- https://github.com/etcinit/radio - Broadcast messages to multiple Go channels
- https://github.com/dagoof/gibb - Message broadcasting pattern for go. In order, no messages dropped, and no backup for slow receivers.
- https://github.com/steeve/broadcaster - Broadcast (one to many, fanout) messaging with payloads for Go
- https://github.com/sunfmin/fanout
- https://github.com/picadoh/gostreamer
- https://github.com/go-trellis/concurrency - go concurrency library
https://github.com/devsisters/cine - Actor model for golang
https://github.com/lytics/grid/tree/master/grid.v2 - Grid is a library to build distributed processes. A library in contrast to being a container. It is simple to use and provides the basic building blocks for distributed processing: (Message Passing and Actors for Golang)
https://github.com/logicaleak/chucktor - Chucktor : Actor implementation with golang channels !
https://github.com/foreleven/actor-go - a simple actor system for go
https://github.com/umegaya/yue - luact frontend implementation in golang, which is inspired celluloid and orleans
https://github.com/go-akka/akka - Currently Not Available !!!
https://github.com/taodev/koalanet - includes some actor like implementation
https://github.com/divtxt/go-actors - Actor pattern in Go
https://github.com/morikuni/flower - Message passing by Actor model, like Akka's Actor.
https://github.com/fuzzycow/ev32go/blob/master/robotics/poc/subs3/actor.go - some kinda actor impl
https://github.com/go-trellis/trellis - trellis is reative message pattern framework (Actor Model) in Go - Unavailable Now!!!
https://github.com/arschles/gotp - Actors and an OTP clone, implemented in Go
https://github.com/everpeace/go-actor - far far incomplete actor implementation in golang. This is only for my golang learning.
https://github.com/marcosQuesada/gorlang - This project is inspired in erlang patterns,