There are too many papers on the topics to list. Here are some to get you started with:
- Another collection of code review papers.
- Code Review Papers
- Distributed code review system for Git repos
- Code Review is just reviewing code? A qualitative study with practitioners in industry
- Code review quality: how developers see it
- What really matters in Code Review? A study about challenges and opportunities related to code review in industry
- Using nudges to accelerate code reviews at scale
- The impact of human factors on the participation decision of reviewers in modern code review
- Understanding the Experience of Code Review: Misalignments, Attention, and Units of Analysis
- Revisiting code ownership and its relationship with software quality in the scope of modern code review
- Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the Apache server
- Does every inspection need a meeting?
- Understanding the sources of variation in software inspections
- Can we benchmark Code Review studies? A systematic mapping study of methodology, dataset, and metric
- Replication Package for "The Impact of Human Factors on the Participation Decision of Reviewers in Modern Code Review"
- What happens in my code reviews? An investigation on automatically classifying review changes
- Investigating the effectiveness of peer code review in distributed software development based on objective and subjective data
- Concerns identified in code review: A fine-grained, faceted classification
- Reviewing rounds prediction for code patches