A perl implement of Chorus idea. Checkout https://github.com/forrestzhang/Chorus. This project is just for learning purpose. Chorus_perl is by no means to take any credit. All the credits and citatation should refer to https://github.com/forrestzhang/Chorus.
perl model:
external tools:
samtools (http://www.htslib.org/)
bwa (https://sourceforge.net/projects/bio-bwa/files/)
KMC3.0 (http://sun.aei.polsl.pl/kmc)
primer3-py (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/primer3-py)
perl Chorus_perl.pl -gs <genome file> -t <target sequence file>
-help this help message
-gs genome sequence file (while genome, including unanchored scaffolds/contigs), MANDATORY
-t target sequence file (could be one region or one chromosome. could be whole genome but not recommended),
-km pre-calculated kmer profile
-uk uniq kmer cutoff, default is 1 for genomic, but if not use genomic for kmer profile, set accordingly
-s step of ajacent probe , default is every 5bp.
-r max length of repeat nucleotide (AAAA,TTTT...), default is 5
-a max number of N or n, default is 1
-k length of kmer, default is 17
-m running mode,canbe set to highMem and lowMem, default is highMem
-n max number of multiple kmers in a probe, default is 4
-h max homologous in the genome, default is 0.7
-p min tm of probe, default is 37
-q max tm for hairpin (htm) of probe, default is 35
-d min differences between tm and htm, default is 10
-e number of threads, default is 4
Design probe for chr1.fa:
perl Chorus_perl.pl -gs wholeGenome.fa -t chr1.fa -n 3 -e 20