Baseline costs will include:
- Legal
- Insurance
- Accounting
- Communications
- Staffing for minimum of two FTEs and their office space
- Misc Overhead including printing, calls, apps, etc.
- Base level of programming
A ballpark estimate of baseline costs is $400,000 per year.
Federal Earmark – While a Federal earmark in many ways is the most appealing source of funding, it is neither reliable nor in the spirit of the opt-in nature of this proposal. It is suggested that Federal funds are only used for starting up or testing new programs or concepts.
Membership Dues – Membership dues from organizations that would benefit from the work of the NGO would best be used to support baseline operations. Membership dues should be below the level that triggers significant paperwork/review at a typical public agency and have varying levels based on the size and significance of the organization. Memberships can be sold to both public and private institutions. Membership levels are anticipated to be in the $5,000 - $25,000 per year range. As a reference point, NACTO membership dues are $10,000 per year. At this level, the organization would need to sell approximately 40 memberships to achieve baseline operations.
Pooled Funds – States have greater flexibility in contributing towards pooled funds because of the more relaxed nature of the required local matches. This mechanism is more cumbersome to establish and thus should be used for more significant projects such as developing an Activity-Based Modeling Platform.
While the organization is establishing itself, it is likely best to have a small group of contractors act as the staff of the organization. This prevents the organization from having any significant human resource overhead and provides greater flexibility for the near future after evaluating how the first few years of the organization proceed. That said, it will be important to select staff-contractors that are knowledgeable and trusted in the field that do not have anticipated conflicts of interest with the business of the organization.