Welcome to the launchpadlight project !
- What is LaunchpadLight
- What is the document necessary to run the application
- Which launchpad is compatible
- How to make SoundPack
- Idea for improvement during the audit
- Things to do
- Social media account
Launchpadlight is a VisualBasic project which aims to use are launchpad with the goal, the simplicity, the little demand of resource.
LaunchpadLight needs :
- GunaUI 2 Framework
- Documents of LaunchpadLight to copy in its "documents" folder
- Microsoft Framework 4.5
For the moment, the only compatible Launchpad is the Novation Launchpad MK2 ! We will add more launchpad in the future as well as an automatic assignment function !
A sound pack contains 2 objects :
- The Title file as well as the artist name
- The sounds of the pack
The title file is in "(nameofpack)/config/title.txt". Inside, indicate the name of the music reproduced. If the file is missing or misplaced, LaunchpadLight will inform you and replace the title with "(null)".
The artist file can be found in "(nameofpack)/config/artist.txt". Inside, indicate the name of the artist of the music reproduced. If the file is missing or misplaced, LaunchpadLight will inform you and replace the title with "(null)".
The sounds are contained in the folder "(nameofpack)/sounds/page(numberofpage)/pad(numberofpad)". The pad number is formed as follows: (0)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) (8)(9)... Continue to 63... The maximum number of pages is 8.
This section will be often updated!
This section will be often updated!
- Add more launchpad in the future as well as an automatic assignment function !
- A web page to download SoundPacks
[⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]10% | Function of modifying a pad with the Shift key (The code is in pad0)
For the moment, only one instagram account has been created : @launchpadlightapp But we intend to create :
- A YouTube Channel
- An Instagram Account
- A Twitter Account
But you can follow me on my Instagram : @djremixofficiel (French account)