- From "Broken Warnings Theory": "In our Diagnostics Improvements Survey, 15% of 270 respondents indicated they build their code with /Wall /WX indicating they have a zero tolerance for any warnings."
- From NASA's "Cyclomatic Complexity and Basis Path Testing Study": "Ensure that all code compiles without warnings, with warnings enabled at the highest possible level (e.g., gcc–Wall–pedantic) and map warnings to errors (i.e., compiler warnings stop the build)." and "Requiring that all code be compiled with all available warnings in the compiler enabled at their highest level (e.g., -pedantic), while generating zero warnings."
- "A Bit on Warnings" by Mark Dalrymple.
- Best practices regarding warning outputs when compiling in gcc?
- Recommended compiler and linker flags for GCC
- Options That Control Static Analysis
- Guide to predefined macros in C++ compilers (gcc, clang, msvc etc.)
- Diagnose useless null statements / empty init-statements
- A Few Billion Lines of Code Later: Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs in the Real World
- Clang command line argument reference
- GCC Command Options
- Lots o' static
- Static analysis in GCC 10
- Understanding GCC warnings
- Static Analysis: An Introduction
- Why should I always enable compiler warnings?
- Re: [PATCH] Revert "Enable '-Werror' by default for all kernel builds"
- Scaling static analyses at Facebook
- A longitudinal study of static analysis warning evolution and the effects of PMD on software quality in Apache open source projects
- Static code analysis and compiler warnings
- Warning parser