diff --git a/docs/features/tokens/Tokens.stories.mdx b/docs/features/tokens/Tokens.stories.mdx
index 7279d5f5a..285500b9f 100644
--- a/docs/features/tokens/Tokens.stories.mdx
+++ b/docs/features/tokens/Tokens.stories.mdx
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
-import { TokenTable, textRenderer, fontSizeRenderer, backgroundRenderer, borderRenderer, durationRenderer, easingRenderer, iconRenderer, lineHeightRenderer, boxShadowRenderer, radiiRenderer, sizingRenderer, spacingRenderer, fontWeightRenderer } from "./TokenTable";
import { Meta } from "@storybook/addon-docs";
-import { Div } from "@components/html";
-import { ThemeProvider } from "@components/styling"
-import { ColorPaletteTable } from "./ColorPaletteTable";
-import { Table } from "@stories/components";
If you are looking for a list of available tokens, please refer to the [Hopper tokens page](https://hopper.workleap.design/tokens/getting-started/introduction).
## Usage
Tokens can be used as [style props](/docs/style-props--page) values:
@@ -26,232 +25,6 @@ Or `CSS` variables:
.item {
- background-color: var(--o-ui-bg-alias-accent-faint);
+ background-color: var(--hop-primary-surface);
-## Aliased tokens
-Those tokens are named for their use case, rather than their value. For example `alias-alert` is named to indicate the appropriate background color for an error message background, as opposed to `red-5` which is less specific and could be used in a number of ways depending on the context.
-This makes their intended use clear and intentional, and allows us to develop a scalable and consistent visual language.
-## Values
-### Background Colors
-### Border Colors
-### Box Shadows
-### Durations
-### Easings
-Only usable as `CSS` variables
-### Icon Colors
-### Font Sizes
-### Font Weights
-### Line Heights
-### Radii
-### Sizings
-### Spacings
-### Text Colors