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GWT Boot: Starters

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GWT BOMs and POMs - GWT Dependencies and Starters

GWT Boot Starter is NOT an integration between Spring Boot and GWT!

If you need a modern introduction to GWT / J2CL take a look at this Padlet for GWT / J2CL.

GWT Boot Starter dependencies is basically a simple Starter dependencies collection for GWT just like Spring Boot Starter dependencies. The idea is taken from Spring Boot Starters

GWT Boot Starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. You get a one-stop-shop for all the GWT and related technology that you need without having to hunt through sample code and copy paste loads of dependency descriptors. For example, if you want to get started using GWT and Domino UI for your Material Design and Elemental2 just include the gwt-boot-starter-ui-domino dependency in your project, and you are good to go.

GWT Boot Starter artifacts are released on the Maven Central

List of all supported GWT frameworks

ArtifactId / GWT Module: com.github.gwtboot.starter.* Framework Supported Browser Technology Status GWT / Elemento Core Version Examples
gwt-boot-starter-parent Parent starter for GWT Boot No web Integrated - -
gwt-boot-starter / Starter Standard GWT widgets Widget Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-basic
gwt-boot-starter-ui-domino / DominoStarter domino-ui Elemental2 Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-ui-domino, gwt-boot-sample-ui-domino-dagger2
gwt-boot-starter-ui-gwtbootstrap3 / GwtBootstrap3Starter gwtbootstrap3 Widget Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-ui-gwtbootstrap3
gwt-boot-starter-ui-vue-gwt / VueGwtStarter vue-gwt Elemental2 Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-ui-vue-gwt
gwt-boot-starter-ui-gwtreact gwt-react Elemental2 - -
gwt-boot-starter-ui-gwtmaterial / GwtMaterialStarter gwt-material Widget Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-ui-gwtmaterial
gwt-boot-starter-ui-errai errai Elemental2 - - -
gwt-boot-starter-rxgwt / RxGwtStarter rxgwt No web Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-rxgwt
gwt-boot-starter-restygwt / RestyGwtStarter resty-gwt No web Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-collection
gwt-boot-starter-test gwtmockito No web Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-collection, gwt-boot-sample-ui-domino-dagger2
gwt-boot-starter-gwteventbinder / GwtEventBinderStarter gwteventbinder No web Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-collection
gwt-boot-starter-gin / GinStarter gin No web Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-collection
gwt-boot-starter-dagger2 / Dagger2Starter dagger2 No web Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-ui-domino-dagger2
gwt-boot-starter-elemento-core / ElementoCoreStarter elemento Elemental2 Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-elemento-core
gwt-boot-starter-domino-rest / DominoRestStarter domino-rest Elemental2 Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-domino-rest
gwt-boot-starter-nalu nalu No web - - -
gwt-boot-starter-dncomponents / DncomponentsStarter dn-components Elemental2 Integrated 2.10.0 gwt-boot-sample-ui-dncomponents

Using GWT Boot Starters

Using gwt-boot-starter-parent as Parent POM

Similar to Spring Boot with Parent POM

Using without Parent POM

Similar to Spring Boot without Parent POM


Check out our Wiki for How-Tos and other information.


Example of each Starter can be found at the table above "Examples" column. All the examples are in this repository.