If you want to customize how is shown your tmux-copyrat hints those all available parameters to set your perfect profile.
NOTE: for changes to take effect, you'll need to source again your .tmux.conf
- @copyrat-key
- @copyrat-alphabet
- @copyrat-reverse
- @copyrat-unique
- @copyrat-position
- @copyrat-regexp-N
- @copyrat-command
- @copyrat-upcase-command
- @copyrat-bg-color
- @copyrat-fg-color
- @copyrat-hint-bg-color
- @copyrat-hint-fg-color
- @copyrat-select-fg-color
- @copyrat-select-bg-color
- @copyrat-contrast
default: space
Choose which key is used to enter in thumbs mode.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-key F
default: qwerty
Choose which set of characters is used to build hints. Review all available alphabets
For example:
set -g @thumbs-alphabet dvorak-homerow
default: disabled
Choose in which direction you want to assign hints. Useful to get shorter hints closer to the cursor.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-reverse
default: disabled
Choose if you want to assign the same hint for the same text spans.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-unique
default: left
Choose where do you want to show the hint in the text spans. Options (left, right).
For example:
set -g @thumbs-position right
Add extra patterns to match. This parameter can have multiple instances.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-regexp-1 '[a-z]+@[a-z]+.com' # Match emails
set -g @thumbs-regexp-2 '[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:' # Match MAC addresses
default: 'tmux set-buffer {}'
Choose which command execute when you press a hint. tmux-thumbs
will replace {}
with the picked hint.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-command 'echo -n {} | pbcopy'
default: 'tmux set-buffer {} && tmux paste-buffer'
Choose which command execute when you press a upcase hint. tmux-thumbs
will replace {}
with the picked hint.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-upcase-command 'echo -n {} | pbcopy'
default: black
Sets the background color for spans
For example:
set -g @thumbs-bg-color blue
default: green
Sets the foreground color for spans
For example:
set -g @thumbs-fg-color green
default: black
Sets the background color for hints
For example:
set -g @thumbs-hint-bg-color blue
default: yellow
Sets the foreground color for hints
For example:
set -g @thumbs-hint-fg-color green
default: blue
Sets the foreground color for selection
For example:
set -g @thumbs-select-fg-color red
default: black
Sets the background color for selection
For example:
set -g @thumbs-select-bg-color red
default: 0
Displays hint character in square brackets for extra visibility.
For example:
set -g @thumbs-contrast 1
This is the list of available colors:
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
- default
This is the list of available alphabets:
: asdfqwerzxcvjklmiuopghtybnqwerty-homerow
: asdfjklghqwerty-left-hand
: asdfqwerzcxvqwerty-right-hand
: jkluiopmyhnazerty
: qsdfazerwxcvjklmuiopghtybnazerty-homerow
: qsdfjkmghazerty-left-hand
: qsdfazerwxcvazerty-right-hand
: jklmuiophynqwertz
: asdfqweryxcvjkluiopmghtzbnqwertz-homerow
: asdfghjklqwertz-left-hand
: asdfqweryxcvqwertz-right-hand
: jkluiopmhzndvorak
: aoeuqjkxpyhtnsgcrlmwvzfidbdvorak-homerow
: aoeuhtnsiddvorak-left-hand
: aoeupqjkyixdvorak-right-hand
: htnsgcrlmwvzcolemak
: arstqwfpzxcvneioluymdhgjbkcolemak-homerow
: arstneiodhcolemak-left-hand
: arstqwfpzxcvcolemak-right-hand
: neioluymjhk