fMRI-EEG Preprocessing
Preprocessing is a critical step in neuroimaging analysis, laying the foundation for accurate and meaningful scientific discoveries. We need help configuring a pipeline to quality check for multiple datasets. This project will allow attendees with or without experience handling fMRI/EEG data to get a chance to work with what we call the "raw data". Working on a QC pipeline includes devising visuals of what the data looks like at various stages to make sure that the preprocessing is working as you expected and the data collected is good quality for future analyses. Toolboxes used include AFNI, FSL, ANTs, chronux, etc.
Sarah Goodale, Github: @goodalse2019
We welcome all stages in this project - from new to the field, to experts in preprocessing.
- I agree to follow the BrainHack Global Code of Conduct during the hackathon.