 'see-more-div show-less-btn');
- winsIconContainer.setAttribute('class', 'wins-tablet wins-icon-container');
- span.parentElement.removeAttribute('hidden');
- for (const child of winsIconContainer.children) {
- child.firstElementChild.setAttribute('alt', '')
- };
- }
+//Adds event listener to badge icons when viewers interface is below desktop size
+//Click to toggle "see more" and "see less" to expand and collapse wins text
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", winsBelowDesktop);
+function winsBelowDesktop() {
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wins-badge-icon').forEach(img => img.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
+ const container = event.target.parentElement.parentElement;
+ const id = container.dataset.index;
+ let span = document.getElementById(id);
+ let parent = span.parentElement.parentElement;
+ if (!parent.classList.contains('expanded'))
+ toggleSeeMoreLess(id);
+ }))
+// Toggles between see more and see less in tablet and mobile view
+function toggleSeeMoreLess(id) {
+ let span = document.getElementById(id);
+ let screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
+ let parent = span.parentElement.parentElement;
+ let winsIconContainer = document.getElementById(`icons-${id}`)
+ if (parent.classList.contains('expanded') && screenWidth > 960) {
+ parent.setAttribute('class', 'project-inner wins-card-text');
+ winsIconContainer.setAttribute('class', 'wins-icon-container');
+ } else if (parent.classList.contains('expanded') && screenWidth < 960) {
+ parent.setAttribute('class', 'project-inner wins-card-text');
+ span.setAttribute('class', 'see-more-div');
+ winsIconContainer.setAttribute('class', 'wins-icon-container');
+ for (const child of winsIconContainer.children) {
+ child.firstElementChild.alt = child.lastElementChild.textContent
+ }
+ } else {
+ parent.setAttribute('class','project-inner wins-card-text expanded');
+ span.setAttribute('class', 'see-more-div show-less-btn');
+ winsIconContainer.setAttribute('class', 'wins-tablet wins-icon-container');
+ span.parentElement.removeAttribute('hidden');
+ for (const child of winsIconContainer.children) {
+ child.firstElementChild.setAttribute('alt', '')
+ }
+ }
function changeSeeMoreBtn(x) {
- const span = document.querySelectorAll(".see-more-div");
- if (x.matches) {
- for(let i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
- span[i].innerHTML = ''
- }
- } else {
- for(let i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
- // removes show-less-btn class
- span[i].setAttribute('class', 'see-more-div');
- span[i].innerHTML = "See More";
- }
- }
+ const span = document.querySelectorAll(".see-more-div");
+ if (x.matches) {
+ for(let i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
+ span[i].innerHTML = ''
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(let i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
+ // removes show-less-btn class
+ span[i].setAttribute('class', 'see-more-div');
+ span[i].innerHTML = "See More";
+ }
+const x = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 960px)");
- const x = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 960px)");
- x.addListener(changeSeeMoreBtn);
- // need to delete makeElement and makeIcon
- function makeElement(elementType, parent, className) {
- let child = document.createElement(elementType);
- child.classList.add(className);
- parent.appendChild(child);
- return child;
- }
- function makeIcon(href, parent, className, src, alt) {
- let icon = makeElement('a', parent, 'wins-card-icon');
- icon.setAttribute("href", href);
- icon.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
- let iconImg = makeElement('img', icon, className);
- iconImg.setAttribute("src", src);
- if (alt !== undefined) {
- iconImg.setAttribute("alt", alt);
- }
- }
- function updateOverlay(i) {
- window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- if (e.key == 'Escape') {
- hideOverlay(e.key)
- }
- });
- document.querySelector(".main-header").inert = true;
- document.querySelector(".content-section.projects").inert = true;
- document.querySelector(".main-footer").inert = true;
- document.querySelector(".home-getting-started-container.content-section.section-hack-nights.wins-hero").inert = true;
- document.querySelector(".sr-only-focusable").inert = true;
- window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => {
- let widthOutput = window.innerWidth;
- if (widthOutput < 960) {
- hideOverlay(e)
- }
- });
- let stringData = window.localStorage.getItem("data");
- let data = JSON.parse(stringData).reverse();
- const overlayProfileImg = document.querySelector('#overlay-profile-img');
- overlayProfileImg.src = document.querySelector(`#ghImg-${i}`).src;
- overlayProfileImg.alt = document.querySelector(`#ghImg-${i}`).alt;
- const bigQuoteImg = document.querySelector('.wins-card-big-quote');
- bigQuoteImg.alt = "Quote from " + data[i][name];
- const overlayIcons = document.querySelector('#overlay-icons');
- overlayIcons.innerHTML = "";
- if (data[i][linkedin_url].length > 0) {
- makeIcon(data[i][linkedin_url], overlayIcons, 'linkedin-icon', '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-linkedin-small.svg', 'LinkedIn profile for ' + data[i][name]);
- } if (data[i][github_url].length > 0) {
- makeIcon(data[i][github_url], overlayIcons, 'github-icon', '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-github-small.svg', 'Github profile for ' + data[i][name]);
- }
- const overlayName = document.querySelector('#overlay-name');
- overlayName.innerHTML = data[i][name];
- const overlayTeams = document.querySelector('#overlay-teams');
- overlayTeams.innerHTML = `Team(s): ${data[i][team]}`;
- const overlayRoles = document.querySelector('#overlay-roles');
- overlayRoles.innerHTML = `Role(s): ${data[i][role]}`;
- const overlayOverview = document.querySelector('#overlay-overview');
- overlayOverview.innerHTML = data[i][overview];
- insertIcons('#overlay-info', data[i][win], 'overlay')
- const overlayProjectCard = document.querySelector('#overlay-project-card');
- overlayProjectCard.parentNode.classList.add("display-initial");
- }
- function hideOverlay(e) {
- e = e || window.event || e.key == 'Escape';
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- document.querySelector(".content-section.projects").inert = false;
- document.querySelector(".main-footer").inert = false;
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- document.querySelector(".sr-only-focusable").inert = false;
- const overlayInfo = document.querySelector('#overlay-info');
- overlayInfo.innerHTML = '';
+ // need to delete makeElement and makeIconz
+function makeElement(elementType, parent, className) {
+ let child = document.createElement(elementType);
+ child.classList.add(className);
+ parent.appendChild(child);
+ return child;
+function makeIcon(href, parent, className, src, alt) {
+ let icon = makeElement('a', parent, 'wins-card-icon');
+ icon.setAttribute("href", href);
+ icon.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
+ let iconImg = makeElement('img', icon, className);
+ iconImg.setAttribute("src", src);
+ if (alt !== undefined) {
+ iconImg.setAttribute("alt", alt);
+function updateOverlay(i) {
- main();
- changeSeeMoreBtn(x);
+ window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
+ if (e.key == 'Escape') {
+ hideOverlay(e.key)
+ }
+ });
+ document.querySelector(".main-header").inert = true;
+ document.querySelector(".content-section.projects").inert = true;
+ document.querySelector(".main-footer").inert = true;
+ document.querySelector(".home-getting-started-container.content-section.section-hack-nights.wins-hero").inert = true;
+ document.querySelector(".sr-only-focusable").inert = true;
+ window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => {
+ let widthOutput = window.innerWidth;
+ if (widthOutput < 960) {
+ hideOverlay(e)
+ }
+ });
+ let stringData = window.localStorage.getItem("data");
+ let data = JSON.parse(stringData).reverse();
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+ overlayProfileImg.src = document.querySelector(`#ghImg-${i}`).src;
+ overlayProfileImg.alt = document.querySelector(`#ghImg-${i}`).alt;
+ const bigQuoteImg = document.querySelector('.wins-card-big-quote');
+ bigQuoteImg.alt = "Quote from " + data[i][name];
+ const overlayIcons = document.querySelector('#overlay-icons');
+ overlayIcons.innerHTML = "";
+ if (data[i][linkedin_url].length > 0) {
+ makeIcon(data[i][linkedin_url], overlayIcons, 'linkedin-icon', '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-linkedin-small.svg', 'LinkedIn profile for ' + data[i][name]);
+ }
+ if (data[i][github_url].length > 0) {
+ makeIcon(data[i][github_url], overlayIcons, 'github-icon', '/assets/images/wins-page/icon-github-small.svg', 'Github profile for ' + data[i][name]);
+ }
+ const overlayName = document.querySelector('#overlay-name');
+ overlayName.innerHTML = data[i][name];
+ const overlayTeams = document.querySelector('#overlay-teams');
+ overlayTeams.innerHTML = `Team(s): ${data[i][team]}`;
+ const overlayRoles = document.querySelector('#overlay-roles');
+ overlayRoles.innerHTML = `Role(s): ${data[i][role]}`;
+ const overlayOverview = document.querySelector('#overlay-overview');
+ overlayOverview.innerHTML = data[i][overview];
+ insertIcons('#overlay-info', data[i][win], 'overlay')
+ const overlayProjectCard = document.querySelector('#overlay-project-card');
+ overlayProjectCard.parentNode.classList.add("display-initial");
+function hideOverlay(e) {
+ window.event || e.key == 'Escape';
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+ overlayProjectCard.parentNode.classList.remove("display-initial");
+ document.querySelector(".main-header").inert = false;
+ document.querySelector(".content-section.projects").inert = false;
+ document.querySelector(".main-footer").inert = false;
+ document.querySelector(".home-getting-started-container.content-section.section-hack-nights.wins-hero").inert = false;
+ document.querySelector(".sr-only-focusable").inert = false;
+ const overlayInfo = document.querySelector('#overlay-info');
+ overlayInfo.innerHTML = '';
diff --git a/pages/wins/wins.html b/pages/wins/wins.html
index d500f18e91..07fb7bc0e5 100644
--- a/pages/wins/wins.html
+++ b/pages/wins/wins.html
@@ -2,22 +2,24 @@
layout: default
title: Wins
permalink: /wins/
{%- include wins-page/wins-hero.html -%}
{% include wins-page/wins-overlay.html %}
- {% include wins-page/wins-filter-template.html %}
- {% include wins-page/wins-card-template.html %}
+ {% include wins-page/wins-filter-template.html %}
+ {% include wins-page/wins-card-template.html %}