- *OS Internals Book
- Linking Objective-C Code
- GCD Internals by Jonathan Levin.
- Synchronization Primitives - Kernel Programming Guide
- Threading Programming Guide
- Dispatch Queues - Concurrency Programming Guide
- Dancing in the Debugger — A Waltz with LLDB by Ari Grant.
- NSAssertionHandler by Mattt.
- Method Swizzling by Mattt.
- Building Efficient OS X Apps - Session 704. The WWDC archive is here.
- Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD - Session 718
- Synchronization - Threading Programming Guide
- iOS Debugging Magic - Technical Note TN2239
- Thread Safe vs Thread Un-Safe
- Building Objective-C static libraries with categories
- Reducing iOS app size using linker and why_load
- Two years of issues on advanced iOS and macOS development
- RE:Trace – Applied Reverse Engineering on OS X
- Source for objc-initialize.mm
- MacOS Developer Setup
- Moving to zsh – MacSysAdmin 2019
- The Biggest & Best List of Mac Keystrokes
- Instruments Help
- How to debug an iOS app with lldb on the command line on a device without Xcode
- NSObject +load and +initialize - What do they do?
- Beej's Quick Guide to GDB
- LLDB to GDB Command Map
- GDB Vs. WinDbg Commands - Technokrafti's Weblog
- How can I scroll back in GDB's command window in the TUI mode? - Stack Overflow
- [tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet](tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet)
- Making tmux Pretty and Usable - A Guide to Customizing your tmux.conf
- Self-contained, pretty and versatile .tmux.conf configuration file
- How to copy to system clipboard from tmux output after mouse selection?
- A curated list of awesome OpenBSD resources
- The FreeBSD Desktop series
- Challenge accepted: OpenBSD on a laptop
- OpenBSD on a Laptop
- OpenBSD on the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (5th Gen)
- Prepare ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 5 for OpenBSD
- OpenBSD on the Desktop (Part I) and Part II
- Building only kernel by new build infrastructure OpenBSD-current
- Small is Beautiful and Other Thoughts on Programming Strategies - BSDCon 2002 Paper
- Linux x86 Program Start Up or - How the heck do we get to main()?
- Replacing x86 firmware with Linux and Go
- How to use the Linux AIO feature
- What is the status of POSIX asynchronous I/O (AIO)?
- Linux AIO Performance and Robustness for Enterprise Workloads
- Getting started debugging on Linux
- Linux Performance
- Linux Profiling and Optimization The Black Art of Linux Performance Tuning