Releases: grzybeek/YMTEditor
v0.8 Beta version
Title is now showing which YMT we are editing (name)
Improvements to creating new ymt from scratch (we can now input name)
Saving now has default name
v0.6 Beta version + bugfix
fix default "x64v.rpf > mp_m_freemode_01.ymt" as it doesn't have CPedVariationInfo name
Beta version + small bugfix
Small bugfix with getting proper prop
v0.7 Beta version
implement components/props drop-down to add/remove unused earlier components/props
implement File>New to create new .ymt from scratch (still need some work - for now, edit XML after saving and ctrl+F "TODO" and rename it to your own dlcname)
v0.6 Beta version
Implemented Codewalker.Core, so "export/import XML" step can be skipped. User can load .ymt and save as .ymt
Beta version
Added props section with prop properties
Implemented component properties - saving into "compInfo"
Alpha version
Please read known bugs before using it
If you encounter a bug that I did not list, please report it to me - either on github issue or discord (grzybeek#9100)