This project is inspired by EventBus for Android & Java. you can checkout their repository at this link.
This is a project that implements the Pub/Sub model in a decoupled architecture. It can be especially useful in situations where entities have there own life-cycle.
This architecture can be used to develop applications for Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS. It helps in seamless communication between various parts of the respective application models.
- Attribute based API: Put the [EventSubscriber] attribute to your subscriber methods to mark it as a handler.
- Good performance: It is optimized to dispatch events as soon as they posted.
- Asynchronous event Delivery & Execution: All the event executions and delivery are asynchronous.
- Event & Subscriber inheritance: In EventHub, the object oriented paradigm apply to event and subscriber classes. Let's say event class A is the superclass of B. Posted events of type B will also be posted to subscribers interested in A. Similarly the inheritance of subscriber classes are considered.
- Main thread delivery: Using platform specific main thread invocation methods, you can also deliver UI changes to the application.
- No 3rd party dependency: This is no Xamarin binding, thus no 3rd party dependency or binding difficulties.
✨ ✨ The first stable version of the project is released 🎉
Define classes for evevnts
public class Event { /* Additional fields if needed */ }
Prepare subscribers: Declare and add attribute to your subscribing method
[EventSubscriber] public void Subscriber(Event event) {/*Do Something*/}
Register and deregister your subscriber according to your lifecycle.
For Xamarin.Android :
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); EventHub.Instance.Register(this); } protected override void OnDisappearing() { base.OnDisappearing(); EventHub.Instance.Deregister(this); }
For Xamarin.iOS :
public override void WillEnterForeground(UIApplication application) { EventHub.Instance.Register(this); } public override void DidEnterBackground(UIApplication application) { EventHub.Instance.Deregister(this); }
For Xamarin.Forms :
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); EventHub.Instance.Register(this); } protected override void OnDisappearing() { base.OnDisappearing(); EventHub.Instance.Deregister(this); }
Post Events.
EventHub.Instance.Post(new Event());
- Xamarin.Android
[EventSubscriber] public void OnEvent(string s) { new Handler(Looper.MainLooper).Post(() => { /* Do whatever you want on application UI thread*/ }); }
- Xamarin.iOS
[EventSubscriber] public void OnEvent(string s) { InvokeOnMainThread(()=> { /* Do whatever you want on application UI thread*/ }); }
- Xamarin.Forms
[EventSubscriber] public void OnEvent(string s) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(()=> { /* Do whatever you want on application UI thread*/ }); }
- Build time subscriber method template cache, so that run time performance stays unaffected.
- Assign batches for every event posted.
- Cancellation will depend on execution state of the batch.
- Priority based event posting.
EventHub binaries and source code can be used according to the Apache License 2.0.