- how to implement a shell destructor script in shell [CMD [ARGS...]] is a demo script of how to run a script destructor in shell.
Destructors consist in cleanup things the script has done (e.g. temporary files...)
It uses trap(1p) to setup a function to callback when script exits.
Without argument, the script runs its usage and exit success
$ ./ && echo okay
1234: ./ Running usage...
Usage: ./ [CMD [ARGS]]
1234: ./ usage returned 0!
Here is an example of how to run an echo command that succeed
$ ./ echo "Hello, World!" && echo okay
1234: ./ Running echo Hello, World!...
Hello, World!
1234: ./ echo returned 0!
Here is an example of how to run a command that fails (false)
$ ./ false && echo okay
1234: ./ Running false...
1243: ./ false returned 1!
Note: 1234 is the pid.
Written by Gaël PORTAY [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Gaël PORTAY
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.