Although it is impossible to recover the original Master Key, there is a workaround that will allow the customer to form a HA Pair by following this procedure (no downtime, no data loss):
In the active BigIQ console, save the script below into a new file (e.g. /config/
vi /config/
#!/bin/sh F5MKU=$(f5mku -K | base64 -d | xxd -p) MKSO_ENC=$(tmsh list ltm profile server-ssl MasterKeyStorageObject.key | grep passphrase | cut -d '$' -f4) MKSO_DEC=$(echo ${MKSO_ENC} | base64 -d | openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -K ${F5MKU} | cut -c3-) echo $MKSO_DEC
Assign execution permissions with 'chmod +x /config/'.
chmod +x /config/
Run the script and save the output (should be a string similar to 'K65MqLxnAa7pTWLTr/j+PhwPBetNfoHoQYUY0xu0PHc=').
cd /config ./
In the secondary unit console, run 'clear-rest-storage -l -d' in order to return the unit to factory default.
clear-rest-storage -l -d
Wait until the secondary unit GUI is ready and it prompts for user credential login. The login credentials will be the default admin/admin.
Complete the initial wizard as desired, and enter any random Master Key when asked to. Be sure to add the VLAN and Self-IP addresses and choose the correct Discovery address. Wait for the BIG-IQ services to come back online. Once you are able to log into the GUI proceed to the next step.
In the secondary console, run the following commands in order:
tmsh delete ltm profile server-ssl MasterKeyStorageObject.key tmsh create ltm profile server-ssl MasterKeyStorageObject.key passphrase [exact_string_obtained_in_step_3] tmsh save sys config tmsh restart sys service restjavad
Wait until the secondary unit GUI asks for credentials. At this point, the customer should be able to successfully add the secondary device from the primary GUI.