Docker Sandbox on AWS
A CloudFormation template is used to create a build-host which has all the packages required as specified above (ansible, awcli, python-pip and boto), this includes the repo with ansible-framework required to provision the cluster.
- Creates VPC, Subnet, EC2 Instance
- Installs docker-engine and dependencies (cloud-init/userdata)
- Gets required install packages from GIT
Choose the Region from AWS web portal. For consistency and mapping of AMI's used in the template select US-West(Oregon)
Download the CloudFormation template from the location below to the local machine
Select CloudFormation service from AWS web portal
Select “Create Stack” Option
Select Upload a template and choose the file downloaded above
Provide a “Stack Name” and “KeyPair” is not needed (the template enable root access where there is no need of any key to login once the instance is available) and select “Next”
As we are not enabling any IAM access or select “Next” and “Create” in the review page to initiate the stack.
Watch for the stack to complete
Once the stack creation is complete then proceed to the EC2 (from “services” and select the “running instances”)dashboard to get the public_ip of the instance. Select the instance with the name "Docker-Lab" and you can get the public_ip as shown below.
Use “root@<public_ip>”, “Password: contrail1” to access the instance (docker-machine) from the local terminal
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Gokul Chandra - Initial work - (