Releases: gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis
Releases · gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis
added detachable radio option for russian side [experimental test version]
1.4.09 added detachable radio unit
temporary static mode [stable]
Merge pull request #57 from gruppe-adler/static-mode temporary "static" mode as OTF ad hoc replacement
added spare wheels, added flares for FTLs
1.4.07 added flares and grenade launcher to FTLs
fix for civ hint
1.4.06 civ killed hint
fix for civ hint
1.4.05 next town civ
fix for civ hint
1.4.04 civ hint position
fog improved
1.4.03 fix for weather fog
hotfix for start money
1.4.02 hotfix for default money
delay for hint
1.4.01 civ hint timer
CivKill, CH53, Spec, Tweaks, Fixes
- CH53E, - UH60, parachutes included in CH53E
- ACE3 spec, - CSSA3
- replay improvements (civ objects)
- refactoring (deleted unnecessary EH)
- log for teleport problem
- camera height game setup
- cleaned blufor start hmmwv
- automatic degrading spawn distance
- better logging
- civ kill messages
- blufor can destroy truck "by hand" (ace interact)
- marker for spawn pad
- tfar spec channel for replay for all
- countdown when all are unconscious instead of instant gameover