An attacker can craft a malicious package.json file that bypasses the --ignore-scripts security flag. This leads to arbitrary system command execution when a victim executes npm install -–ignore-scripts on the malicious package.
"name": "rce-test",
"dependencies": {
"workspaces": [
"scripts": {
"prepare": "touch /tmp/pwn"
When a local directory is listed as a dependency, pacote executes the prepare script even if the --ignore-scripts flag is set. This is because no check is present:
return runScript({
pkg: mani,
event: 'prepare',
path: this.resolved,
env: {
npm_package_resolved: this.resolved,
npm_package_integrity: this.integrity,
npm_package_json: resolve(this.resolved, 'package.json'),
An attacker can craft a malicious package.json file that bypasses the --ignore-scripts security flag. This leads to arbitrary system command execution when a victim executes npm install -–ignore-scripts on the malicious package.
Moderate - This vulnerability bypasses the
option intended to prevent malicious users from executingarbitrary build scripts.
Proof of Concept
Further Analysis
When a local directory is listed as a dependency, pacote executes the prepare script even if the --ignore-scripts flag is set. This is because no check is present:
Date reported: 02/20/2023
Date fixed:
Date disclosed: 05/21/2023