Releases: graphieros/vue-data-ui
All charts with minimap in zoom
- Fix layout shift occurring on the minimap on chart re-rendering
- Add "boxes" icon
- Show time tag (if set to show: true) when hovering minimap
- Show datapoints when hovering minimap
Big data optimization
Very large datasets (> 5k or > 10k datapoints) will cause the browsers rendering engines to slow down, caused by too many SVG DOM elements to render.
The following charts use the LTTB algorithm (Largest-Triangle-Three-Bucket) beyond a certain threshold to downsample the rendered dataset while preserving its shape. These components are the most susceptible to be used with very large datasets:
Component | Default Threshold | Remark |
VueUiXy | 500 | |
VueUiXyCanvas | 10000 | Since this chart uses canvas, threhsold can be set higher |
VueUiQuadrant | 500 | |
VueUiScatter | 500 | |
VueUiSparkline | 500 | |
VueUiSparkTrend | 500 |
The downsample threshold for each component can be set in the config prop passed to components:
const config = ref({
downsample: {
threshold: 500,
...// rest of your config
This optimization answers #123
Check out this paper about LTTB, page 21 if you are curious
Minor fix: position datapoint labels correctly when value is 0.
Add optional tooltip:
const config = ref<VueUiSparkStackBarConfig>({
style: {
..., // rest of your config
tooltip: {
show: boolean; // default: true
backgroundColor: string; // default: "#FFFFFF"
color: string; // default: "#2D353C"
fontSize: number; // default: 14
customFormat: null | Function; // default: null *
borderRadius: number; // default: 4
borderColor: string; // default: "#E1E5E8"
borderWidth: number; // default: 1
position: "left" | "center" | "right"; // default: "center"
offsetY: number; // default: 24
*check out v2.0.6 to see how to use custom format
Built-in annotator improvement
(see v2.4.2 for details on this feature)
Now the path is smoothed and optimized while drawing, to auto correct the noise that occurs when using a mouse to draw paths.
Source slot
All chart components now expose a #source
slot, to display a source caption under your chart.
<VueUiDonut :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
<template #source>
<div style="font-size: 10px">
Source: Lorem ipsum...
New user option: annotator ✍️
Most charts now have the annotator user option, available in the chart top menu, which allows end users to draw live annotations on charts. These annotations can be saved using pdf of img download. A nice feature when people talk around a chart.
When activated, the annotator shows a set of 5 actions:
- Close the annotator
- Change the pen color
- Undo
- Redo
- Delete all annotations
By default, this feature is enabled.
To disable this feature, set the following config attribute to false
userOptions.buttons.annotator: boolean; // default: true
To change the tooltip label of the action button:
userOptions.buttonTitles.annotator: string: // default: "Toggle annotator"
New component : VueUiBullet
A Bullet Graph is a compact visualization tool for performance data, which includes additional elements such as a target and ranges to provide richer context. This component offers a space-efficient alternative to traditional gauge charts.
Try it out on the documentation page.
A chart maker is also available:)