type inputs = {
example ?: string ,
exampleRequired : string ,
let make = () => {
let {register , handleSubmit , watch , formState : {errors }} = useFormOfInputs ()
let onSubmit = (data : inputs ) => Js .log (data )
Js .log (watch (Example ))
Js .log (getValues (Example ))
<form onSubmit = {handleSubmit (onSubmit )}>
<input {... register (Example )} defaultValue = "test" />
<input {... register (ExampleRequired , ~options = {required : true })} />
{errors .exampleRequired ? <span > {"This field is required" -> React .string } </span > : React .null }
<input type_ = "submit" />
</form >
You can use it with any schema validation library binding you like.
type schema = {
firstName : Zod .string_ ,
age : Zod .optional <Zod .number >,
let schema = Zod .z -> Zod .object (
firstName : Zod .z -> Zod .string ({}),
age : Zod .z -> Zod .number ({required_error : "Expected number, provided string" })-> Zod .optional ,
}: schema
let make = () => {
let {register , handleSubmit , watch , formState : {errors }} = useFormOfSchema (
~options = {
resolver : Resolver .zodResolver (schema ),
defaultValues : {
firstName : "ppx" ,
let onSubmit = (data : schema ) => Js .log (data )
Js .log (watch (FirstName ))
Js .log (getValues (FirstName ))
<form onSubmit = {handleSubmit (onSubmit )}>
<input {... register (FirstName )} />
<p >
{switch errors .firstName {
| Some ({message : ?Some (message )}) => message
| _ => ""
}-> React .string }
</p >
{... register (
Age ,
~options = {
setValueAs : %raw (` v => v === " " ? undefined : parseInt (v, 10 )` ) ,
<p >
{switch errors .age {
| Some ({message : ?Some (message )}) => message
| _ => ""
}-> React .string }
</p >
<input type_ = "submit" />
</form >
Example binding of the schema validation library Zod
// Zod.res
type t
@module ("zod" )
external z : t = "default"
type string_ = string
type number = float
type object <'form > = 'form
type optional <'value > = option <'value >
type params = {required_error ?: string }
external string : (t , params ) => string_ = "string"
external number : (t , params ) => number = "number"
external object : (t , 'schema ) => object <'schema > = "object"
external array : (t , 'schema ) => array <'schema > = "array"
external optional : 'z => optional <'z > = "optional"
// Resolver.res
type t
@module ("@hookform/resolvers/zod" )
external zodResolver : 'schema => t = "zodResolver"
type inputs = {myCheckBox : bool }
module Checkbox = {
@module ("@material-ui/core" ) @react.component (: JsxDOM .domProps )
external make : unit => React .element = "Checkbox"
@react.component @genType
let default = () => {
let {control , handleSubmit , watch } = useFormOfInputs ()
let onSubmit = (data : inputs ) => Js .log (data )
Js .log (watch (MyCheckBox ))
Js .log (getValues (MyCheckBox ))
<form onSubmit = {handleSubmit (onSubmit )}>
name = {MyCheckBox }
control = {control }
rules = {{required : true }}
render = {({field }) => <Checkbox {... field } />}
<input type_ = "submit" />
</form >
type item = {
name : string ,
price : float ,
quantity : float ,
type inputs = {cart : array <item >}
@react.component @genType
let default = () => {
let {register , control , handleSubmit , formState : {errors }} = useFormOfInputs (
~options = {
defaultValues : {
cart : [{name : "text" , quantity : 1 ., price : 23 .}],
mode : #onBlur ,
let {fields , append , remove } = useFieldArrayOfInputsCart ({name : Cart , control })
let onSubmit = (data : inputs ) => Js .log (data )
<form onSubmit = {handleSubmit (onSubmit )}>
-> Belt .Array .mapWithIndex ((index , field ) => {
<div key = {field .id }>
<section key = {field .id }>
{... register ((Cart , index , Name )-> fieldArrayOfCart , ~options = {required : true })}
placeholder = "name"
{switch errors .cart -> ReactHookForm .getFieldError (index ) {
| Some ({name : ?Some (_ )}) => "error" -> React .string
| _ => React .null
<input {... register ((Cart , index , Quantity )-> fieldArrayOfCart )} placeholder = "quantity" />
{switch errors .cart -> ReactHookForm .getFieldError (index ) {
| Some ({quantity : ?Some ({message })}) => message -> React .string
| _ => React .null
<input {... register ((Cart , index , Price )-> fieldArrayOfCart )} placeholder = "price" />
{switch errors .cart -> ReactHookForm .getFieldError (index ) {
| Some ({price : ?Some ({message })}) => message -> React .string
| _ => React .null
</section >
<button type_ = "button" onClick = {_ => remove (index )}> {"DELETE" -> React .string } </button >
</div >
-> React .array }
<button type_ = "button" onClick = {_ => append ({name : "ppx" , quantity : 1 ., price : 1 .})}>
{"APPEND" -> React .string }
</button >
<input type_ = "submit" />
</form >