diff --git a/src/analyses/c2poAnalysis.ml b/src/analyses/c2poAnalysis.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aab439e024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/analyses/c2poAnalysis.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+(** C-2PO: A Weakly-Relational Pointer Analysis for C based on 2 Pointer Logic. The analysis can infer equalities and disequalities between terms which are built from pointer variables, with the addition of constants and dereferencing. ([c2po])*)
+open Analyses
+open GoblintCil
+open C2poDomain
+open CongruenceClosure
+open Batteries
+open SingleThreadedLifter
+open DuplicateVars
+module Spec =
+ include DefaultSpec
+ include Analyses.IdentitySpec
+ module D = D
+ module C = D
+ let name () = "c2po"
+ let startcontext () = D.top ()
+ (** Find reachable variables in a function *)
+ let reachable_from_args ctx args =
+ let res =
+ List.fold (fun vs e -> vs @ (ctx.ask (ReachableFrom e) |> Queries.AD.to_var_may)) [] args in
+ if M.tracing then M.tracel "c2po-reachable" "reachable vars: %s\n" (List.fold_left (fun s v -> s ^v.vname ^"; ") "" res); res
+ (* Returns Some true if we know for sure that it is true,
+ and Some false if we know for sure that it is false,
+ and None if we don't know anyhing. *)
+ let eval_guard ask t e ik =
+ let open Queries in
+ let prop_list = T.prop_of_cil ask e true in
+ match split prop_list with
+ | [], [], [] -> ID.top()
+ | x::xs, _, [] -> if fst (eq_query t x) then ID.of_bool ik true else if neq_query t x then ID.of_bool ik false else ID.top()
+ | _, y::ys, [] -> if neq_query t y then ID.of_bool ik true else if fst (eq_query t y) then ID.of_bool ik false else ID.top()
+ | _ -> ID.top() (*there should never be block disequalities here...*)
+ (**Convert a conjunction to an invariant.*)
+ let conj_to_invariant ask conjs t =
+ List.fold (fun a prop -> match T.prop_to_cil prop with
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> a
+ | exp ->
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-invariant" "Adding invariant: %a" d_exp exp;
+ Invariant.(a && of_exp exp))
+ (Invariant.top()) conjs
+ let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
+ let open Queries in
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> Result.top q
+ | `Lifted cc ->
+ match q with
+ | EvalInt e -> let ik = Cilfacade.get_ikind_exp e in
+ eval_guard (ask_of_ctx ctx) cc e ik
+ | Queries.Invariant context ->
+ let scope = Node.find_fundec ctx.node in
+ let t = D.remove_vars_not_in_scope scope cc in
+ (conj_to_invariant (ask_of_ctx ctx) (get_conjunction t) t)
+ | _ -> Result.top q
+ (** Assign the term `lterm` to the right hand side rhs, that is already
+ converted to a C-2PO term. *)
+ let assign_term t ask lterm rhs lval_t =
+ (* ignore assignments to values that are not 64 bits *)
+ match T.get_element_size_in_bits lval_t, rhs with
+ (* Indefinite assignment *)
+ | s, (None, _) -> (D.remove_may_equal_terms ask s lterm t)
+ (* Definite assignment *)
+ | s, (Some term, Some offset) ->
+ let dummy_var = MayBeEqual.dummy_var lval_t in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-assign" "assigning: var: %s; expr: %s + %s. \nTo_cil: lval: %a; expr: %a\n" (T.show lterm) (T.show term) (Z.to_string offset) d_exp (T.to_cil lterm) d_exp (T.to_cil term);
+ t |> meet_conjs_opt [Equal (dummy_var, term, offset)] |>
+ D.remove_may_equal_terms ask s lterm |>
+ meet_conjs_opt [Equal (lterm, dummy_var, Z.zero)] |>
+ D.remove_terms_containing_aux_variable
+ | _ -> (* this is impossible *) C2PODomain.top ()
+ (** Assign Cil Lval to a right hand side that is already converted to
+ C-2PO terms.*)
+ let assign_lval t ask lval expr =
+ let lval_t = typeOfLval lval in
+ match T.of_lval ask lval with
+ | lterm -> assign_term t ask lterm expr lval_t
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) ->
+ (* the assigned variables couldn't be parsed, so we don't know which addresses were written to.
+ We have to forget all the information we had.
+ This should almost never happen.
+ Except if the left hand side is a complicated expression like myStruct.field1[i]->field2[z+k], and Goblint can't infer the offset.*)
+ if M.tracing then M.trace
+ "c2po-invalidate" "INVALIDATE lval: %a" d_lval lval;
+ C2PODomain.top ()
+ let assign ctx lval expr =
+ let ask = (ask_of_ctx ctx) in
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted cc ->
+ let res = `Lifted (reset_normal_form @@ assign_lval cc ask lval (T.of_cil ask expr)) in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-assign" "ASSIGN: var: %a; expr: %a; result: %s.\n" d_lval lval d_plainexp expr (D.show res); res
+ let branch ctx e pos =
+ let props = T.prop_of_cil (ask_of_ctx ctx) e pos in
+ let valid_props = T.filter_valid_pointers props in
+ let res =
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted t ->
+ if List.is_empty valid_props then `Lifted t else
+ match (reset_normal_form (meet_conjs_opt valid_props t)) with
+ | exception Unsat -> `Bot
+ | t -> `Lifted t
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "BRANCH:\n Actual equality: %a; pos: %b; valid_prop_list: %s; is_bot: %b\n"
+ d_exp e pos (show_conj valid_props) (D.is_bot res);
+ if D.is_bot res then raise Deadcode;
+ res
+ let body ctx f = ctx.local
+ let assign_return ask t return_var expr =
+ (* the return value is not stored on the heap, therefore we don't need to remove any terms *)
+ match T.of_cil ask expr with
+ | (Some term, Some offset) -> reset_normal_form (meet_conjs_opt [Equal (return_var, term, offset)] t)
+ | _ -> t
+ let return ctx exp_opt f =
+ let res = match exp_opt with
+ | Some e -> begin match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted t ->
+ `Lifted (assign_return (ask_of_ctx ctx) t (MayBeEqual.return_var (typeOf e)) e)
+ end
+ | None -> ctx.local
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "RETURN: exp_opt: %a; state: %s; result: %s\n" d_exp (BatOption.default (MayBeEqual.dummy_lval_print (TVoid [])) exp_opt) (D.show ctx.local) (D.show res);res
+ (** var_opt is the variable we assign to. It has type lval. v=malloc.*)
+ let special ctx var_opt v exprs =
+ let desc = LibraryFunctions.find v in
+ let ask = ask_of_ctx ctx in
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted cc ->
+ let t = begin match var_opt with
+ | None ->
+ cc
+ | Some varin ->
+ (* forget information about var,
+ but ignore assignments to values that are not 64 bits *)
+ try
+ (let s, lterm = T.get_element_size_in_bits (typeOfLval varin), T.of_lval ask varin in
+ let t = D.remove_may_equal_terms ask s lterm cc in
+ begin match desc.special exprs with
+ | Malloc _ | Calloc _ | Alloca _ ->
+ add_block_diseqs t lterm
+ | _ -> t
+ end)
+ with (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> C2PODomain.top ()
+ end
+ in
+ match desc.special exprs with
+ | Assert { exp; refine; _ } -> if not refine then
+ ctx.local
+ else
+ branch ctx exp true
+ | _ -> `Lifted (reset_normal_form t)
+ (**First all local variables of the function are duplicated (by negating their ID),
+ then we remember the value of each local variable at the beginning of the function
+ by using the analysis startState. This way we can infer the relations between the
+ local variables of the caller and the pointers that were modified by the function. *)
+ let enter ctx var_opt f args =
+ (* add duplicated variables, and set them equal to the original variables *)
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> [`Bot, `Bot]
+ | `Lifted cc ->
+ let added_equalities = T.filter_valid_pointers (List.map (fun v -> Equal (T.term_of_varinfo (DuplicVar v), T.term_of_varinfo (NormalVar v), Z.zero)) f.sformals) in
+ let state_with_duplicated_vars = meet_conjs_opt added_equalities cc in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "ENTER1: var_opt: %a; state: %s; state_with_duplicated_vars: %s\n" d_lval (BatOption.default (Var (Var.dummy_varinfo (TVoid [])), NoOffset) var_opt) (D.show ctx.local) (C2PODomain.show state_with_duplicated_vars);
+ (* remove callee vars that are not reachable and not global *)
+ let reachable_variables =
+ Var.from_varinfo (f.sformals @ f.slocals @ reachable_from_args ctx args) f.sformals
+ in
+ let new_state = D.remove_terms_not_containing_variables reachable_variables state_with_duplicated_vars in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "ENTER2: result: %s\n" (C2PODomain.show new_state);
+ [ctx.local, `Lifted (reset_normal_form new_state)]
+ let remove_out_of_scope_vars t f =
+ let local_vars = f.sformals @ f.slocals in
+ let duplicated_vars = f.sformals in
+ let t = D.remove_terms_containing_return_variable t in
+ D.remove_terms_containing_variables (Var.from_varinfo local_vars duplicated_vars) t
+ let combine_env ctx var_opt expr f args t_context_opt t (ask: Queries.ask) =
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted cc ->
+ let og_t = t in
+ (* assign function parameters to duplicated values *)
+ let arg_assigns = GobList.combine_short f.sformals args in
+ let state_with_assignments = List.fold_left (fun st (var, exp) -> assign_term st (ask_of_ctx ctx) (T.term_of_varinfo (DuplicVar var)) (T.of_cil ask exp) var.vtype) cc arg_assigns in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "COMBINE_ASSIGN0: state_with_assignments: %s\n" (C2PODomain.show state_with_assignments);
+ (*remove all variables that were tainted by the function*)
+ let tainted = ask.f (MayBeTainted)
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-tainted" "combine_env: %a\n" MayBeEqual.AD.pretty tainted;
+ let local = D.remove_tainted_terms (ask_of_ctx ctx) tainted state_with_assignments in
+ match D.meet (`Lifted local) t with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted t ->
+ let t = reset_normal_form @@ remove_out_of_scope_vars t f in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "COMBINE_ASSIGN1: var_opt: %a; local_state: %s; t_state: %s; meeting everything: %s\n" d_lval (BatOption.default (Var (Var.dummy_varinfo (TVoid[])), NoOffset) var_opt) (D.show ctx.local) (D.show og_t) (C2PODomain.show t);
+ `Lifted t
+ let combine_assign ctx var_opt expr f args t_context_opt t (ask: Queries.ask) =
+ match ctx.local with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted cc ->
+ (* assign function parameters to duplicated values *)
+ let arg_assigns = GobList.combine_short f.sformals args in
+ let state_with_assignments = List.fold_left (fun st (var, exp) -> assign_term st (ask_of_ctx ctx) (T.term_of_varinfo (DuplicVar var)) (T.of_cil ask exp) var.vtype) cc arg_assigns in
+ match D.meet (`Lifted state_with_assignments) t with
+ | `Bot -> `Bot
+ | `Lifted t ->
+ let t = match var_opt with
+ | None -> t
+ | Some var -> assign_lval t ask var (Some (MayBeEqual.return_var (typeOfLval var)), Some Z.zero)
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "COMBINE_ASSIGN2: assigning return value: %s\n" (C2PODomain.show t);
+ let t = reset_normal_form @@ remove_out_of_scope_vars t f
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-function" "COMBINE_ASSIGN3: result: %s\n" (C2PODomain.show t); `Lifted t
+ let startstate v = D.top ()
+ let threadenter ctx ~multiple lval f args = [D.top ()]
+ let threadspawn ctx ~multiple lval f args fctx = D.top()
+ let exitstate v = D.top ()
+let _ =
+ MCP.register_analysis ~dep:["startState"; "taintPartialContexts"] (module SingleThreadedLifter(Spec) : MCPSpec)
diff --git a/src/analyses/singleThreadedLifter.ml b/src/analyses/singleThreadedLifter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bda1881858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/analyses/singleThreadedLifter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(** This lifter takes an analysis that only works for single-threaded code and allows it to run on multi-threaded programs by returning top when the code might be multi-threaded.
+open Analyses
+module SingleThreadedLifter (S: MCPSpec) =
+ include S
+ let is_multithreaded (ask:Queries.ask) = not @@ ask.f (MustBeSingleThreaded {since_start = true})
+ let query ctx =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ (fun (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result -> Queries.Result.top q) else
+ query ctx
+ let assign ctx lval expr =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ assign ctx lval expr
+ let branch ctx e pos =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ branch ctx e pos
+ let body ctx f =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ body ctx f
+ let return ctx exp_opt f =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ return ctx exp_opt f
+ let special ctx var_opt v exprs =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ special ctx var_opt v exprs
+ let enter ctx var_opt f args =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ [D.top (),D.top ()] else
+ enter ctx var_opt f args
+ let combine_env ctx var_opt expr f exprs t_context_opt t (ask: Queries.ask) =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ combine_env ctx var_opt expr f exprs t_context_opt t ask
+ let combine_assign ctx var_opt expr f args t_context_opt t (ask: Queries.ask) =
+ if is_multithreaded (ask_of_ctx ctx) then
+ D.top () else
+ combine_assign ctx var_opt expr f args t_context_opt t ask
+ let threadenter ctx ~multiple lval f args = [D.top ()]
+ let threadspawn ctx ~multiple lval f args fctx = D.top()
diff --git a/src/analyses/startStateAnalysis.ml b/src/analyses/startStateAnalysis.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..551034e3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/analyses/startStateAnalysis.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(** Remembers the abstract address value of each parameter at the beginning of each function by adding a ghost variable for each parameter.
+ Used by the c2po analysis. *)
+open GoblintCil
+open Batteries
+open Analyses
+open DuplicateVars.Var
+(**First all parameters (=formals) of the function are duplicated (by using DuplicateVars),
+ then we remember the value of each local variable at the beginning of the function
+ in this new duplicated variable. *)
+module Spec : Analyses.MCPSpec =
+ let name () = "startState"
+ module VD = BaseDomain.VD
+ module AD = ValueDomain.AD
+ module Value = AD
+ module D = MapDomain.MapBot (Basetype.Variables) (Value)
+ module C = D
+ include Analyses.IdentitySpec
+ let ask_may_point_to (ask: Queries.ask) exp =
+ match ask.f (MayPointTo exp) with
+ | exception (IntDomain.ArithmeticOnIntegerBot _) -> AD.top()
+ | res -> res
+ let get_value (ask: Queries.ask) exp = ask_may_point_to ask exp
+ (** If e is a known variable (=one of the duplicated variables), then it returns the value for this variable.
+ If e is an unknown variable or an expression that is not simply a variable, then it returns top. *)
+ let eval (ask: Queries.ask) (d: D.t) (exp: exp): Value.t = match exp with
+ | Lval (Var x, NoOffset) -> begin match D.find_opt x d with
+ | Some v -> if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-tainted" "QUERY %a : res = %a\n" d_exp exp AD.pretty v;v
+ | None -> Value.top()
+ end
+ | _ -> Value.top ()
+ let startcontext () = D.empty ()
+ let startstate v = D.bot ()
+ let exitstate = startstate
+ let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
+ let open Queries in
+ match q with
+ | MayPointTo e -> eval (ask_of_ctx ctx) ctx.local e
+ | _ -> Result.top q
+ let body ctx (f:fundec) =
+ (* assign function parameters *)
+ List.fold_left (fun st var -> let value = get_value (ask_of_ctx ctx) (Lval (Var var, NoOffset)) in
+ let duplicated_var = to_varinfo (DuplicVar var) in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "startState" "added value: var: %a; value: %a" d_lval (Var duplicated_var, NoOffset) Value.pretty value;
+ D.add duplicated_var value st) (D.empty()) f.sformals
+let _ =
+ MCP.register_analysis (module Spec : MCPSpec)
diff --git a/src/analyses/wrapperFunctionAnalysis.ml b/src/analyses/wrapperFunctionAnalysis.ml
index eb9ec6ce02..94f1dbda86 100644
--- a/src/analyses/wrapperFunctionAnalysis.ml
+++ b/src/analyses/wrapperFunctionAnalysis.ml
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ module MallocWrapper : MCPSpec = struct
Format.dprintf "@tid:%s" (ThreadLifted.show t)
Format.asprintf "(alloc@sid:%s%t%t)" (Node.show_id node) tid uniq_count
+ let varinfo_attributes x = RichVarinfo.VarinfoDescription.empty (name_varinfo x)
module NodeVarinfoMap = RichVarinfo.BiVarinfoMap.Make(ThreadNode)
diff --git a/src/cdomains/c2poDomain.ml b/src/cdomains/c2poDomain.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d5f5063c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdomains/c2poDomain.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+(** Domain for weakly relational pointer analysis C-2PO. *)
+open Batteries
+open GoblintCil
+open CongruenceClosure
+module M = Messages
+open DuplicateVars
+module C2PODomain = struct
+ include Printable.StdLeaf
+ type t = CongruenceClosure.t[@@deriving ord, hash]
+ let show x = show_conj (get_conjunction x)
+ let name () = "c2po"
+ type domain = t
+ include Printable.SimpleShow(struct type t = domain let show = show end)
+ let equal_standard cc1 cc2 =
+ let res =
+ if exactly_equal cc1 cc2 then
+ true
+ else
+ (* add all terms to both elements *)
+ let terms = SSet.union (SSet.union cc1.set (BlDis.term_set cc1.bldis))
+ (SSet.union cc2.set (BlDis.term_set cc2.bldis)) in
+ let cc1, cc2 = insert_set cc1 terms, insert_set cc2 terms in
+ equal_eq_classes cc1 cc2
+ && equal_diseqs cc1 cc2
+ && equal_bldis cc1 cc2
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-equal" "equal eq classes. %b\nx=\n%s\ny=\n%s" res (show_all cc1) (show_all cc2);res
+ let equal_normal_form x y =
+ let res =
+ if exactly_equal x y then
+ true
+ else
+ let nf1, nf2 = get_normal_form x, get_normal_form y in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-min-repr" "Normal form of x = %s; Normal form of y = %s" (show_conj nf1) (show_conj nf2);
+ T.props_equal nf1 nf2
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-equal" "equal min repr. %b\nx=\n%s\ny=\n%s" res (show_all x) (show_all y);res
+ let equal a b =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-normal-form" "COMPUTING EQUAL";
+ match GobConfig.get_string "ana.c2po.equal" with
+ | "normal_form" -> equal_normal_form a b
+ | _ -> equal_standard a b
+ let equal a b = Timing.wrap "c2po-equal" (equal a) b
+ let bot() = failwith "not supported"
+ let is_bot x = false
+ let empty () = init_cc ()
+ let init () = empty ()
+ let top () = empty ()
+ let is_top cc = TUF.is_empty cc.uf && Disequalities.is_empty cc.diseq && BlDis.is_empty cc.bldis
+ let join_f a b join_cc_function =
+ let res =
+ if exactly_equal a b then
+ a
+ else
+ (if M.tracing then M.tracel "c2po-join" "JOIN AUTOMATON. FIRST ELEMENT: %s\nSECOND ELEMENT: %s\n"
+ (show_all a) (show_all b);
+ let cc = fst(join_cc_function a b) in
+ let cmap1, cmap2 = fst(Disequalities.comp_map a.uf), fst(Disequalities.comp_map b.uf)
+ in let cc = join_bldis a.bldis b.bldis a b cc cmap1 cmap2 in
+ let cc = join_neq a.diseq b.diseq a b cc cmap1 cmap2
+ in reset_normal_form cc)
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.tracel "c2po-join" "JOIN. JOIN: %s\n"
+ (show_all res);
+ res
+ let join a b = match GobConfig.get_string "ana.c2po.join_algorithm" with
+ | "precise" -> if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-join" "Join Automaton"; join_f a b join_eq
+ | _ -> if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-join" "Join Eq classes"; join_f a b join_eq_no_automata
+ let join a b = Timing.wrap "join" (join a) b
+ let widen_automata a b =
+ (* we calculate the join and then restrict to the term set of a' *)
+ let join_result = join a b in
+ reset_normal_form @@ remove_terms (fun t -> not @@ SSet.mem t a.set) join_result
+ let widen_eq_classes a b = join_f a b widen_eq_no_automata
+ let widen a b = if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-widen" "WIDEN\n";
+ match GobConfig.get_string "ana.c2po.join_algorithm" with
+ | "precise" -> widen_automata a b
+ | _ -> widen_eq_classes a b
+ let meet a b =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-meet" "MEET x= %s; y=%s" (show a) (show b);
+ let res =
+ if exactly_equal a b then
+ a
+ else
+ match get_conjunction a with
+ | [] -> b
+ | a_conj -> reset_normal_form (meet_conjs_opt a_conj b)
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-meet" "MEET RESULT = %s" (show res);
+ res
+ let narrow a b =
+ let res =
+ if exactly_equal a b then
+ a
+ else
+ let b_conj = List.filter
+ (function | Equal (t1,t2,_)| Nequal (t1,t2,_)| BlNequal (t1,t2) -> SSet.mem t1 a.set && SSet.mem t2 a.set) (get_conjunction b) in
+ reset_normal_form (meet_conjs_opt b_conj a)
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-meet" "NARROW RESULT = %s" (show res);res
+ let leq x y = match equal (meet x y) x with
+ | exception Unsat -> false
+ | x -> x
+ let pretty_diff () (x,y) =
+ let x_conj = get_conjunction x in
+ let y_conj = get_conjunction y in
+ let x_diff = List.filter (fun a -> not (List.mem_cmp compare_prop a y_conj)) x_conj in
+ let y_diff = List.filter (fun a -> not (List.mem_cmp compare_prop a x_conj)) y_conj in
+ Pretty.dprintf ("Additional propositions of first element:\n%s\nAdditional propositions of second element:\n%s\n") (show_conj x_diff) (show_conj y_diff)
+module D = struct
+ include Lattice.LiftBot (C2PODomain)
+ let show_all = function
+ | `Bot -> show `Bot
+ | `Lifted x -> show_all x
+ let meet a b = match meet a b with
+ | exception Unsat -> `Bot
+ | x -> x
+ let narrow a b = match narrow a b with
+ | exception Unsat -> `Bot
+ | x -> x
+ let printXml f x = match x with
+ | `Lifted x ->
+ BatPrintf.fprintf f "\n\n\n"
+ (XmlUtil.escape (Format.asprintf "%s" (show (`Lifted x))))
+ (XmlUtil.escape (Format.asprintf "%s" (TUF.show_uf x.uf)))
+ (XmlUtil.escape (Format.asprintf "%s" (SSet.show_set x.set)))
+ (XmlUtil.escape (Format.asprintf "%s" (LMap.show_map x.map)))
+ (XmlUtil.escape (Format.asprintf "%s" (show_normal_form x.normal_form)))
+ (XmlUtil.escape (Format.asprintf "%s" (Disequalities.show_neq x.diseq)))
+ | `Bot -> BatPrintf.fprintf f "\nbottom\n\n"
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms that contain an AssignAux variable,
+ while maintaining all equalities about variables that are not being removed.*)
+ let remove_terms_containing_aux_variable cc =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "remove_terms_containing_aux_variable\n";
+ remove_terms (fun t -> Var.is_assign_aux (T.get_var t)) cc
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms that contain an ReturnAux variable,
+ while maintaining all equalities about variables that are not being removed.*)
+ let remove_terms_containing_return_variable cc =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "remove_terms_containing_aux_variable\n";
+ remove_terms (fun t -> Var.is_return_aux (T.get_var t)) cc
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms which contain one of the "vars",
+ while maintaining all equalities about variables that are not being removed.*)
+ let remove_terms_containing_variables vars cc =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "remove_terms_containing_variables: %s\n" (List.fold_left (fun s v -> s ^"; " ^Var.show v) "" vars);
+ remove_terms (T.contains_variable vars) cc
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms which do not contain one of the "vars",
+ except the global vars are also kept (when vglob = true),
+ while maintaining all equalities about variables that are not being removed.*)
+ let remove_terms_not_containing_variables vars cc =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "remove_terms_not_containing_variables: %s\n" (List.fold_left (fun s v -> s ^"; " ^Var.show v) "" vars);
+ remove_terms (fun t -> (not (Var.to_varinfo (T.get_var t)).vglob) && not (T.contains_variable vars t)) cc
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms that may be changed after an assignment to "term".*)
+ let remove_may_equal_terms ask s term cc =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "remove_may_equal_terms: %s\n" (T.show term);
+ let cc = snd (insert cc term) in
+ remove_terms (MayBeEqual.may_be_equal ask cc s term) cc
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms that may point to one of the tainted addresses.*)
+ let remove_tainted_terms ask address cc =
+ if M.tracing then M.tracel "c2po-tainted" "remove_tainted_terms: %a\n" MayBeEqual.AD.pretty address;
+ remove_terms (MayBeEqual.may_point_to_one_of_these_addresses ask address cc) cc
+ (** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms that are not in the scope, and also those that are tmp variables.*)
+ let remove_vars_not_in_scope scope cc =
+ remove_terms (fun t ->
+ let var = T.get_var t in
+ InvariantCil.var_is_tmp (Var.to_varinfo var) || not (InvariantCil.var_is_in_scope scope (Var.to_varinfo var))) cc
diff --git a/src/cdomains/congruenceClosure.ml b/src/cdomains/congruenceClosure.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a81b658e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdomains/congruenceClosure.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@
+(** OCaml implementation of a quantitative congruence closure.
+ It is used by the C-2PO Analysis and based on the UnionFind implementation.
+include UnionFind
+open Batteries
+open GoblintCil
+open DuplicateVars
+module M = Messages
+module TUF = UnionFind
+module LMap = LookupMap
+(* block disequalities *)
+module BlDis = struct
+ (** Block disequalities:
+ a term t1 is mapped to a set of terms that have a different block than t1.
+ It is allowed to contain terms that are not present in the data structure,
+ so we shouldn't assume that all terms in bldis are present in the union find!
+ *)
+ type t = TSet.t TMap.t [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+ let bindings = TMap.bindings
+ let empty = TMap.empty
+ let is_empty = TMap.is_empty
+ let to_conj bldiseq = List.fold
+ (fun list (t1, tset) ->
+ TSet.fold (fun t2 bldiseqs -> BlNequal(t1, t2)::bldiseqs) tset [] @ list
+ ) [] (bindings bldiseq)
+ let add bldiseq t1 t2 =
+ match TMap.find_opt t1 bldiseq with
+ | None -> TMap.add t1 (TSet.singleton t2) bldiseq
+ | Some tset -> TMap.add t1 (TSet.add t2 tset) bldiseq
+ (** Add disequalities bl(t1) != bl(t2) and bl(t2) != bl(t1). *)
+ let add_block_diseq bldiseq (t1, t2) =
+ add (add bldiseq t1 t2) t2 t1
+ (**
+ params:
+ t1-> a term that is not necessarily present in the data structure
+ tlist: a list of representative terms
+ For each term t2 in tlist, it adds the disequality t1 != t2 to diseqs.
+ *)
+ let add_block_diseqs bldiseq uf t1 tlist =
+ List.fold (fun bldiseq t2 ->
+ add_block_diseq bldiseq (t1, t2)) bldiseq tlist
+ (** For each block disequality bl(t1) != bl(t2) we add all disequalities
+ that follow from equalities. I.e., if t1 = z1 + t1' and t2 = z2 + t2',
+ then we add the disequaity bl(t1') != bl(t2').
+ *)
+ let element_closure bldis cmap =
+ let comp_closure = function
+ | BlNequal (r1,r2) ->
+ let eq_class1, eq_class2 = LMap.comp_t_cmap_repr cmap r1, LMap.comp_t_cmap_repr cmap r2 in
+ List.cartesian_product (List.map snd eq_class1) (List.map snd eq_class2)
+ | _ -> []
+ in
+ List.concat_map comp_closure bldis
+ (** Returns true if bl(v) != bl(v'). *)
+ let map_set_mem v v' (map:t) = match TMap.find_opt v map with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some set -> TSet.mem v' set
+ let filter_map f (diseq:t) =
+ TMap.filter_map
+ (fun _ s -> let set = TSet.filter_map f s in
+ if TSet.is_empty set then None else Some set) diseq
+ let term_set bldis =
+ TSet.of_enum (TMap.keys bldis)
+ let map_lhs =
+ let add_change bldis (t1,t2) =
+ match TMap.find_opt t1 bldis with
+ | None -> bldis
+ | Some tset -> TMap.add t2 tset (TMap.remove t1 bldis) in
+ List.fold add_change
+ let filter_map_lhs f (diseq:t) =
+ Enum.fold
+ (fun diseq t -> match f t with
+ | None -> TMap.remove t diseq
+ | Some t2 ->
+ if not (T.equal t t2)
+ then TMap.add t2 (TMap.find t diseq) (TMap.remove t diseq) else
+ diseq) diseq (TMap.keys diseq)
+module Disequalities = struct
+ (* disequality map:
+ if t_1 -> z -> {t_2, t_3}
+ then we know that t_1 + z != t_2
+ and also that t_1 + z != t_3
+ *)
+ type t = TSet.t ZMap.t TMap.t [@@deriving eq, ord, hash] (* disequalitites *)
+ type arg_t = (T.t * Z.t) ZMap.t TMap.t (* maps each state in the automata to its predecessors *)
+ let empty = TMap.empty
+ let is_empty = TMap.is_empty
+ let remove = TMap.remove
+ (** Returns a list of tuples, which each represent a disequality *)
+ let bindings =
+ List.flatten %
+ List.concat_map
+ (fun (t, smap) ->
+ List.map (fun (z, tset) ->
+ List.map (fun term ->
+ (t,z,term)) (TSet.elements tset))
+ (ZMap.bindings smap)
+ ) % TMap.bindings
+ let bindings_args =
+ List.flatten %
+ List.concat_map
+ (fun (t, smap) ->
+ List.map (fun (z, arglist) ->
+ List.map (fun (a,b) ->
+ (t,z,a,b)) arglist)
+ (ZMap.bindings smap)
+ ) % TMap.bindings
+ (** adds a mapping v -> r -> size -> { v' } to the map,
+ or if there are already elements
+ in v -> r -> {..} then v' is added to the previous set *)
+ let map_set_add (v,r) v' (map:t) = match TMap.find_opt v map with
+ | None -> TMap.add v (ZMap.add r (TSet.singleton v') ZMap.empty) map
+ | Some imap -> TMap.add v (
+ match ZMap.find_opt r imap with
+ | None -> ZMap.add r (TSet.singleton v') imap
+ | Some set -> ZMap.add r (TSet.add v' set) imap) map
+ let map_set_mem (v,r) v' (map:t) = match TMap.find_opt v map with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some imap -> (match ZMap.find_opt r imap with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some set -> TSet.mem v' set
+ )
+ (** Map of partition, transform union find to a map
+ of type V -> Z -> V set
+ with reference variable |-> offset |-> all terms that are in the union find with this ref var and offset. *)
+ let comp_map uf =
+ List.fold_left (fun (comp,uf) (v,_) ->
+ let t,z,uf = TUF.find uf v in
+ map_set_add (t,z) v comp,uf)
+ (TMap.empty, uf) (TMap.bindings uf)
+ (** Find all elements that are in the same equivalence class as t. *)
+ let comp_t uf t =
+ let (t',z',uf) = TUF.find uf t in
+ fst(List.fold_left (fun (comp,uf) (v,((p,z),_)) ->
+ let v', z'',uf = TUF.find uf v in
+ if T.equal v' t' then (v, Z.(z'-z''))::comp,uf else comp,uf
+ )
+ ([],uf) (TMap.bindings uf))
+ (** Returns: "arg" map:
+ maps each representative term t to a map that maps an integer Z to
+ a list of representatives t' of v where *(v + z') is
+ in the representative class of t.
+ It basically maps each state in the automata to its predecessors. *)
+ let get_args uf =
+ let cmap,uf = comp_map uf in
+ let clist = TMap.bindings cmap in
+ let arg = List.fold_left (fun arg (v, imap) ->
+ let ilist = ZMap.bindings imap in
+ let iarg = List.fold_left (fun iarg (r,set) ->
+ let uf,list = List.fold_left (fun (uf,list) el ->
+ match el with
+ | Deref (v', r', _) ->
+ let v0,r0,uf = TUF.find uf v' in
+ uf,(v0,Z.(r0+r'))::list
+ | _ -> uf,list) (uf,[]) (TSet.elements set) in
+ ZMap.add r list iarg) ZMap.empty ilist in
+ TMap.add v iarg arg) TMap.empty clist in
+ (uf,cmap,arg)
+ let fold_left2 f acc l1 l2 =
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun acc x -> List.fold_left (
+ fun acc y -> f acc x y) acc l2) acc l1
+ let map2 f l1 l2 = List.concat_map (fun x ->
+ List.map (fun y -> f x y) l2) l1
+ let map_find_opt (v,r) map = match TMap.find_opt v map with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some imap -> (match ZMap.find_opt r imap with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some v
+ )
+ let map_find_all t map =
+ match TMap.find_opt t map with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some imap -> List.fold (fun list (z,list2) ->
+ list@list2
+ ) [] (ZMap.bindings imap)
+ (** Find all disequalities of the form t1 != z2-z1 + t2
+ that can be inferred from equalities of the form *(z1 + t1) = *(z2 + t2).
+ *)
+ let check_neq (_,arg) rest (v,zmap) =
+ let zlist = ZMap.bindings zmap in
+ fold_left2 (fun rest (r1,_) (r2,_) ->
+ if Z.equal r1 r2 then rest
+ else (* r1 <> r2 *)
+ let l1 = match map_find_opt (v,r1) arg
+ with None -> []
+ | Some list -> list in
+ (* just take the elements of set1 ? *)
+ let l2 = match map_find_opt (v,r2) arg
+ with None -> []
+ | Some list -> list in
+ fold_left2 (fun rest (v1,r'1) (v2,r'2) ->
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then if Z.equal r'1 r'2
+ then raise Unsat
+ else rest
+ else (v1,v2,Z.(r'2-r'1))::rest) rest l1 l2
+ ) rest zlist zlist
+ (** Find all disequalities of the form t1 != z2-z1 + t2
+ that can be inferred from block equalities of the form bl( *(z1 + t1) ) = bl( *(z2 + t2) ).
+ *)
+ let check_neq_bl (uf,arg) rest (t1, tset) =
+ List.fold (fun rest t2 ->
+ (* We know that r1 <> r2, otherwise it would be Unsat. *)
+ let l1 = map_find_all t1 arg in
+ let l2 = map_find_all t2 arg in
+ fold_left2 (fun rest (v1,r'1) (v2,r'2) ->
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then if Z.equal r'1 r'2
+ then raise Unsat
+ else rest
+ else (v1,v2,Z.(r'2-r'1))::rest) rest l1 l2
+ ) rest (TSet.to_list tset)
+ (** Initialize the list of disequalities taking only implicit dis-equalities into account.
+ Returns: List of dis-equalities implied by the equalities. *)
+ let init_neq (uf,cmap,arg) =
+ List.fold_left (check_neq (uf,arg)) [] (TMap.bindings cmap)
+ (** Initialize the list of disequalities taking only implicit dis-equalities into account.
+ Returns: List of dis-equalities implied by the block disequalities. *)
+ let init_neg_block_diseq (uf, bldis, cmap, arg) =
+ List.fold_left (check_neq_bl (uf,arg)) [] (TMap.bindings bldis)
+ (** Initialize the list of disequalities taking explicit dis-equalities into account.
+ Parameters: union-find partition, explicit disequalities.
+ Returns: list of normalized provided dis-equalities *)
+ let init_list_neq uf neg =
+ List.fold_left (fun (uf, list) (v1,v2,r) ->
+ let v1,r1,uf = TUF.find uf v1 in
+ let v2,r2,uf = TUF.find uf v2 in
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then if Z.(equal r1 (r2+r)) then raise Unsat
+ else uf,list
+ else uf,(v1,v2,Z.(r2-r1+r))::list) (uf,[]) neg
+ (** Parameter: list of disequalities (t1, t2, z), where t1 and t2 are roots.
+ Returns: map `neq` where each representative is mapped to a set of representatives it is not equal to.
+ *)
+ let rec propagate_neq (uf,(cmap: TSet.t ZMap.t TMap.t),arg,neq) bldis = function (* v1, v2 are distinct roots with v1 != v2+r *)
+ | [] -> neq (* uf need not be returned: has been flattened during constr. of cmap *)
+ | (v1,v2,r) :: rest ->
+ (* we don't want to explicitly store disequalities of the kind &x != &y *)
+ if T.is_addr v1 && T.is_addr v2 || BlDis.map_set_mem v1 v2 bldis then
+ propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,neq) bldis rest else
+ (* v1, v2 are roots; v2 -> r,v1 not yet contained in neq *)
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then
+ if Z.equal r Z.zero then raise Unsat else propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,neq) bldis rest
+ else (* check whether it is already in neq *)
+ if map_set_mem (v1,Z.(-r)) v2 neq then propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,neq) bldis rest
+ else let neq = map_set_add (v1,Z.(-r)) v2 neq |>
+ map_set_add (v2,r) v1 in
+ (*
+ search components of v1, v2 for elements at distance r to obtain inferred equalities
+ at the same level (not recorded) and then compare their predecessors
+ *)
+ match TMap.find_opt v1 (cmap:t), TMap.find_opt v2 cmap with
+ | None,_ | _,None -> (*should not happen*) propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,neq) bldis rest
+ | Some imap1, Some imap2 ->
+ let ilist1 = ZMap.bindings imap1 in
+ let rest = List.fold_left (fun rest (r1,_) ->
+ match ZMap.find_opt Z.(r1+r) imap2 with
+ | None -> rest
+ | Some _ ->
+ let l1 = match map_find_opt (v1,r1) arg
+ with None -> []
+ | Some list -> list in
+ let l2 = match map_find_opt (v2,Z.(r1+r)) arg
+ with None -> []
+ | Some list -> list in
+ fold_left2 (fun rest (v1',r'1) (v2',r'2) ->
+ if T.equal v1' v2' then if Z.equal r'1 r'2 then raise Unsat
+ else rest
+ else
+ (v1',v2',Z.(r'2-r'1))::rest ) rest l1 l2)
+ rest ilist1 in
+ propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,neq) bldis rest
+ (*
+ collection of disequalities:
+ * disequalities originating from different offsets of same root
+ * disequalities originating from block disequalities
+ * stated disequalities
+ * closure by collecting appropriate args
+ for a disequality v1 != v2 +r for distinct roots v1,v2
+ check whether there is some r1, r2 such that r1 = r2 +r
+ then dis-equate the sets at v1,r1 with v2,r2.
+ *)
+ let show_neq neq =
+ let clist = bindings neq in
+ List.fold_left (fun s (v,r,v') ->
+ s ^ "\t" ^ T.show v ^ ( if Z.equal r Z.zero then "" else if Z.leq r Z.zero then (Z.to_string r) else (" + " ^ Z.to_string r) )^ " != "
+ ^ T.show v' ^ "\n") "" clist
+ let show_cmap neq =
+ let clist = bindings neq in
+ List.fold_left (fun s (v,r,v') ->
+ s ^ "\t" ^ T.show v ^ ( if Z.equal r Z.zero then "" else if Z.leq r Z.zero then (Z.to_string r) else (" + " ^ Z.to_string r) )^ " = "
+ ^ T.show v' ^ "\n") "" clist
+ let show_arg arg =
+ let clist = bindings_args arg in
+ List.fold_left (fun s (v,z,v',r) ->
+ s ^ "\t" ^ T.show v' ^ ( if Z.equal r Z.zero then "" else if Z.leq r Z.zero then (Z.to_string r) else (" + " ^ Z.to_string r) )^ " --> "
+ ^ T.show v^ "+"^ Z.to_string z ^ "\n") "" clist
+ let get_disequalities = List.map
+ (fun (t1, z, t2) ->
+ Nequal (t1,t2,Z.(-z))
+ ) % bindings
+ (** For each disequality t1 != z + t2 we add all disequalities
+ that follow from equalities. I.e., if t1 = z1 + t1' and t2 = z2 + t2',
+ then we add the disequaity t1' != z + z2 - z1 + t2'.
+ *)
+ let element_closure diseqs cmap uf =
+ let comp_closure (r1,r2,z) =
+ let eq_class1, eq_class2 = LMap.comp_t_cmap_repr cmap r1, LMap.comp_t_cmap_repr cmap r2 in
+ List.map (fun ((z1, nt1),(z2, nt2)) ->
+ (nt1, nt2, Z.(-z2+z+z1)))
+ (List.cartesian_product eq_class1 eq_class2)
+ in
+ List.concat_map comp_closure diseqs
+(** Set of subterms which are present in the current data structure. *)
+module SSet = struct
+ type t = TSet.t [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+ let elements = TSet.elements
+ let mem = TSet.mem
+ let add = TSet.add
+ let fold = TSet.fold
+ let empty = TSet.empty
+ let to_list = TSet.to_list
+ let inter = TSet.inter
+ let find_opt = TSet.find_opt
+ let union = TSet.union
+ let show_set set = TSet.fold (fun v s ->
+ s ^ "\t" ^ T.show v ^ ";\n") set "" ^ "\n"
+ (** Adds all subterms of t to the SSet and the LookupMap*)
+ let rec subterms_of_term (set,map) t = match t with
+ | Addr _ | Aux _ -> (add t set, map)
+ | Deref (t',z,_) ->
+ let set = add t set in
+ let map = LMap.map_add (t',z) t map in
+ subterms_of_term (set, map) t'
+ (** Adds all subterms of the proposition to the SSet and the LookupMap*)
+ let subterms_of_prop (set,map) = function
+ | (t1,t2,_) -> subterms_of_term (subterms_of_term (set,map) t1) t2
+ let subterms_of_conj list = List.fold_left subterms_of_prop (TSet.empty, LMap.empty) list
+ let fold_atoms f (acc:'a) set:'a =
+ let exception AtomsDone in
+ let res = ref acc in
+ try
+ TSet.fold (fun (v:T.t) acc -> match v with
+ | Addr _| Aux _ -> f acc v
+ | _ -> res := acc; raise AtomsDone) set acc
+ with AtomsDone -> !res
+ let get_atoms set =
+ (* `elements set` returns a sorted list of the elements. The atoms are always smaller that other terms,
+ according to our comparison function. Therefore take_while is enough. *)
+ BatList.take_while (function Addr _ | Aux _ -> true | _ -> false) (elements set)
+ (** We try to find the dereferenced term between the already existing terms, in order to remember the information about the exp. *)
+ let deref_term t z set =
+ let exp = T.to_cil t in
+ match find_opt (Deref (t, z, exp)) set with
+ | None -> Deref (t, z, T.dereference_exp exp z)
+ | Some t -> t
+ (** Sometimes it's important to keep the dereferenced term,
+ even if it's not technically possible to dereference it from a point of view of the C types.
+ We still need the dereferenced term for the correctness of some algorithms,
+ and the resulting expression will never be used, so it doesn't need to be a
+ C expression that makes sense. *)
+ let deref_term_even_if_its_not_possible min_term z set =
+ match deref_term min_term z set with
+ | result -> result
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) ->
+ let random_type = (TPtr (TPtr (TInt (ILong,[]),[]),[])) in (*the type is not so important for min_repr and get_normal_form*)
+ let cil_off = match T.to_cil_constant z (Some random_type) with
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> Const (CInt (Z.zero, T.default_int_type, Some (Z.to_string z)))
+ | exp -> exp in
+ Deref (min_term, z, Lval (Mem (BinOp (PlusPI, T.to_cil(min_term), cil_off, random_type)), NoOffset))
+(** Minimal representatives map.
+ It maps each representative term of an equivalence class to the minimal term of this representative class.
+ rep -> (t, z) means that t = rep + z *)
+module MRMap = struct
+ type t = (T.t * Z.t) TMap.t [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+ let bindings = TMap.bindings
+ let find = TMap.find
+ let find_opt = TMap.find_opt
+ let add = TMap.add
+ let remove = TMap.remove
+ let mem = TMap.mem
+ let empty = TMap.empty
+ let show_min_rep min_representatives =
+ let show_one_rep s (state, (rep, z)) =
+ s ^ "\tState: " ^ T.show state ^
+ "\n\tMin: (" ^ T.show rep ^ ", " ^ Z.to_string z ^ ")--\n\n"
+ in
+ List.fold_left show_one_rep "" (bindings min_representatives)
+ let rec update_min_repr (uf, set, map) min_representatives = function
+ | [] -> min_representatives
+ | state::queue -> (* process all outgoing edges in order of ascending edge labels *)
+ match LMap.successors state map with
+ | edges ->
+ let process_edge (min_representatives, queue, uf) (edge_z, next_term) =
+ let next_state, next_z = TUF.find_no_pc uf next_term in
+ let (min_term, min_z) = find state min_representatives in
+ let next_min =
+ (SSet.deref_term_even_if_its_not_possible min_term Z.(edge_z - min_z) set, next_z) in
+ match TMap.find_opt next_state min_representatives
+ with
+ | None ->
+ (add next_state next_min min_representatives, queue @ [next_state], uf)
+ | Some current_min when T.compare (fst next_min) (fst current_min) < 0 ->
+ (add next_state next_min min_representatives, queue @ [next_state], uf)
+ | _ -> (min_representatives, queue, uf)
+ in
+ let (min_representatives, queue, uf) = List.fold_left process_edge (min_representatives, queue, uf) edges
+ in update_min_repr (uf, set, map) min_representatives queue
+ (** Uses dijkstra algorithm to update the minimal representatives of
+ the successor nodes of all edges in the queue
+ and if necessary it recursively updates the minimal representatives of the successor nodes.
+ The states in the queue must already have an updated min_repr.
+ This function visits only the successor nodes of the nodes in queue, not the nodes themselves.
+ Before visiting the nodes, it sorts the queue by the size of the current mininmal representative.
+ parameters:
+ - `(uf, set, map)` represent the union find data structure and the corresponding term set and lookup map.
+ - `min_representatives` maps each representative of the union find data structure to the minimal representative of the equivalence class.
+ - `queue` contains the states that need to be processed.
+ The states of the automata are the equivalence classes and each state of the automata is represented by the representative term.
+ Therefore the queue is a list of representative terms.
+ Returns:
+ - The updated `min_representatives` map with the minimal representatives*)
+ let update_min_repr (uf, set, map) min_representatives queue =
+ (* order queue by size of the current min representative *)
+ let queue =
+ List.sort_unique (fun el1 el2 -> let compare_repr = TUF.compare_repr (find el1 min_representatives) (find el2 min_representatives) in
+ if compare_repr = 0 then T.compare el1 el2 else compare_repr) (List.filter (TUF.is_root uf) queue)
+ in update_min_repr (uf, set, map) min_representatives queue
+ (**
+ Computes a map that maps each representative of an equivalence class to the minimal representative of the equivalence class.
+ Returns:
+ - The map with the minimal representatives.
+ *)
+ let compute_minimal_representatives (uf, set, map) =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-normal-form" "compute_minimal_representatives\n";
+ let atoms = SSet.get_atoms set in
+ (* process all atoms in increasing order *)
+ let atoms =
+ List.sort (fun el1 el2 ->
+ let v1, z1 = TUF.find_no_pc uf el1 in
+ let v2, z2 = TUF.find_no_pc uf el2 in
+ let repr_compare = TUF.compare_repr (v1, z1) (v2, z2)
+ in
+ if repr_compare = 0 then T.compare el1 el2 else repr_compare) atoms in
+ let add_atom_to_map (min_representatives, queue, uf) a =
+ let rep, offs = TUF.find_no_pc uf a in
+ if not (mem rep min_representatives) then
+ (add rep (a, offs) min_representatives, queue @ [rep], uf)
+ else (min_representatives, queue, uf)
+ in
+ let (min_representatives, queue, uf) = List.fold_left add_atom_to_map (empty, [], uf) atoms
+ (* compute the minimal representative of all remaining edges *)
+ in update_min_repr (uf, set, map) min_representatives queue
+ let compute_minimal_representatives a = Timing.wrap "c2po-compute-min-repr" compute_minimal_representatives a
+ (** Computes the initial map of minimal representatives.
+ It maps each element `e` in the set to `(e, 0)`. *)
+ let initial_minimal_representatives set =
+ List.fold_left (fun map element -> add element (element, Z.zero) map) empty (SSet.elements set)
+module Lazy =
+ include Lazy
+ let hash x y = 0
+ This is the type for the abstract domain.
+ - `uf` is the union find tree
+ - `set` is the set of terms that are currently considered.
+ It is the set of terms that have a mapping in the `uf` tree.
+ - `map` maps reference variables v to a map that maps integers z to terms that are equivalent to *(v + z).
+ It represents the transitions of the quantitative finite automata.
+ - `normal_form` is the unique normal form of the domain element, it is a lazily computed when needed and stored such that it can be used again later.
+ - `diseq` represents the block disequalities. It is a map that maps each term to a set of terms that are definitely in a different block.
+ - `bldis` represents the disequalities. It is a map from a term t1 to a map from an integer z to a set of terms T, which represents the disequality t1 != z + t2 for each t2 in T.
+type t = {uf: TUF.t;
+ set: SSet.t;
+ map: LMap.t;
+ normal_form: T.v_prop list Lazy.t[@compare.ignore][@eq.ignore][@hash.ignore];
+ diseq: Disequalities.t;
+ bldis: BlDis.t}
+[@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+let show_conj list = List.fold_left
+ (fun s d -> s ^ "\t" ^ T.show_prop d ^ ";\n") "" list
+(** Returns a list of all the transition that are present in the automata. *)
+let get_transitions (uf, map) =
+ List.concat_map (fun (t, zmap) ->
+ (List.map (fun (edge_z, res_t) ->
+ (edge_z, t, TUF.find_no_pc uf res_t)) @@
+ (LMap.zmap_bindings zmap)))
+ (LMap.bindings map)
+let exactly_equal cc1 cc2 =
+ cc1.uf == cc2.uf && cc1.map == cc2.map && cc1.diseq == cc2.diseq && cc1.bldis == cc2.bldis
+(** Converts the domain representation to a conjunction, using
+ the function `get_normal_repr` to compute the representatives that need to be used in the conjunction.*)
+let get_normal_conjunction cc get_normal_repr =
+ let normalize_equality (t1, t2, z) =
+ if T.equal t1 t2 && Z.(equal z zero) then None else
+ Some (Equal (t1, t2, z)) in
+ let conjunctions_of_atoms =
+ let atoms = SSet.get_atoms cc.set in
+ List.filter_map (fun atom ->
+ let (rep_state, rep_z) = TUF.find_no_pc cc.uf atom in
+ let (min_state, min_z) = get_normal_repr rep_state in
+ normalize_equality (atom, min_state, Z.(rep_z - min_z))
+ ) atoms
+ in
+ let conjunctions_of_transitions =
+ let transitions = get_transitions (cc.uf, cc.map) in
+ List.filter_map (fun (z,s,(s',z')) ->
+ let (min_state, min_z) = get_normal_repr s in
+ let (min_state', min_z') = get_normal_repr s' in
+ normalize_equality (SSet.deref_term_even_if_its_not_possible min_state Z.(z - min_z) cc.set, min_state', Z.(z' - min_z'))
+ ) transitions in
+ (*disequalities*)
+ let disequalities = Disequalities.get_disequalities cc.diseq in
+ (* find disequalities between min_repr *)
+ let normalize_disequality (t1, t2, z) =
+ let (min_state1, min_z1) = get_normal_repr t1 in
+ let (min_state2, min_z2) = get_normal_repr t2 in
+ let new_offset = Z.(-min_z2 + min_z1 + z) in
+ if T.compare min_state1 min_state2 < 0 then Nequal (min_state1, min_state2, new_offset)
+ else Nequal (min_state2, min_state1, Z.(-new_offset))
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-diseq" "DISEQUALITIES: %s;\nUnion find: %s\nMap: %s\n" (show_conj disequalities) (TUF.show_uf cc.uf) (LMap.show_map cc.map);
+ let disequalities = List.map (function | Equal (t1,t2,z) | Nequal (t1,t2,z) -> normalize_disequality (t1, t2, z)|BlNequal (t1,t2) -> BlNequal (t1,t2)) disequalities in
+ (* block disequalities *)
+ let normalize_bldis t = match t with
+ | BlNequal (t1,t2) ->
+ let min_state1, _ = get_normal_repr t1 in
+ let min_state2, _ = get_normal_repr t2 in
+ if T.compare min_state1 min_state2 < 0 then BlNequal (min_state1, min_state2)
+ else BlNequal (min_state2, min_state1)
+ | _ -> t
+ in
+ let conjunctions_of_bl_diseqs = List.map normalize_bldis @@ BlDis.to_conj cc.bldis in
+ (* all propositions *)
+ BatList.sort_unique (T.compare_v_prop) (conjunctions_of_atoms @ conjunctions_of_transitions @ disequalities @ conjunctions_of_bl_diseqs)
+(** Returns the canonical normal form of the data structure in form of a sorted list of conjunctions. *)
+let get_normal_form cc =
+ if M.tracing && not (Lazy.is_val cc.normal_form) then M.trace "c2po-normal-form" "Computing normal form";
+ Lazy.force cc.normal_form
+(** Converts the normal form to string, but only if it was already computed. *)
+let show_normal_form normal_form =
+ if Lazy.is_val normal_form then show_conj (Lazy.force normal_form)
+ else "not computed"
+(** Returns a list of conjunctions that follow from the data structure in form of a sorted list of conjunctions.
+ This is not a normal form, but it is useful to print information
+ about the current state of the analysis. *)
+let get_conjunction cc =
+ get_normal_conjunction cc (fun t -> t,Z.zero)
+(** Sets the normal_form to an uncomputed value,
+ that will be lazily computed when it is needed. *)
+let reset_normal_form cc =
+ {cc with normal_form = lazy(
+ let min_repr = MRMap.compute_minimal_representatives (cc.uf, cc.set, cc.map) in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-min-repr" "COMPUTE MIN REPR: %s" (MRMap.show_min_rep min_repr);
+ let conj = get_normal_conjunction cc (fun t -> match MRMap.find_opt t min_repr with | None -> t,Z.zero | Some minr -> minr)
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-equal" "COMPUTE NORMAL FORM: %s" (show_conj conj); conj
+ )}
+let show_all x = "Normal form:\n" ^
+ show_conj((get_conjunction x)) ^
+ "Union Find partition:\n" ^
+ (TUF.show_uf x.uf)
+ ^ "\nSubterm set:\n"
+ ^ (SSet.show_set x.set)
+ ^ "\nLookup map/transitions:\n"
+ ^ (LMap.show_map x.map)
+ ^ "\nNeq:\n"
+ ^ (Disequalities.show_neq x.diseq)
+ ^ "\nBlock diseqs:\n"
+ ^ show_conj(BlDis.to_conj x.bldis)
+ ^ "\nMin repr:\n"
+ ^ show_normal_form x.normal_form
+(** Splits the conjunction into three groups: the first one contains all equality propositions,
+ the second one contains all inequality propositions
+ and the third one contains all block disequality propositions. *)
+let split conj = List.fold_left (fun (pos,neg,bld) -> function
+ | Equal (t1,t2,r) -> ((t1,t2,r)::pos,neg,bld)
+ | Nequal(t1,t2,r) -> (pos,(t1,t2,r)::neg,bld)
+ | BlNequal (t1,t2) -> (pos,neg,(t1,t2)::bld)) ([],[],[]) conj
+ Returns \{uf, set, map, normal_form, bldis, diseq\},
+ where all data structures are initialized with an empty map/set.
+let init_cc () =
+ {uf = TUF.empty; set = SSet.empty; map = LMap.empty; normal_form = lazy([]); diseq = Disequalities.empty; bldis = BlDis.empty}
+(** Computes the closure of disequalities. *)
+let congruence_neq cc neg =
+ let neg = Tuple3.second (split(Disequalities.get_disequalities cc.diseq)) @ neg in
+ (* getting args of dereferences *)
+ let uf,cmap,arg = Disequalities.get_args cc.uf in
+ (* taking implicit dis-equalities into account *)
+ let neq_list = Disequalities.init_neq (uf,cmap,arg) @ Disequalities.init_neg_block_diseq (uf, cc.bldis, cmap, arg) in
+ let neq = Disequalities.propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,Disequalities.empty) cc.bldis neq_list in
+ (* taking explicit dis-equalities into account *)
+ let uf,neq_list = Disequalities.init_list_neq uf neg in
+ let neq = Disequalities.propagate_neq (uf,cmap,arg,neq) cc.bldis neq_list in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-neq" "congruence_neq: %s\nUnion find: %s\n" (Disequalities.show_neq neq) (TUF.show_uf uf);
+ {uf; set=cc.set; map=cc.map; normal_form=cc.normal_form;diseq=neq; bldis=cc.bldis}
+ parameters: (uf, map, new_repr) equalities.
+ returns updated (uf, map, new_repr), where:
+ `uf` is the new union find data structure after having added all equalities.
+ `map` maps reference variables v to a map that maps integers z to terms that are equivalent to *(v + z).
+ `new_repr` maps each term that changed its representative term to the new representative.
+ It can be given as a parameter to `update_bldis` in order to update the representatives in the block disequalities.
+ Throws "Unsat" if a contradiction is found.
+let rec closure (uf, map, new_repr) = function
+ | [] -> (uf, map, new_repr)
+ | (t1, t2, r)::rest ->
+ (let v1, r1, uf = TUF.find uf t1 in
+ let v2, r2, uf = TUF.find uf t2 in
+ let sizet1, sizet2 = T.get_size t1, T.get_size t2 in
+ if not (Z.equal sizet1 sizet2) then
+ (if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po" "ignoring equality because the sizes are not the same: %s = %s + %s" (T.show t1) (Z.to_string r) (T.show t2);
+ closure (uf, map, new_repr) rest) else
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then
+ (* t1 and t2 are in the same equivalence class *)
+ if Z.equal r1 Z.(r2 + r) then closure (uf, map, new_repr) rest
+ else raise Unsat
+ else let diff_r = Z.(r2 - r1 + r) in
+ let v, uf, b = TUF.union uf v1 v2 diff_r in (* union *)
+ (* update new_representative *)
+ let new_repr = if T.equal v v1 then TMap.add v2 v new_repr else TMap.add v1 v new_repr in
+ (* update map *)
+ let map, rest = match LMap.find_opt v1 map, LMap.find_opt v2 map, b with
+ | None, _, false -> map, rest
+ | None, Some _, true -> LMap.shift v1 Z.(r1-r2-r) v2 map, rest
+ | Some _, None,false -> LMap.shift v2 Z.(r2-r1+r) v1 map, rest
+ | _,None,true -> map, rest (* either v1 or v2 does not occur inside Deref *)
+ | Some imap1, Some imap2, true -> (* v1 is new root *)
+ (* zmap describes args of Deref *)
+ let r0 = Z.(r2-r1+r) in (* difference between roots *)
+ (* we move all entries of imap2 to imap1 *)
+ let infl2 = List.map (fun (r',v') -> Z.(-r0+r'), v') (LMap.zmap_bindings imap2) in
+ let zmap,rest = List.fold_left (fun (zmap,rest) (r',v') ->
+ let rest = match LMap.zmap_find_opt r' zmap with
+ | None -> rest
+ | Some v'' -> (v', v'', Z.zero)::rest
+ in LMap.zmap_add r' v' zmap, rest)
+ (imap1,rest) infl2 in
+ LMap.remove v2 (LMap.add v zmap map), rest
+ | Some imap1, Some imap2, false -> (* v2 is new root *)
+ let r0 = Z.(r1-r2-r) in
+ let infl1 = List.map (fun (r',v') -> Z.(-r0+r'),v') (LMap.zmap_bindings imap1) in
+ let zmap,rest = List.fold_left (fun (zmap,rest) (r',v') ->
+ let rest =
+ match LMap.zmap_find_opt r' zmap with
+ | None -> rest
+ | Some v'' -> (v', v'',Z.zero)::rest
+ in LMap.zmap_add r' v' zmap, rest) (imap2, rest) infl1 in
+ LMap.remove v1 (LMap.add v zmap map), rest
+ in
+ closure (uf, map, new_repr) rest
+ )
+(** Update block disequalities with the new representatives. *)
+let update_bldis new_repr bldis =
+ let bldis = BlDis.map_lhs bldis (TMap.bindings new_repr) in
+ (* update block disequalities with the new representatives *)
+ let find_new_root t1 = Option.default t1 (TMap.find_opt t1 new_repr) in
+ BlDis.filter_map (fun t1 -> Some (find_new_root t1)) bldis
+ Parameters: cc conjunctions.
+ returns updated cc, where:
+ - `uf` is the new union find data structure after having added all equalities.
+ - `set` doesn't change
+ - `map` maps reference variables v to a map that maps integers z to terms that are equivalent to *(v + z).
+ - `diseq` doesn't change (it must be updated later to the new representatives).
+ - `bldis` are the block disequalities between the new representatives.
+ Throws "Unsat" if a contradiction is found.
+ This does NOT update the disequalities.
+ They need to be updated with `congruence_neq`.
+let closure cc conjs =
+ let (uf, map, new_repr) = closure (cc.uf, cc.map, TMap.empty) conjs in
+ let bldis = update_bldis new_repr cc.bldis in
+ {uf; set = cc.set; map; normal_form=cc.normal_form; diseq=cc.diseq; bldis=bldis}
+(** Adds the block disequalities to the cc, but first rewrites them such that
+ they are disequalities between representatives. The cc should already contain
+ all the terms that are present in those block disequalities.
+let rec add_normalized_bl_diseqs cc = function
+ | [] -> cc
+ | (t1,t2)::bl_conjs ->
+ let t1',_,uf = TUF.find cc.uf t1 in
+ let t2',_,uf = TUF.find uf t2 in
+ if T.equal t1' t2' then raise Unsat (*unsatisfiable*)
+ else let bldis = BlDis.add_block_diseq cc.bldis (t1',t2') in
+ add_normalized_bl_diseqs {cc with bldis;uf} bl_conjs
+(** Add a term to the data structure.
+ Returns (reference variable, offset), updated congruence closure *)
+let rec insert cc t =
+ if SSet.mem t cc.set then
+ let v,z,uf = TUF.find cc.uf t in
+ (v,z), {cc with uf}
+ else
+ match t with
+ | Addr _ | Aux _ -> let uf = TUF.ValMap.add t ((t, Z.zero),1) cc.uf in
+ let set = SSet.add t cc.set in
+ (t, Z.zero), {cc with uf; set}
+ | Deref (t', z, exp) ->
+ match insert cc t' with
+ | (v, r), cc ->
+ let set = SSet.add t cc.set in
+ match LMap.map_find_opt (v, Z.(r + z)) cc.map with
+ | Some v' -> let v2,z2,uf = TUF.find cc.uf v' in
+ let uf = LMap.add t ((t, Z.zero),1) uf in
+ (v2,z2), closure {cc with uf; set} [(t, v', Z.zero)]
+ | None -> let map = LMap.map_add (v, Z.(r + z)) t cc.map in
+ let uf = LMap.add t ((t, Z.zero),1) cc.uf in
+ (t, Z.zero), {cc with uf; set; map}
+(** Add all terms in a specific set to the data structure.
+ Returns updated cc. *)
+let insert_set cc t_set =
+ SSet.fold (fun t cc -> snd (insert cc t)) t_set cc
+(** Returns true if t1 and t2 are equivalent. *)
+let rec eq_query cc (t1,t2,r) =
+ let (v1,r1),cc = insert cc t1 in
+ let (v2,r2),cc = insert cc t2 in
+ if T.equal v1 v2 && Z.equal r1 Z.(r2 + r) then (true, cc)
+ else
+ (* If the equality is *(t1' + z1) = *(t2' + z2), then we check if the two pointers are equal,
+ i.e. if t1' + z1 = t2' + z2.
+ This is useful when the dereferenced elements are not pointers and therefore not stored in our data strutcure.
+ But we still know that they are equal if the pointers are equal. *)
+ if Z.equal r Z.zero then
+ match t1,t2 with
+ | Deref (t1', z1, _), Deref (t2', z2, _) ->
+ eq_query cc (t1', t2', Z.(z2 - z1))
+ | _ -> (false, cc)
+ else (false,cc)
+let block_neq_query cc (t1,t2) =
+ let (v1,r1),cc = insert cc t1 in
+ let (v2,r2),cc = insert cc t2 in
+ BlDis.map_set_mem v1 v2 cc.bldis
+(** Returns true if t1 and t2 are not equivalent. *)
+let neq_query cc (t1,t2,r) =
+ (* we implicitly assume that &x != &y + z *)
+ if T.is_addr t1 && T.is_addr t2 then true else
+ let (v1,r1),cc = insert cc t1 in
+ let (v2,r2),cc = insert cc t2 in
+ (* implicit disequalities following from equalities *)
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then
+ if Z.(equal r1 (r2 + r)) then false
+ else true
+ else
+ (* implicit disequalities following from block disequalities *)
+ BlDis.map_set_mem v1 v2 cc.bldis ||
+ (*explicit dsequalities*)
+ Disequalities.map_set_mem (v2,Z.(r2-r1+r)) v1 cc.diseq
+(** Adds equalities to the data structure.
+ Throws "Unsat" if a contradiction is found.
+ Does not update disequalities. *)
+let meet_pos_conjs cc pos_conjs =
+ let res = let cc = insert_set cc (fst (SSet.subterms_of_conj pos_conjs)) in
+ closure cc pos_conjs
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-meet" "MEET_CONJS RESULT: %s\n" (show_conj (get_conjunction res)); res
+(** Adds propositions to the data structure.
+ Returns None if a contradiction is found. *)
+let meet_conjs_opt conjs cc =
+ let pos_conjs, neg_conjs, bl_conjs = split conjs in
+ let terms_to_add = (fst (SSet.subterms_of_conj (neg_conjs @ List.map(fun (t1,t2)->(t1,t2,Z.zero)) bl_conjs))) in
+ let cc = add_normalized_bl_diseqs (insert_set (meet_pos_conjs cc pos_conjs) terms_to_add) bl_conjs in
+ congruence_neq cc neg_conjs
+(** Add proposition t1 = t2 + r to the data structure.
+ Does not update the disequalities. *)
+let add_eq cc (t1, t2, r) =
+ let (v1, r1), cc = insert cc t1 in
+ let (v2, r2), cc = insert cc t2 in
+ let cc = closure cc [v1, v2, Z.(r2 - r1 + r)] in
+ cc
+(** Adds block disequalities to cc:
+ for each representative t in cc it adds the disequality bl(lterm) != bl(t)*)
+let add_block_diseqs cc lterm =
+ let bldis = BlDis.add_block_diseqs cc.bldis cc.uf lterm (TUF.get_representatives cc.uf) in
+ {cc with bldis}
+(* Remove variables: *)
+(** Removes terms from the union find and the lookup map. *)
+let remove_terms_from_eq predicate cc =
+ let insert_terms cc = List.fold (fun cc t -> snd (insert cc t)) cc in
+ (* start from all initial states that are still valid and find new representatives if necessary *)
+ (* new_reps maps each representative term to the new representative of the equivalence class *)
+ (* but new_reps contains an element but not necessarily the representative *)
+ let find_new_repr state old_rep old_z new_reps =
+ match LMap.find_opt old_rep new_reps with
+ | Some (new_rep,z) -> new_rep, Z.(old_z - z), new_reps
+ | None -> if not @@ predicate old_rep then
+ old_rep, old_z, TMap.add old_rep (old_rep, Z.zero) new_reps else (* <- we keep the same representative as before *)
+ (* the representative need to be removed from the data structure: state is the new repr->*)
+ state, Z.zero, TMap.add old_rep (state, old_z) new_reps in
+ let add_atom (uf, new_reps, new_cc, reachable_old_reps) state =
+ let old_rep, old_z, uf = TUF.find uf state in
+ let new_rep, new_z, new_reps = find_new_repr state old_rep old_z new_reps in
+ let new_cc = insert_terms new_cc [state; new_rep] in
+ let new_cc = closure new_cc [(state, new_rep, new_z)] in
+ (uf, new_reps, new_cc, (old_rep, new_rep, Z.(old_z - new_z))::reachable_old_reps)
+ in
+ let uf, new_reps, new_cc, reachable_old_reps =
+ SSet.fold_atoms (fun acc x -> if (not (predicate x)) then add_atom acc x else acc) (cc.uf, TMap.empty, init_cc (),[]) cc.set in
+ let cmap,uf = Disequalities.comp_map uf in
+ (* breadth-first search of reachable states *)
+ let add_transition (old_rep, new_rep, z1) (uf, new_reps, new_cc, reachable_old_reps) (s_z,s_t) =
+ let old_rep_s, old_z_s, uf = TUF.find uf s_t in
+ let find_successor_in_set (z, term_set) =
+ let exception Found in
+ let res = ref None in
+ try
+ TSet.iter (fun t ->
+ match SSet.deref_term t Z.(s_z-z) cc.set with
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> ()
+ | successor -> if (not @@ predicate successor) then
+ (res := Some successor; raise Found)
+ else
+ ()
+ ) term_set; !res
+ with Found -> !res
+ in
+ (* find successor term -> find any element in equivalence class that can be dereferenced *)
+ match List.find_map_opt find_successor_in_set (ZMap.bindings @@ TMap.find old_rep cmap) with
+ | Some successor_term -> if (not @@ predicate successor_term && T.check_valid_pointer (T.to_cil successor_term)) then
+ let new_cc = insert_terms new_cc [successor_term] in
+ match LMap.find_opt old_rep_s new_reps with
+ | Some (new_rep_s,z2) -> (* the successor already has a new representative, therefore we can just add it to the lookup map*)
+ uf, new_reps, closure new_cc [(successor_term, new_rep_s, Z.(old_z_s-z2))], reachable_old_reps
+ | None -> (* the successor state was not visited yet, therefore we need to find the new representative of the state.
+ -> we choose a successor term *(t+z) for any t
+ -> we need add the successor state to the list of states that still need to be visited
+ *)
+ uf, TMap.add old_rep_s (successor_term, old_z_s) new_reps, new_cc, (old_rep_s, successor_term, old_z_s)::reachable_old_reps
+ else
+ (uf, new_reps, new_cc, reachable_old_reps)
+ | None ->
+ (* the term cannot be dereferenced, so we won't add this transition. *)
+ (uf, new_reps, new_cc, reachable_old_reps)
+ in
+ (* find all successors that are still reachable *)
+ let rec add_transitions uf new_reps new_cc = function
+ | [] -> new_reps, new_cc
+ | (old_rep, new_rep, z)::rest ->
+ let successors = LMap.successors old_rep cc.map in
+ let uf, new_reps, new_cc, reachable_old_reps =
+ List.fold (add_transition (old_rep, new_rep,z)) (uf, new_reps, new_cc, []) successors in
+ add_transitions uf new_reps new_cc (rest@reachable_old_reps)
+ in add_transitions uf new_reps new_cc
+ (List.unique_cmp ~cmp:(Tuple3.compare ~cmp1:(T.compare) ~cmp2:(T.compare) ~cmp3:(Z.compare)) reachable_old_reps)
+(** Find the representative term of the equivalence classes of an element that has already been deleted from the data structure.
+ Returns None if there are no elements in the same equivalence class as t before it was deleted.*)
+let find_new_root new_reps uf v =
+ match TMap.find_opt v new_reps with
+ | None -> uf, None
+ | Some (new_t, z1) ->
+ let t_rep, z2, uf = TUF.find uf new_t in
+ uf, Some (t_rep, Z.(z2-z1))
+let remove_terms_from_diseq diseq new_reps cc =
+ let disequalities = Disequalities.get_disequalities diseq
+ in
+ let add_disequality (uf,new_diseq) = function
+ | Nequal(t1,t2,z) ->
+ begin match find_new_root new_reps uf t1 with
+ | uf, Some (t1',z1') ->
+ begin match find_new_root new_reps uf t2 with
+ | uf, Some (t2', z2') -> uf, (t1', t2', Z.(z2'+z-z1'))::new_diseq
+ | _ -> uf, new_diseq
+ end
+ | _ -> uf, new_diseq
+ end
+ | _-> uf, new_diseq
+ in
+ let uf,new_diseq = List.fold add_disequality (cc.uf,[]) disequalities
+ in congruence_neq {cc with uf} new_diseq
+let remove_terms_from_bldis bldis new_reps cc =
+ let uf_ref = ref cc.uf in
+ let find_new_root_term t =
+ let uf, new_root = find_new_root new_reps !uf_ref t in
+ uf_ref := uf;
+ Option.map fst new_root in
+ let bldis = BlDis.filter_map_lhs find_new_root_term bldis in
+ !uf_ref, BlDis.filter_map find_new_root_term bldis
+(** Remove terms from the data structure.
+ It removes all terms for which "predicate" is false,
+ while maintaining all equalities about variables that are not being removed.*)
+let remove_terms predicate cc =
+ let old_cc = cc in
+ let new_reps, cc = remove_terms_from_eq predicate cc in
+ let uf,bldis = remove_terms_from_bldis old_cc.bldis new_reps cc in
+ let cc = remove_terms_from_diseq old_cc.diseq new_reps {cc with uf;bldis} in
+ cc
+let remove_terms p cc = Timing.wrap "removing terms" (remove_terms p) cc
+let show_pmap pmap=
+ List.fold_left (fun s ((r1,r2,z1),(t,z2)) ->
+ s ^ ";; " ^ "("^T.show r1^","^T.show r2 ^ ","^Z.to_string z1^") --> ("^ T.show t ^ Z.to_string z2 ^ ")") ""(Map.bindings pmap)
+(** Join version 1: by using the automaton.
+ The product automaton of cc1 and cc2 is computed and then we add the terms to the right equivalence class. We also add new terms in order to have some terms for each state in
+ the automaton. *)
+let join_eq cc1 cc2 =
+ let atoms = SSet.get_atoms (SSet.inter cc1.set cc2.set) in
+ let mappings = List.map
+ (fun a -> let r1, off1 = TUF.find_no_pc cc1.uf a in
+ let r2, off2 = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf a in
+ (r1,r2,Z.(off2 - off1)), (a,off1)) atoms in
+ let add_term (pmap, cc, new_pairs) (new_element, (new_term, a_off)) =
+ match Map.find_opt new_element pmap with
+ | None -> Map.add new_element (new_term, a_off) pmap, cc, new_element::new_pairs
+ | Some (c, c1_off) ->
+ pmap, add_eq cc (new_term, c, Z.(-c1_off + a_off)),new_pairs in
+ let pmap,cc,working_set = List.fold_left add_term (Map.empty, init_cc (),[]) mappings in
+ (* add equalities that make sure that all atoms that have the same
+ representative are equal. *)
+ let add_one_edge y t t1_off diff (pmap, cc, new_pairs) (offset, a) =
+ let a', a_off = TUF.find_no_pc cc1.uf a in
+ match LMap.map_find_opt (y, Z.(diff + offset)) cc2.map with
+ | None -> pmap,cc,new_pairs
+ | Some b -> let b', b_off = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf b in
+ match SSet.deref_term t Z.(offset - t1_off) cc1.set with
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> pmap,cc,new_pairs
+ | new_term ->
+ let _ , cc = insert cc new_term in
+ let new_element = a',b',Z.(b_off - a_off) in
+ add_term (pmap, cc, new_pairs) (new_element, (new_term, a_off))
+ in
+ let rec add_edges_to_map pmap cc = function
+ | [] -> cc, pmap
+ | (x,y,diff)::rest ->
+ let t,t1_off = Map.find (x,y,diff) pmap in
+ let pmap,cc,new_pairs = List.fold_left (add_one_edge y t t1_off diff) (pmap, cc, []) (LMap.successors x cc1.map) in
+ add_edges_to_map pmap cc (rest@new_pairs)
+ in
+ add_edges_to_map pmap cc working_set
+(** Join version 2: just look at equivalence classes and not the automaton. *)
+let product_no_automata_over_terms cc1 cc2 terms =
+ let cc1, cc2 = insert_set cc1 terms, insert_set cc2 terms in
+ let mappings = List.map
+ (fun a -> let r1, off1 = TUF.find_no_pc cc1.uf a in
+ let r2, off2 = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf a in
+ (r1,r2,Z.(off2 - off1)), (a,off1)) (SSet.to_list terms) in
+ let add_term (cc, pmap) (new_element, (new_term, a_off)) =
+ match Map.find_opt new_element pmap with
+ | None -> cc, Map.add new_element (new_term, a_off) pmap
+ | Some (c, c1_off) ->
+ add_eq cc (new_term, c, Z.(-c1_off + a_off)), pmap in
+ List.fold_left add_term (init_cc(), Map.empty) mappings
+(** Here we do the join without using the automata.
+ We construct a new cc that contains the elements of cc1.set U cc2.set.
+ and two elements are in the same equivalence class iff they are in the same eq. class
+ both in cc1 and in cc2. *)
+let join_eq_no_automata cc1 cc2 =
+ let terms = SSet.union cc1.set cc2.set in
+ product_no_automata_over_terms cc1 cc2 terms
+(** Same as join, but we only take the terms from the left argument. *)
+let widen_eq_no_automata cc1 cc2 =
+ product_no_automata_over_terms cc1 cc2 cc1.set
+(** Joins the disequalities diseq1 and diseq2, given a congruence closure data structure.
+ This is done by checking for each disequality if it is implied by both cc. *)
+let join_neq diseq1 diseq2 cc1 cc2 cc cmap1 cmap2 =
+ let _,diseq1,_ = split (Disequalities.get_disequalities diseq1) in
+ let _,diseq2,_ = split (Disequalities.get_disequalities diseq2) in
+ (* keep all disequalities from diseq1 that are implied by cc2 and
+ those from diseq2 that are implied by cc1 *)
+ let diseq1 = List.filter (neq_query cc2) (Disequalities.element_closure diseq1 cmap1 cc.uf) in
+ let diseq2 = List.filter (neq_query cc1) (Disequalities.element_closure diseq2 cmap2 cc.uf) in
+ let cc = insert_set cc (fst @@ SSet.subterms_of_conj (diseq1 @ diseq2)) in
+ let res = congruence_neq cc (diseq1 @ diseq2)
+ in (if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-neq" "join_neq: %s\n\n" (Disequalities.show_neq res.diseq)); res
+(** Joins the block disequalities bldiseq1 and bldiseq2, given a congruence closure data structure.
+ This is done by checking for each block disequality if it is implied by both cc. *)
+let join_bldis bldiseq1 bldiseq2 cc1 cc2 cc cmap1 cmap2 =
+ let bldiseq1 = BlDis.to_conj bldiseq1 in
+ let bldiseq2 = BlDis.to_conj bldiseq2 in
+ (* keep all disequalities from diseq1 that are implied by cc2 and
+ those from diseq2 that are implied by cc1 *)
+ let diseq1 = List.filter (block_neq_query cc2) (BlDis.element_closure bldiseq1 cmap1) in
+ let diseq2 = List.filter (block_neq_query cc1) (BlDis.element_closure bldiseq2 cmap2) in
+ let cc = insert_set cc (fst @@ SSet.subterms_of_conj (List.map (fun (a,b) -> (a,b,Z.zero)) (diseq1 @ diseq2))) in
+ let diseqs_ref_terms = List.filter (fun (t1,t2) -> TUF.is_root cc.uf t1 && TUF.is_root cc.uf t2) (diseq1 @ diseq2) in
+ let bldis = List.fold BlDis.add_block_diseq BlDis.empty diseqs_ref_terms
+ in (if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-neq" "join_bldis: %s\n\n" (show_conj (BlDis.to_conj bldis)));
+ {cc with bldis}
+(** Check for equality of two congruence closures,
+ by comparing the equivalence classes instead of computing the minimal_representative. *)
+let equal_eq_classes cc1 cc2 =
+ let comp1, comp2 = fst(Disequalities.comp_map cc1.uf), fst(Disequalities.comp_map cc2.uf) in
+ (* they should have the same number of equivalence classes *)
+ if TMap.cardinal comp1 <> TMap.cardinal comp2 then false else
+ (* compare each equivalence class of cc1 with the corresponding eq. class of cc2 *)
+ let compare_zmap_entry offset zmap2 (z, tset1) =
+ match ZMap.find_opt Z.(z+offset) zmap2 with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some tset2 -> SSet.equal tset1 tset2
+ in
+ let compare_with_cc2_eq_class (rep1, zmap1) =
+ let rep2, offset = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf rep1 in
+ let zmap2 = TMap.find rep2 comp2 in
+ if ZMap.cardinal zmap2 <> ZMap.cardinal zmap1 then false else
+ List.for_all (compare_zmap_entry offset zmap2) (ZMap.bindings zmap1)
+ in
+ List.for_all compare_with_cc2_eq_class (TMap.bindings comp1)
+let equal_diseqs cc1 cc2 =
+ let normalize_diseqs (min_state1, min_state2, new_offset) =
+ if T.compare min_state1 min_state2 < 0 then Nequal (min_state1, min_state2, new_offset)
+ else Nequal (min_state2, min_state1, Z.(-new_offset)) in
+ let rename_diseqs dis = match dis with
+ | Nequal (t1,t2,z) ->
+ let (min_state1, min_z1) = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf t1 in
+ let (min_state2, min_z2) = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf t2 in
+ let new_offset = Z.(min_z2 - min_z1 + z) in
+ normalize_diseqs (min_state1, min_state2, new_offset)
+ | _ -> dis in
+ let renamed_diseqs = BatList.sort_unique (T.compare_v_prop) @@
+ List.map rename_diseqs (Disequalities.get_disequalities cc1.diseq) in
+ let normalized_diseqs = BatList.sort_unique (T.compare_v_prop) @@
+ List.filter_map (function | Nequal (t1,t2,z) -> Some (normalize_diseqs(t1,t2,z))
+ | _ -> None) (Disequalities.get_disequalities cc2.diseq) in
+ List.equal T.equal_v_prop renamed_diseqs normalized_diseqs
+let equal_bldis cc1 cc2 =
+ let normalize_bldis (min_state1, min_state2) =
+ if T.compare min_state1 min_state2 < 0 then BlNequal (min_state1, min_state2)
+ else BlNequal (min_state2, min_state1) in
+ let rename_bldis dis = match dis with
+ | BlNequal (t1,t2) ->
+ let min_state1, _ = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf t1 in
+ let min_state2, _ = TUF.find_no_pc cc2.uf t2 in
+ normalize_bldis (min_state1, min_state2)
+ | _ -> dis in
+ let renamed_diseqs = BatList.sort_unique (T.compare_v_prop) @@
+ List.map rename_bldis (BlDis.to_conj cc1.bldis) in
+ let normalized_diseqs = BatList.sort_unique (T.compare_v_prop) @@
+ List.map (function | Nequal (t1,t2,_) | Equal(t1,t2,_) | BlNequal (t1,t2)
+ -> (normalize_bldis(t1,t2))) (BlDis.to_conj cc2.bldis) in
+ List.equal T.equal_v_prop renamed_diseqs normalized_diseqs
+(**Find out if two addresses are not equal by using the MayPointTo query*)
+module MayBeEqual = struct
+ module AD = Queries.AD
+ open Var
+ let dummy_var typ = T.aux_term_of_varinfo (AssignAux typ)
+ let dummy_lval_print typ = Lval (Var (to_varinfo (AssignAux typ)), NoOffset)
+ let return_var typ = T.aux_term_of_varinfo (ReturnAux typ)
+ let ask_may_point_to (ask: Queries.ask) exp =
+ match ask.f (MayPointTo exp) with
+ | exception (IntDomain.ArithmeticOnIntegerBot _) -> AD.top ()
+ | res -> res
+ (** Ask MayPointTo not only for the term `term`, but also
+ for all terms that are in the same equivalence class as `term`. Then meet the result.
+ *)
+ let may_point_to_all_equal_terms ask exp cc term offset =
+ let equal_terms = if TMap.mem term cc.uf then
+ let comp = Disequalities.comp_t cc.uf term in
+ let valid_term (t,z) =
+ T.is_ptr_type (T.type_of_term t) in
+ List.filter valid_term comp
+ else [(term,Z.zero)]
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-query" "may-point-to %a -> equal terms: %s"
+ d_exp exp (List.fold (fun s (t,z) -> s ^ "(" ^ T.show t ^","^ Z.to_string Z.(z + offset) ^")") "" equal_terms);
+ let intersect_query_result res (term,z) =
+ let next_query =
+ match ask_may_point_to ask (T.to_cil_sum Z.(z + offset) (T.to_cil term)) with
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> AD.top()
+ | res -> if AD.is_bot res then AD.top() else res
+ in
+ match AD.meet res next_query with
+ | exception (IntDomain.ArithmeticOnIntegerBot _) -> res
+ | result -> result
+ in
+ List.fold intersect_query_result (AD.top()) equal_terms
+ (**Find out if an addresse is possibly equal to one of the addresses in `addresses` by using the MayPointTo query. *)
+ let may_point_to_address (ask:Queries.ask) addresses t2 off cc =
+ match T.to_cil_sum off (T.to_cil t2) with
+ | exception (T.UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> true
+ | exp2 ->
+ let mpt1 = addresses in
+ let mpt2 = may_point_to_all_equal_terms ask exp2 cc t2 off in
+ let res = try not (AD.is_bot (AD.meet mpt1 mpt2))
+ with IntDomain.ArithmeticOnIntegerBot _ -> true
+ in
+ if M.tracing then M.tracel "c2po-maypointto2" "QUERY MayPointTo. \nres: %a;\nt2: %s; exp2: %a; res: %a; \nmeet: %a; result: %s\n"
+ AD.pretty mpt1 (T.show t2) d_plainexp exp2 AD.pretty mpt2 AD.pretty (try AD.meet mpt1 mpt2 with IntDomain.ArithmeticOnIntegerBot _ -> AD.bot ()) (string_of_bool res); res
+ (** Find out if two addresses `t1` and `t2` are possibly equal by using the MayPointTo query. *)
+ let may_point_to_same_address (ask:Queries.ask) t1 t2 off cc =
+ if T.equal t1 t2 then true else
+ let exp1 = T.to_cil t1 in
+ let mpt1 = may_point_to_all_equal_terms ask exp1 cc t1 Z.zero in
+ let res = may_point_to_address ask mpt1 t2 off cc in
+ if M.tracing && res then M.tracel "c2po-maypointto2" "QUERY MayPointTo. \nres: %a;\nt1: %s; exp1: %a;\n"
+ AD.pretty mpt1 (T.show t1) d_plainexp exp1; res
+ (** Returns true if `t1` and `t2` may possibly be equal or may possibly overlap. *)
+ let rec may_be_equal ask cc s t1 t2 =
+ let there_is_an_overlap s s' diff =
+ if Z.(gt diff zero) then Z.(lt diff s') else Z.(lt (-diff) s)
+ in
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | Deref (t, z,_), Deref (v, z',_) ->
+ let (q', z1') = TUF.find_no_pc cc.uf v in
+ let (q, z1) = TUF.find_no_pc cc.uf t in
+ let s' = T.get_size t2 in
+ let diff = Z.(-z' - z1 + z1' + z) in
+ (* If they are in the same equivalence class and they overlap, then they are equal *)
+ (if T.equal q' q && there_is_an_overlap s s' diff then true
+ else
+ (* If we have a disequality, then they are not equal *)
+ if neq_query cc (t,v,Z.(z'-z)) then false else
+ (* or if we know that they are not equal according to the query MayPointTo*)
+ if GobConfig.get_bool "ana.c2po.askbase" then (may_point_to_same_address ask t v Z.(z' - z) cc)
+ else true)
+ || (may_be_equal ask cc s t1 v)
+ | Deref _, _ -> false (* The value of addresses or auxiliaries never change when we overwrite the memory*)
+ | Addr _ , _ | Aux _, _ -> T.is_subterm t1 t2
+ (**Returns true iff by assigning to t1, the value of t2 could change.
+ The parameter s is the size in bits of the variable t1 we are assigning to. *)
+ let may_be_equal ask cc s t1 t2 =
+ let res = (may_be_equal ask cc s t1 t2) in
+ if M.tracing then M.tracel "c2po-maypointto" "MAY BE EQUAL: %s %s: %b\n" (T.show t1) (T.show t2) res;
+ res
+ (**Returns true if `t2` or any subterm of `t2` may possibly point to one of the addresses in `addresses`.*)
+ let rec may_point_to_one_of_these_addresses ask addresses cc t2 =
+ match t2 with
+ | Deref (v, z',_) ->
+ (may_point_to_address ask addresses v z' cc)
+ || (may_point_to_one_of_these_addresses ask addresses cc v)
+ | Addr _ -> false
+ | Aux (v,e) -> may_point_to_address ask addresses (Addr v) Z.zero cc
diff --git a/src/cdomains/duplicateVars.ml b/src/cdomains/duplicateVars.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..492e8f9bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdomains/duplicateVars.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(** Used by C2poDomain and StartStateAnalysis.
+ Contains functions to duplicate variables in order to have shadow variables for each function parameter,
+ that can be used to remeber the initial value of these parameters.
+ It uses RichVarinfo to create the duplicated variables. *)
+open CilType
+open GoblintCil
+open Batteries
+open GoblintCil
+module M = Messages
+(** Variable Type used by the C-2PO Analysis.
+ It contains normal variables with a varinfo as well as auxiliary variables for
+ assignment and return and duplicated variables for remembering the value of variables at the beginning of a function. *)
+module VarType = struct
+ (* the hash/compare values should not depend on the type.
+ But they have to be defined even though they are not used, for some reason.*)
+ let equal_typ a b = Stdlib.compare a b = 0
+ let hash_typ x = Hashtbl.hash x
+ let compare_typ a b = Stdlib.compare a b
+ type t = AssignAux of typ
+ | ReturnAux of typ
+ | NormalVar of Varinfo.t
+ | DuplicVar of Varinfo.t [@@deriving eq,ord,hash]
+ let from_varinfo normal duplicated =
+ List.map (fun v -> NormalVar v) normal @ List.map (fun v -> DuplicVar v) duplicated
+ let show v = match v with
+ | AssignAux t -> "AuxAssign"
+ | ReturnAux t -> "AuxReturn"
+ | NormalVar v -> v.vname
+ | DuplicVar v -> "c2po__" ^ v.vname ^ "'"
+ let get_type v = match v with
+ | AssignAux t | ReturnAux t -> t
+ | NormalVar v | DuplicVar v -> v.vtype
+ let is_assign_aux = function | AssignAux _ -> true | _ -> false
+ let is_return_aux = function | ReturnAux _ -> true | _ -> false
+ let varinfo_attributes v =
+ let open RichVarinfo.VarinfoDescription in
+ match v with
+ | AssignAux t -> ({(empty "AuxAssign") with vtype_=Some t})
+ | ReturnAux t -> ({(empty "AuxReturn") with vtype_=Some t})
+ | NormalVar v -> from_varinfo v
+ | DuplicVar v -> ({(from_varinfo v) with vname_="c2po__" ^ string_of_int v.vid ^ "'"})
+ (* Description that gets appended to the varinfo-name in user output. *)
+ let describe_varinfo (var: varinfo) v =
+ show v
+module VarVarinfoMap = RichVarinfo.BiVarinfoMap.Make(VarType)
+module Var =
+ include VarType
+ let dummy_varinfo typ: varinfo = VarVarinfoMap.to_varinfo (AssignAux typ)
+ let return_varinfo typ = VarVarinfoMap.to_varinfo (ReturnAux typ)
+ let to_varinfo v =
+ let res = VarVarinfoMap.to_varinfo v in
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-varinfo" "to_varinfo: %a -> %a" d_type (get_type v) d_type res.vtype;
+ res
diff --git a/src/cdomains/unionFind.ml b/src/cdomains/unionFind.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52f83e543c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdomains/unionFind.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+ The Union Find is used by the C-2PO Analysis.
+ This file contains the code for a quantitative union find and the quantitative finite automata.
+ They will be necessary in order to construct the congruence closure of terms.
+open Batteries
+open GoblintCil
+open DuplicateVars
+module M = Messages
+exception Unsat
+(* equality of terms should not depend on the expression *)
+let compare_exp _ _ = 0
+let equal_exp _ _ = true
+let hash_exp _ = 1
+type term = Addr of Var.t | Aux of Var.t * exp | Deref of term * Z.t * exp [@@deriving eq, hash, ord]
+let normal_form_tuple_3 (t1,t2,z) =
+ let cmp = compare_term t1 t2 in
+ if cmp < 0 || (cmp = 0 && Z.geq z Z.zero) then (t1,t2,z) else
+ (t2,t1,Z.(-z))
+let normal_form_tuple_2 (t1,t2) =
+ if compare_term t1 t2 < 0 then (t1,t2) else
+ (t2,t1)
+(** Two propositions are equal if they are syntactically equal
+ or if one is t_1 = z + t_2 and the other t_2 = - z + t_1. *)
+let tuple3_equal p1 p2 = Tuple3.eq equal_term equal_term Z.equal (normal_form_tuple_3 p1) (normal_form_tuple_3 p2)
+let tuple3_cmp p1 p2 = Tuple3.comp compare_term compare_term Z.compare (normal_form_tuple_3 p1) (normal_form_tuple_3 p2)
+let tuple3_hash p1 = Hashtbl.hash (normal_form_tuple_3 p1)
+let tuple2_equal p1 p2 = Tuple2.eq equal_term equal_term (normal_form_tuple_2 p1) (normal_form_tuple_2 p2)
+let tuple2_cmp p1 p2 = Tuple2.comp compare_term compare_term (normal_form_tuple_2 p1) (normal_form_tuple_2 p2)
+let tuple2_hash p1 = Hashtbl.hash (normal_form_tuple_2 p1)
+type prop = Equal of ((term * term * Z.t) [@equal tuple3_equal][@compare tuple3_cmp][@hash tuple3_hash])
+ | Nequal of ((term * term * Z.t) [@equal tuple3_equal][@compare tuple3_cmp][@hash tuple3_hash])
+ | BlNequal of ((term * term) [@equal tuple2_equal][@compare tuple2_cmp][@hash tuple2_hash])
+[@@deriving eq, hash, ord]
+(** The terms consist of address constants and dereferencing function with sum of an integer.
+ The dereferencing function is parametrized by the size of the element in the memory.
+ We store the CIL expression of the term in the data type, such that it it easier to find the types of the dereferenced elements.
+ Also so that we can easily convert back from term to Cil expression.
+module T = struct
+ type exp = Cil.exp
+ let bitsSizeOfPtr () = Z.of_int @@ bitsSizeOf (TPtr (TVoid [],[]))
+ (* we store the varinfo and the Cil expression corresponding to the term in the data type *)
+ type t = term[@@deriving eq, hash, ord]
+ type v_prop = prop[@@deriving eq, hash, ord]
+ let props_equal = List.equal equal_v_prop
+ let is_addr = function
+ | Addr _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ exception UnsupportedCilExpression of string
+ let rec get_size_in_bits typ = match typ with
+ | TArray (typ, _, _) -> (* we treat arrays like pointers *)
+ get_size_in_bits (TPtr (typ,[]))
+ | _ -> match Z.of_int (bitsSizeOf typ) with
+ | exception GoblintCil__Cil.SizeOfError (msg,_) when msg ="abstract type"-> Z.one
+ | exception GoblintCil__Cil.SizeOfError (msg,_) ->
+ raise (UnsupportedCilExpression msg)
+ | s -> s
+ let show_type exp =
+ try
+ let typ = typeOf exp in
+ "[" ^ (match typ with
+ | TPtr _ -> "Ptr"
+ | TInt _ -> "Int"
+ | TArray _ -> "Arr"
+ | TVoid _ -> "Voi"
+ | TFloat (_, _)-> "Flo"
+ | TComp (_, _) -> "TCo"
+ | TFun (_, _, _, _)|TNamed (_, _)|TEnum (_, _)|TBuiltin_va_list _ -> "?"
+ )^ Z.to_string (get_size_in_bits typ) ^ "]"
+ with
+ | UnsupportedCilExpression _ -> "[?]"
+ let rec show : t -> string = function
+ | Addr v -> "&" ^ Var.show v
+ | Aux (v,exp) -> "~" ^ Var.show v ^ show_type exp
+ | Deref (Addr v, z, exp) when Z.equal z Z.zero -> Var.show v ^ show_type exp
+ | Deref (t, z, exp) when Z.equal z Z.zero -> "*" ^ show t^ show_type exp
+ | Deref (t, z, exp) -> "*(" ^ Z.to_string z ^ "+" ^ show t ^ ")"^ show_type exp
+ let show_prop = function
+ | Equal (t1,t2,r) when Z.equal r Z.zero -> show t1 ^ " = " ^ show t2
+ | Equal (t1,t2,r) -> show t1 ^ " = " ^ Z.to_string r ^ "+" ^ show t2
+ | Nequal (t1,t2,r) when Z.equal r Z.zero -> show t1 ^ " != " ^ show t2
+ | Nequal (t1,t2,r) -> show t1 ^ " != " ^ Z.to_string r ^ "+" ^ show t2
+ | BlNequal (t1,t2) -> "bl(" ^ show t1 ^ ") != bl(" ^ show t2 ^ ")"
+ (** Returns true if the first parameter is a subterm of the second one. *)
+ let rec is_subterm st term = equal st term || match term with
+ | Deref (t, _, _) -> is_subterm st t
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec get_var = function
+ | Addr v | Aux (v,_) -> v
+ | Deref (t, _, _) -> get_var t
+ (** Returns true if the second parameter contains one of the variables defined in the list "variables". *)
+ let contains_variable variables term = List.mem_cmp Var.compare (get_var term) variables
+ (** Use query EvalInt for an expression. *)
+ let eval_int (ask:Queries.ask) exp =
+ match Cilfacade.get_ikind_exp exp with
+ | exception Invalid_argument _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "non-constant value")
+ | ikind ->
+ begin match ask.f (Queries.EvalInt exp) with
+ | `Lifted i ->
+ begin match IntDomain.IntDomTuple.to_int @@ IntDomain.IntDomTuple.cast_to ikind i
+ with
+ | Some i -> i
+ | None -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "non-constant value")
+ end
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "non-constant value")
+ end
+ let eval_int_opt (ask:Queries.ask) exp =
+ match eval_int ask exp with
+ | i -> Some i
+ | exception (UnsupportedCilExpression _) -> None
+ (** Returns Some type for a pointer to a type
+ and None if the result is not a pointer. *)
+ let rec type_of_element typ =
+ match Cil.unrollType typ with
+ | TArray (typ, _, _) -> type_of_element typ
+ | TPtr (typ, _) -> Some typ
+ | _ -> None
+ (** Returns the size of the type. If typ is a pointer, it returns the
+ size of the elements it points to. If typ is an array, it returns the size of the
+ elements of the array (even if it is a multidimensional array. Therefore get_element_size_in_bits int\[]\[]\[] = sizeof(int)). *)
+ let get_element_size_in_bits typ =
+ match type_of_element typ with
+ | Some typ -> get_size_in_bits typ
+ | None -> Z.one
+ let is_struct_type t =
+ match Cil.unrollType t with
+ | TComp _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let is_struct_ptr_type t =
+ match Cil.unrollType t with
+ | TPtr(typ,_) -> is_struct_type typ
+ | _ -> false
+ let is_ptr_type t =
+ match Cil.unrollType t with
+ | TPtr _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let aux_term_of_varinfo vinfo =
+ Aux (vinfo, Lval (Var (Var.to_varinfo vinfo), NoOffset))
+ let term_of_varinfo vinfo =
+ if is_struct_type (Var.to_varinfo vinfo).vtype || (Var.to_varinfo vinfo).vaddrof then
+ Deref (Addr vinfo, Z.zero, Lval (Var (Var.to_varinfo vinfo), NoOffset))
+ else
+ aux_term_of_varinfo vinfo
+ (** Convert a Cil offset to an integer offset.
+ Copied from memOutOfBounds.ml. *)
+ let cil_offs_to_idx (ask: Queries.ask) offs typ =
+ (* TODO: Some duplication with convert_offset in base.ml and cil_offs_to_idx in memOutOfBounds.ml,
+ unclear how to immediately get more reuse *)
+ let rec convert_offset (ofs: offset) =
+ match ofs with
+ | NoOffset -> `NoOffset
+ | Field (fld, ofs) -> `Field (fld, convert_offset ofs)
+ | Index (exp, ofs) when CilType.Exp.equal exp (Lazy.force Offset.Index.Exp.any) -> (* special offset added by convertToQueryLval *)
+ `Index (ValueDomain.ID.top_of (Cilfacade.get_ikind_exp exp), convert_offset ofs)
+ | Index (exp, ofs) ->
+ let i = match ask.f (Queries.EvalInt exp) with
+ | `Lifted x -> IntDomain.IntDomTuple.cast_to (Cilfacade.ptrdiff_ikind ()) @@ x
+ | _ -> ValueDomain.ID.top_of @@ Cilfacade.ptrdiff_ikind ()
+ in
+ `Index (i, convert_offset ofs)
+ in
+ let to_constant exp = try let z = eval_int ask exp in
+ Const (CInt (z, Cilfacade.get_ikind_exp exp, Some (Z.to_string z)))
+ with Invalid_argument _ | UnsupportedCilExpression _ -> exp
+ in
+ let rec convert_type typ = (* compute length of arrays when it is known*)
+ match typ with
+ | TArray (typ, exp, attr) -> TArray (convert_type typ, Option.map to_constant exp, attr)
+ | TPtr (typ, attr) -> TPtr (convert_type typ, attr)
+ | TFun (typ, form, var_arg, attr) -> TFun (convert_type typ, form, var_arg, attr)
+ | TNamed (typeinfo, attr) -> TNamed ({typeinfo with ttype=convert_type typeinfo.ttype}, attr)
+ | TVoid _| TInt (_, _)| TFloat (_, _)| TComp (_, _)| TEnum (_, _)| TBuiltin_va_list _ -> typ
+ in
+ PreValueDomain.Offs.to_index ?typ:(Some (convert_type typ)) (convert_offset offs)
+ (** Convert an offset to an integer of Z, if posible.
+ Otherwise, this throws UnsupportedCilExpression. *)
+ let z_of_offset ask offs typ =
+ match IntDomain.IntDomTuple.to_int @@ cil_offs_to_idx ask offs typ with
+ | Some i -> i
+ | None
+ | exception (SizeOfError _)| exception (Cilfacade.TypeOfError _) -> if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-invalidate" "REASON: unknown offset";
+ raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unknown offset")
+ let can_be_dereferenced t =
+ match Cil.unrollType t with
+ | TPtr _| TArray _| TComp _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let type_of_term =
+ function
+ | Addr v -> TPtr ((Var.to_varinfo v).vtype, [])
+ | Aux (_, exp) | Deref (_, _, exp) -> typeOf exp
+ let to_cil =
+ function
+ | (Addr v) -> AddrOf (Var (Var.to_varinfo v), NoOffset)
+ | Aux (_, exp) | (Deref (_, _, exp)) -> exp
+ let default_int_type = ILong
+ (** Returns a Cil expression which is the constant z divided by the size of the elements of t.*)
+ let to_cil_constant z t =
+ let z = if Z.equal z Z.zero then Z.zero else
+ let typ_size = match t with
+ | Some t -> get_element_size_in_bits t
+ | None -> Z.one
+ in
+ if Z.lt (Z.abs z) typ_size && Z.gt (Z.abs z) Z.zero then raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "Cil can't represent something like &(c->d).") else
+ if Z.equal typ_size Z.zero then Z.zero else
+ Z.(z /typ_size) in
+ Const (CInt (z, default_int_type, Some (Z.to_string z)))
+ let to_cil_sum off cil_t =
+ let res =
+ if Z.(equal zero off) then cil_t else
+ let typ = typeOf cil_t in
+ BinOp (PlusPI, cil_t, to_cil_constant off (Some typ), typ)
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-2cil" "exp: %a; offset: %s; res: %a" d_exp cil_t (Z.to_string off) d_exp res;res
+ (** Returns the integer offset of a field of a struct. *)
+ let get_field_offset finfo = match IntDomain.IntDomTuple.to_int (PreValueDomain.Offs.to_index (`Field (finfo, `NoOffset))) with
+ | Some i -> i
+ | None -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unknown offset")
+ let is_field = function
+ | Field _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec add_index_to_exp exp index =
+ try if is_struct_type (typeOf exp) = (is_field index) then
+ begin match exp with
+ | Lval (Var v, NoOffset) -> Lval (Var v, index)
+ | Lval (Mem v, NoOffset) -> Lval (Mem v, index)
+ | BinOp (PlusPI, exp1, Const (CInt (z, _ , _ )), _)when Z.equal z Z.zero ->
+ add_index_to_exp exp1 index
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "not supported yet")
+ end
+ else if is_struct_ptr_type (typeOf exp) && (is_field index) then
+ Lval(Mem (exp), index)
+ else raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "Field on a non-compound")
+ with | Cilfacade.TypeOfError _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "typeOf error")
+ (** Returns true if the Cil expression represents a 64 bit data type,
+ which is not a float. So it must be either a pointer or an integer
+ that has the same size as a pointer.*)
+ let check_valid_pointer term =
+ match typeOf term with (* we want to make sure that the expression is valid *)
+ | exception Cilfacade.TypeOfError _ -> false
+ | typ -> (* we only track equalties between pointers (variable of size 64)*)
+ if get_size_in_bits typ <> bitsSizeOfPtr () || Cilfacade.isFloatType typ then false
+ else true
+ (** Only keeps the variables that are actually pointers (or 64-bit integers). *)
+ let filter_valid_pointers =
+ List.filter (function | Equal(t1,t2,_)| Nequal(t1,t2,_) |BlNequal(t1,t2)-> check_valid_pointer (to_cil t1) && check_valid_pointer (to_cil t2))
+ (** Get a Cil expression that is equivalent to *(exp + offset),
+ by taking into account type correctness.*)
+ let dereference_exp exp offset =
+ if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-deref" "exp: %a, offset: %s" d_exp exp (Z.to_string offset);
+ let res =
+ let find_field cinfo =
+ try
+ Field (List.find (fun field -> Z.equal (get_field_offset field) offset) cinfo.cfields, NoOffset)
+ with | Not_found -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "invalid field offset")
+ in
+ let res = match exp with
+ | AddrOf lval -> Lval lval
+ | _ ->
+ match typeOf exp with
+ | TPtr (TComp (cinfo, _), _) -> add_index_to_exp exp (find_field cinfo)
+ | TPtr (typ, _) -> Lval (Mem (to_cil_sum offset exp), NoOffset)
+ | TArray (typ, _, _) when not (can_be_dereferenced typ) ->
+ let index = Index (to_cil_constant offset (Some typ), NoOffset) in
+ begin match exp with
+ | Lval (Var v, NoOffset) -> Lval (Var v, index)
+ | Lval (Mem v, NoOffset) -> Lval (Mem v, index)
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "not supported yet")
+ end
+ | TComp (cinfo, _) -> add_index_to_exp exp (find_field cinfo)
+ | _ -> Lval (Mem (CastE (TPtr(TVoid[],[]), to_cil_sum offset exp)), NoOffset)
+ in if check_valid_pointer res then res else raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "not a pointer variable")
+ in if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-deref" "deref result: %a" d_exp res;res
+ let get_size = get_size_in_bits % type_of_term
+ let of_offset ask t off typ exp =
+ if off = NoOffset then t else
+ let z = z_of_offset ask off typ in
+ Deref (t, z, exp)
+ (** Converts a cil expression to Some term, Some offset;
+ or None, Some offset is the expression equals an integer,
+ or None, None if the expression can't be described by our analysis.*)
+ let rec of_cil (ask:Queries.ask) e = match e with
+ | Const (CInt (i, _, _)) -> None, i
+ | Const _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "non-integer constant")
+ | AlignOf _
+ | AlignOfE _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported AlignOf")
+ | Lval lval -> Some (of_lval ask lval), Z.zero
+ | StartOf lval -> Some (of_lval ask lval), Z.zero
+ | AddrOf (Var var, NoOffset) -> Some (Addr (Var.NormalVar var)), Z.zero
+ | AddrOf (Mem exp, NoOffset) -> of_cil ask exp
+ | UnOp (op,exp,typ) -> begin match op with
+ | Neg -> let off = eval_int ask exp in None, Z.(-off)
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported UnOp")
+ end
+ | BinOp (binop, exp1, exp2, typ)->
+ let typ1_size = get_element_size_in_bits (Cilfacade.typeOf exp1) in
+ let typ2_size = get_element_size_in_bits (Cilfacade.typeOf exp2) in
+ begin match binop with
+ | PlusA
+ | PlusPI
+ | IndexPI ->
+ begin match eval_int_opt ask exp1, eval_int_opt ask exp2 with
+ | None, None -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported BinOp +")
+ | None, Some off2 -> let term, off1 = of_cil ask exp1 in term, Z.(off1 + typ1_size * off2)
+ | Some off1, None -> let term, off2 = of_cil ask exp2 in term, Z.(typ2_size * off1 + off2)
+ | Some off1, Some off2 -> None, Z.(off1 + off2)
+ end
+ | MinusA
+ | MinusPI
+ | MinusPP -> begin match of_cil ask exp1, eval_int_opt ask exp2 with
+ | (Some term, off1), Some off2 -> let typ1_size = get_element_size_in_bits (Cilfacade.typeOf exp1) in
+ Some term, Z.(off1 - typ1_size * off2)
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported BinOp -")
+ end
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported BinOp")
+ end
+ | CastE (typ, exp)-> begin match of_cil ask exp with
+ | Some (Addr x), z -> Some (Addr x), z
+ | Some (Aux (x, _)), z -> Some (Aux (x, CastE (typ, exp))), z
+ | Some (Deref (x, z, _)), z' -> Some (Deref (x, z, CastE (typ, exp))), z'
+ | t, z -> t, z
+ end
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported Cil Expression")
+ and of_lval ask lval =
+ let res =
+ match lval with
+ | (Var var, off) -> if is_struct_type var.vtype then of_offset ask (Addr (Var.NormalVar var)) off var.vtype (Lval lval)
+ else
+ of_offset ask (term_of_varinfo (Var.NormalVar var)) off var.vtype (Lval lval)
+ | (Mem exp, off) ->
+ begin match of_cil ask exp with
+ | (Some term, offset) ->
+ let typ = typeOf exp in
+ if is_struct_ptr_type typ then
+ match of_offset ask term off typ (Lval lval) with
+ | Addr x -> Addr x
+ | Aux (v,exp) -> Aux (v,exp)
+ | Deref (x, z, exp) -> Deref (x, Z.(z+offset), exp)
+ else
+ of_offset ask (Deref (term, offset, Lval(Mem exp, NoOffset))) off (typeOfLval (Mem exp, NoOffset)) (Lval lval)
+ | _ -> raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "cannot dereference constant")
+ end
+ in
+ (if M.tracing then match res with
+ | exception (UnsupportedCilExpression s) -> M.trace "c2po-cil-conversion" "unsupported exp: %a\n%s\n" d_plainlval lval s
+ | t -> M.trace "c2po-cil-conversion" "lval: %a --> %s\n" d_plainlval lval (show t))
+ ;res
+ let rec of_cil_neg ask neg e = match e with
+ | UnOp (op,exp,typ)->
+ begin match op with
+ | Neg -> of_cil_neg ask (not neg) exp
+ | _ -> if neg then raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported UnOp Neg") else of_cil ask e
+ end
+ | _ -> if neg then raise (UnsupportedCilExpression "unsupported UnOp Neg") else of_cil ask e
+ (** Converts the negated expression to a term if neg = true.
+ If neg = false then it simply converts the expression to a term. *)
+ let of_cil_neg ask neg e =
+ match Cilfacade.isFloatType (typeOf e) with
+ | exception Cilfacade.TypeOfError _
+ | true -> None, None
+ | false ->
+ let res = match of_cil_neg ask neg (Cil.constFold false e) with
+ | exception (UnsupportedCilExpression s) -> if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-cil-conversion" "unsupported exp: %a\n%s\n" d_plainexp e s;
+ None, None
+ | t, z -> t, Some z
+ in (if M.tracing && not neg then match res with
+ | None, Some z -> M.trace "c2po-cil-conversion" "constant exp: %a --> %s\n" d_plainexp e (Z.to_string z)
+ | Some t, Some z -> M.trace "c2po-cil-conversion" "exp: %a --> %s + %s\n" d_plainexp e (show t) (Z.to_string z);
+ | _ -> ()); res
+ (** Convert the expression to a term,
+ and additionally check that the term is 64 bits.
+ If it's not a 64bit pointer, it returns None, None. *)
+ let of_cil ask e =
+ match of_cil_neg ask false e with
+ | Some t, Some z ->
+ (* check if t is a valid pointer *)
+ let exp = to_cil t in
+ if check_valid_pointer exp then
+ Some t, Some z
+ else (if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-cil-conversion" "invalid exp: %a --> %s + %s\n" d_plainexp e (show t) (Z.to_string z);
+ None, None)
+ | t, z -> t, z
+ let map_z_opt op z = Tuple2.map2 (Option.map (op z))
+ (** Converts a cil expression e = "t1 + off1 - (t2 + off2)" to two terms (Some t1, Some off1), (Some t2, Some off2)*)
+ let rec two_terms_of_cil ask neg e =
+ let pos_t, neg_t = match e with
+ | UnOp (Neg,exp,typ) -> two_terms_of_cil ask (not neg) exp
+ | BinOp (binop, exp1, exp2, typ)-> begin match binop with
+ | PlusA
+ | PlusPI
+ | IndexPI -> begin match of_cil_neg ask false exp1 with
+ | (None, Some off1) -> let pos_t, neg_t = two_terms_of_cil ask true exp2 in
+ map_z_opt Z.(+) off1 pos_t, neg_t
+ | (Some term, Some off1) -> (Some term, Some off1), of_cil_neg ask true exp2
+ | _ -> (None, None), (None, None)
+ end
+ | MinusA
+ | MinusPI
+ | MinusPP -> begin match of_cil_neg ask false exp1 with
+ | (None, Some off1) -> let pos_t, neg_t = two_terms_of_cil ask false exp2 in
+ map_z_opt Z.(+) off1 pos_t, neg_t
+ | (Some term, Some off1) -> (Some term, Some off1), of_cil_neg ask false exp2
+ | _ -> of_cil_neg ask false e, (None, Some Z.zero)
+ end
+ | _ -> of_cil_neg ask false e, (None, Some Z.zero)
+ end
+ | _ -> of_cil_neg ask false e, (None, Some Z.zero)
+ in if neg then neg_t, pos_t else pos_t, neg_t
+ (** `prop_of_cil e pos` parses the expression `e` (or `not e` if `pos = false`) and
+ returns a list of length 1 with the parsed expresion or an empty list if
+ the expression can't be expressed with the type `prop`. *)
+ let rec prop_of_cil ask e pos =
+ let e = Cil.constFold false e in
+ match e with
+ | BinOp (r, e1, e2, _) ->
+ begin match two_terms_of_cil ask false (BinOp (MinusPI, e1, e2, TInt (Cilfacade.get_ikind_exp e,[]))) with
+ | ((Some t1, Some z1), (Some t2, Some z2)) ->
+ begin match r with
+ | Eq -> if pos then [Equal (t1, t2, Z.(z2-z1))] else [Nequal (t1, t2, Z.(z2-z1))]
+ | Ne -> if pos then [Nequal (t1, t2, Z.(z2-z1))] else [Equal (t1, t2, Z.(z2-z1))]
+ | _ -> []
+ end
+ | _,_ -> []
+ end
+ | UnOp (LNot, e1, _) -> prop_of_cil ask e1 (not pos)
+ | _ -> []
+ let prop_to_cil p =
+ let op,t1,t2,z = match p with
+ | Equal (t1,t2,z) -> Eq, t1, t2, z
+ | Nequal (t1,t2,z) -> Ne, t1, t2, z
+ | BlNequal (t1,t2) -> Ne, t1, t2, Z.zero
+ in
+ BinOp (op, to_cil t1, to_cil_sum z (to_cil t2), TInt (IBool,[]))
+module TMap = struct
+ include Map.Make(T)
+ let hash node_hash y = fold (fun x node acc -> acc + T.hash x + node_hash node) y 0
+module TSet = struct
+ include Set.Make(T)
+ let hash x = fold (fun x y -> y + T.hash x) x 0
+(** Quantitative union find *)
+module UnionFind = struct
+ module ValMap = TMap
+ (** (value * offset) ref * size of equivalence class *)
+ type 'v node = ('v * Z.t) * int [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+ type t = T.t node ValMap.t [@@deriving eq, ord, hash] (** Union Find Map: maps value to a node type *)
+ exception UnknownValue of T.t
+ exception InvalidUnionFind of string
+ let empty = ValMap.empty
+ (** `parent uf v` returns (p, z) where p is the parent element of
+ v in the union find tree and z is the offset.
+ Throws "Unknown value" if v is not present in the data structure.*)
+ let parent uf v = match fst (ValMap.find v uf) with
+ | exception Not_found -> raise (UnknownValue v)
+ | x -> x
+ (** `parent_opt uf v` returns Some (p, z) where p is the parent element of
+ v in the union find tree and z is the offset.
+ It returns None if v is not present in the data structure. *)
+ let parent_opt uf v = Option.map (fun _ -> parent uf v) (ValMap.find_opt v uf)
+ let parent_term uf v = fst (parent uf v)
+ let parent_offset uf v = snd (parent uf v)
+ let subtree_size uf v = snd (ValMap.find v uf)
+ (** Modifies the size of the equivalence class for the current element and
+ for the whole path to the root of this element.
+ The third parameter `modification` is the function to apply to the sizes. *)
+ let rec modify_size t uf modification =
+ let (p, old_size) = ValMap.find t uf in
+ let uf = ValMap.add t (p, modification old_size) uf in
+ let parent = fst p in
+ if T.equal parent t then uf else modify_size parent uf modification
+ let modify_parent uf v (t, offset) =
+ let (_, size) = ValMap.find v uf in
+ ValMap.add v ((t, offset), size) uf
+ let modify_offset uf v modification =
+ let ((t, offset), size) = ValMap.find v uf in
+ ValMap.add v ((t, modification offset), size) uf
+ (** Returns true if each equivalence class in the data structure contains only one element,
+ i.e. every node is a root. *)
+ let is_empty uf = List.for_all (fun (v, (t, _)) -> T.equal v (fst t)) (ValMap.bindings uf)
+ (** Returns true if v is the representative value of its equivalence class.
+ Throws "Unknown value" if v is not present in the data structure. *)
+ let is_root uf v =
+ match parent_opt uf v with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some (parent_t, _) -> T.equal v parent_t
+ (**
+ For a variable t it returns the reference variable v and the offset r.
+ This find performs path compression.
+ It returns als the updated union-find tree after the path compression.
+ Throws "Unknown value" if t is not present in the data structure.
+ Throws "Invalid Union Find" if it finds an element in the data structure that is a root but it has a non-zero distance to itself.
+ *)
+ let find uf v =
+ let (v',r') = parent uf v in
+ if T.equal v' v then
+ (* v is a root *)
+ if Z.equal r' Z.zero then v',r', uf
+ else raise (InvalidUnionFind "non-zero self-distance!")
+ else if is_root uf v' then
+ (* the parent of v is a root *)
+ v',r', uf
+ else
+ (if M.tracing then M.trace "c2po-find" "find DEEP TREE";
+ let rec search v list =
+ let (v',r') = parent uf v in
+ if is_root uf v' then
+ (* perform path compresion *)
+ let (r',uf) = List.fold_left (fun (r0, uf) v ->
+ let (parent_v, r''), size_v = ValMap.find v uf in
+ let uf = modify_parent uf v (v',Z.(r0+r'')) in
+ let uf = modify_size parent_v uf (fun s -> s - size_v) in
+ let uf = modify_size v' uf ((+) size_v)
+ in Z.(r0+r''),uf) (Z.zero, uf) (v::list)
+ in v',r',uf
+ else search v' (v :: list)
+ in search v' [v])
+ (**
+ For a variable t it returns the reference variable v and the offset r.
+ This find DOES NOT perform path compression.
+ Throws "Unknown value" if t is not present in the data structure.
+ Throws "Invalid Union Find" if it finds an element in the data structure that is a root but it has a non-zero distance to itself.
+ *)
+ let rec find_no_pc uf v =
+ let (v',r') = parent uf v in
+ if T.equal v' v then
+ if Z.equal r' Z.zero then (v',r')
+ else raise (InvalidUnionFind "non-zero self-distance!")
+ else let (v'', r'') = find_no_pc uf v' in (v'', Z.(r'+r''))
+ let compare_repr = Tuple2.compare ~cmp1:T.compare ~cmp2:Z.compare
+ (** Compare only first element of the tuples (= the parent term).
+ It ignores the offset. *)
+ let compare_repr_v (v1, _) (v2, _) = T.compare v1 v2
+ (**
+ Parameters: uf v1 v2 r
+ changes the union find data structure `uf` such that the equivalence classes of `v1` and `v2` are merged and `v1 = v2 + r`
+ returns v,uf,b where
+ - `v` is the new reference term of the merged equivalence class. It is either the old reference term of v1 or of v2, depending on which equivalence class is bigger.
+ - `uf` is the new union find data structure
+ - `b` is true iff v = find v1
+ *)
+ let union uf v'1 v'2 r =
+ let v1,r1,uf = find uf v'1 in
+ let v2,r2,uf = find uf v'2 in
+ if T.equal v1 v2 then
+ if Z.(equal r1 (r2 + r)) then v1, uf, true
+ else raise (Failure "incomparable union")
+ else let (_,s1), (_,s2) = ValMap.find v1 uf, ValMap.find v2 uf in
+ if s1 <= s2 then (
+ v2, modify_size v2 (modify_parent uf v1 (v2, Z.(r2 - r1 + r))) ((+) s1), false
+ ) else (
+ v1, modify_size v1 (modify_parent uf v2 (v1, Z.(r1 - r2 - r))) ((+) s2), true
+ )
+ (** Returns a list of equivalence classes. *)
+ let get_eq_classes uf = List.group (fun (el1,_) (el2,_) -> compare_repr_v (find_no_pc uf el1) (find_no_pc uf el2)) (ValMap.bindings uf)
+ (** Throws "Unknown value" if the data structure is invalid. *)
+ let show_uf uf = List.fold_left (fun s eq_class ->
+ s ^ List.fold_left (fun s (v, (t, size)) ->
+ s ^ "\t" ^ (if is_root uf v then "R: " else "") ^ "("^T.show v ^ "; P: " ^ T.show (fst t) ^
+ "; o: " ^ Z.to_string (snd t) ^ "; s: " ^ string_of_int size ^")\n") "" eq_class
+ ^ "----\n") "" (get_eq_classes uf) ^ "\n"
+ (** Returns a list of representative elements.*)
+ let get_representatives uf =
+ List.filter_map (fun (el,_) -> if is_root uf el then Some el else None) (TMap.bindings uf)
+module ZMap = struct
+ include Map.Make(Z)
+ let hash hash_f y = fold (fun x node acc -> acc + Z.hash x + hash_f node) y 0
+(** For each representative t' of an equivalence class, the LookupMap maps t' to a map that maps z to a term in the data structure that is equal to *(z + t').*)
+module LookupMap = struct
+ (* map: term -> z -> *(z + t) *)
+ type t = T.t ZMap.t TMap.t [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+ let bindings = TMap.bindings
+ let add = TMap.add
+ let remove = TMap.remove
+ let empty = TMap.empty
+ let find_opt = TMap.find_opt
+ let find = TMap.find
+ let zmap_bindings = ZMap.bindings
+ let zmap_find_opt = ZMap.find_opt
+ let zmap_add = ZMap.add
+ (** Returns the element to which (v, r) is mapped, or None if (v, r) is mapped to nothing. *)
+ let map_find_opt (v,r) (map:t) = match find_opt v map with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some zmap -> (match zmap_find_opt r zmap with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some v
+ )
+ let map_add (v,r) v' (map:t) = match find_opt v map with
+ | None -> add v (zmap_add r v' ZMap.empty) map
+ | Some zmap -> add v (zmap_add r v' zmap) map
+ let show_map (map:t) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s (v, zmap) ->
+ s ^ T.show v ^ "\t:\n" ^
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s (r, v) ->
+ s ^ "\t" ^ Z.to_string r ^ ": " ^ T.show v ^ "; ")
+ "" (zmap_bindings zmap) ^ "\n")
+ "" (bindings map)
+ (** The value at v' is shifted by r and then added for v.
+ The old entry for v' is removed. *)
+ let shift v r v' map =
+ match find_opt v' map with
+ | None -> map
+ | Some zmap -> let infl = zmap_bindings zmap in
+ let zmap = List.fold_left (fun zmap (r', v') ->
+ zmap_add Z.(r' + r) v' zmap) ZMap.empty infl in
+ remove v' (add v zmap map)
+ (** Find all outgoing edges of v in the automata.*)
+ let successors v (map:t) =
+ match find_opt v map with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some zmap -> zmap_bindings zmap
+ (** Find all elements that are in the same equivalence class as t,
+ given the cmap. *)
+ let comp_t_cmap_repr cmap t =
+ match TMap.find_opt t cmap with
+ | None -> [Z.zero, t]
+ | Some zmap ->
+ List.concat_map
+ (fun (z, set) ->
+ List.cartesian_product [z] (TSet.to_list set)) (ZMap.bindings zmap)
diff --git a/src/common/util/richVarinfo.ml b/src/common/util/richVarinfo.ml
index d1918c40a6..78e6f576e1 100644
--- a/src/common/util/richVarinfo.ml
+++ b/src/common/util/richVarinfo.ml
@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
open GoblintCil
-let create_var name = Cilfacade.create_var @@ makeGlobalVar name voidType
-let single ~name =
- let vi = lazy (create_var name) in
- fun () ->
- Lazy.force vi
module type VarinfoMap =
type t
@@ -17,10 +10,78 @@ sig
val bindings: unit -> (t * varinfo) list
+module VarinfoDescription = struct
+ (**This type is equal to `varinfo`, but the fields are not mutable and they are optional.
+ Only the name is not optional. *)
+ type t = {
+ vname_: string;
+ vtype_: typ option;
+ vattr_: attributes option;
+ vstorage_: storage option;
+ vglob_: bool option;
+ vinline_: bool option;
+ vdecl_: location option;
+ vinit_: initinfo option;
+ vaddrof_: bool option;
+ vreferenced_: bool option;
+ }
+ let from_varinfo (v: varinfo) =
+ {vname_=v.vname;
+ vtype_=Some v.vtype;
+ vattr_=Some v.vattr;
+ vstorage_=Some v.vstorage;
+ vglob_=Some v.vglob;
+ vinline_=Some v.vinline;
+ vdecl_=Some v.vdecl;
+ vinit_=Some v.vinit;
+ vaddrof_=Some v.vaddrof;
+ vreferenced_=Some v.vreferenced}
+ let empty name =
+ {vname_=name;
+ vtype_=None;
+ vattr_=None;
+ vstorage_=None;
+ vglob_=None;
+ vinline_=None;
+ vdecl_=None;
+ vinit_=None;
+ vaddrof_=None;
+ vreferenced_=None}
+ let update_varinfo (v: varinfo) (update: t) =
+ let open Batteries in
+ {vname=update.vname_;
+ vtype=Option.default v.vtype update.vtype_;
+ vattr=Option.default v.vattr update.vattr_;
+ vstorage=Option.default v.vstorage update.vstorage_;
+ vglob=Option.default v.vglob update.vglob_;
+ vinline=Option.default v.vinline update.vinline_;
+ vdecl=Option.default v.vdecl update.vdecl_;
+ vinit=Option.default v.vinit update.vinit_;
+ vid=v.vid;
+ vaddrof=Option.default v.vaddrof update.vaddrof_;
+ vreferenced=Option.default v.vreferenced update.vreferenced_;
+ vdescr=v.vdescr;
+ vdescrpure=v.vdescrpure;
+ vhasdeclinstruction=v.vhasdeclinstruction}
+let create_var (vd: VarinfoDescription.t) =
+ Cilfacade.create_var (
+ VarinfoDescription.update_varinfo (makeGlobalVar vd.vname_ voidType) vd
+ )
+let single ~name =
+ let vi = lazy (create_var (VarinfoDescription.empty name)) in
+ fun () ->
+ Lazy.force vi
module type G =
include Hashtbl.HashedType
- val name_varinfo: t -> string
+ val varinfo_attributes: t -> VarinfoDescription.t
module type H =
@@ -47,7 +108,7 @@ struct
XH.find !xh x
with Not_found ->
- let vi = create_var (X.name_varinfo x) in
+ let vi = create_var (X.varinfo_attributes x) in
store_f x vi;
diff --git a/src/common/util/richVarinfo.mli b/src/common/util/richVarinfo.mli
index 4e682734ee..7847eccd85 100644
--- a/src/common/util/richVarinfo.mli
+++ b/src/common/util/richVarinfo.mli
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
open GoblintCil
-val single: name:string -> (unit -> varinfo)
module type VarinfoMap =
type t
@@ -14,10 +12,31 @@ sig
val bindings: unit -> (t * varinfo) list
+module VarinfoDescription:
+ type t = {
+ vname_: string;
+ vtype_: typ option;
+ vattr_: attributes option;
+ vstorage_: storage option;
+ vglob_: bool option;
+ vinline_: bool option;
+ vdecl_: location option;
+ vinit_: initinfo option;
+ vaddrof_: bool option;
+ vreferenced_: bool option;
+ }
+ val from_varinfo: varinfo -> t
+ val empty: string -> t
+ val update_varinfo: varinfo -> t -> varinfo
+val single: name:string -> (unit -> varinfo)
module type G =
include Hashtbl.HashedType
- val name_varinfo: t -> string
+ val varinfo_attributes: t -> VarinfoDescription.t
module type H =
diff --git a/src/config/options.schema.json b/src/config/options.schema.json
index 7b07c3ca35..b8337538a9 100644
--- a/src/config/options.schema.json
+++ b/src/config/options.schema.json
@@ -1144,6 +1144,39 @@
"additionalProperties": false
+ "c2po": {
+ "title": "ana.c2po",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "askbase": {
+ "title": "ana.c2po.askbase",
+ "description": "If true, the C-2PO Analysis uses the MayPointTo query to infer additional disequalities.",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "default": true
+ },
+ "join_algorithm": {
+ "title": "ana.c2po.join_algorithm",
+ "description": "Which join algorithm 'c2po' should use. Values: 'partition' (default): the more efficient version, it uses only the partition to compute the join. Circular equalities are lost during the join; 'partition': a more precise version, uses the automaton to compute the join.",
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "precise",
+ "partition"
+ ],
+ "default": "partition"
+ },
+ "equal": {
+ "title": "ana.c2po.equal",
+ "description": "Which equal algorithm 'c2po' should use. Values: 'partition' (default): it compares the partitions each time; 'normal_form': computes a normal form of the domain to compare them. It is lazily computed. The two possibilities are equivalent in precision, but in some cases computing the normal form is more efficient, as it is computed only once per distinct domain element.",
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "normal_form",
+ "partition"
+ ],
+ "default": "partition"
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
"unassume": {
"title": "ana.unassume",
"type": "object",
diff --git a/src/goblint_lib.ml b/src/goblint_lib.ml
index 8013d9b2fe..592c184c14 100644
--- a/src/goblint_lib.ml
+++ b/src/goblint_lib.ml
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ module LinearTwoVarEqualityAnalysis = LinearTwoVarEqualityAnalysis
module VarEq = VarEq
module CondVars = CondVars
module TmpSpecial = TmpSpecial
+module C2poAnalysis = C2poAnalysis
(** {2 Heap}
@@ -169,6 +170,8 @@ module UnassumeAnalysis = UnassumeAnalysis
module ExpRelation = ExpRelation
module AbortUnless = AbortUnless
module PtranalAnalysis = PtranalAnalysis
+module StartStateAnalysis = StartStateAnalysis
+module SingleThreadedLifter = SingleThreadedLifter
(** {1 Domains}
@@ -246,6 +249,13 @@ module ApronDomain = ApronDomain
module AffineEqualityDomain = AffineEqualityDomain
module LinearTwoVarEqualityDomain = LinearTwoVarEqualityDomain
+(** {5 2-Pointer Logic}
+ Domains for {!C2poAnalysis}. *)
+module CongruenceClosure = CongruenceClosure
+module UnionFind = UnionFind
+module C2poDomain = C2poDomain
(** {3 Concurrency} *)
module MutexAttrDomain = MutexAttrDomain
@@ -395,6 +405,7 @@ module CilType = CilType
module Cilfacade = Cilfacade
module CilLocation = CilLocation
module RichVarinfo = RichVarinfo
+module DuplicateVars = DuplicateVars
module CilCfg = CilCfg
module LoopUnrolling = LoopUnrolling
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/01-simple.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/01-simple.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abb6b2c69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/01-simple.c
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+void main(void) {
+ int *i;
+ int **j;
+ j = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*)+7);
+ *(j + 3) = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *k;
+ i = *(j + 3);
+ *j = k;
+ __goblint_check(**j == *k);
+ __goblint_check(i == *(j + 3));
+ j = &k + 1;
+ __goblint_check(j == &k); // FAIL
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/02-rel-simple.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/02-rel-simple.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e42b79ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/02-rel-simple.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+int main(void) {
+ int *i = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int ***j = (int ***)malloc(sizeof(int) * 4);
+ int **j2 = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int **j23 = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *j = j2;
+ *(j + 3) = j23;
+ int *j3 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *j33 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *j2 = j3;
+ **(j + 3) = j33;
+ *j3 = 4;
+ *j33 = 5;
+ int *k = i;
+ *k = 3;
+ // j --> *j=j2 --> **j=j3 --> ***j=|4|
+ // (j+3) --> j23 --> j33 --> |5|
+ // k=i --> |3|
+ // printf("***j = %d\n", ***j); // 4
+ // printf("***(j + 3) = %d\n", ***(j + 3)); // 5
+ // printf("*i = %d\n", *i); // 3
+ // printf("*k = %d\n", *k); // 3
+ // printf("\n");
+ __goblint_check(*j23 == j33);
+ __goblint_check(*j2 == j3);
+ __goblint_check(*i == *k);
+ i = **(j + 3);
+ // j --> *j=j2 --> **j=j3 --> ***j=|4|
+ // (j+3) --> j23 --> j33=i --> |5|
+ // k --> |3|
+ // printf("***j = %d\n", ***j); // 4
+ // printf("***(j + 3) = %d\n", ***(j + 3)); // 5
+ // printf("*i = %d\n", *i); // 5
+ // printf("*k = %d\n", *k); // 3
+ // printf("\n");
+ __goblint_check(*j23 == j33);
+ __goblint_check(*j2 == j3);
+ __goblint_check(*i == *j33);
+ *j = &k;
+ // j2 --> j3 --> |4|
+ // (j+3) --> j23 --> j33=i --> |5|
+ // j --> *j --> k --> |3|
+ // printf("***j = %d\n", ***j); // 3
+ // printf("***(j + 3) = %d\n", ***(j + 3)); // 5
+ // printf("*i = %d\n", *i); // 5
+ // printf("*k = %d\n", *k); // 3
+ // printf("**j2 = %d\n", **j2); // 4
+ __goblint_check(*j23 == j33);
+ __goblint_check(*j2 == j3);
+ __goblint_check(**j == k);
+ // not assignable: &k = *j;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/03-function-call.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/03-function-call.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73dd0f0c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/03-function-call.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+int *i;
+int **j;
+int *f(int **a, int *b) { return *a; }
+int *g(int **a, int *b) {
+ a = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *));
+ return *a;
+int main(void) {
+ j = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *));
+ *j = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *k = f(j, i);
+ __goblint_check(k == *j);
+ k = g(j, i);
+ __goblint_check(k == *j); // UNKNOWN!
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/04-remove-vars.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/04-remove-vars.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5e906bd9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/04-remove-vars.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+int *f(int **j) {
+ int *i = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *j = i;
+ return i;
+int main(void) {
+ int *i;
+ int **j;
+ j = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*));
+ *j = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *k = f(j);
+ __goblint_check(k == *j);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/05-branch.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/05-branch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d8b3bbd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/05-branch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+void main(void) {
+ int *i;
+ int **j;
+ int *k;
+ i = *(j + 3);
+ *j = k;
+ j = &k + 1;
+ int *f;
+ if (j != &k) {
+ f = k;
+ printf("branch2");
+ __goblint_check(1); // reachable
+ } else {
+ f = i;
+ printf("branch1");
+ __goblint_check(0); // NOWARN (unreachable)
+ }
+ __goblint_check(f == k);
+ j = &k;
+ if (j != &k) {
+ f = k;
+ printf("branch1");
+ __goblint_check(0); // NOWARN (unreachable)
+ } else {
+ f = i;
+ printf("branch2");
+ __goblint_check(1); // reachable
+ }
+ __goblint_check(f == i);
+ if (**j + *k * 23 - 2 * *k == 0 && j != &k) {
+ f = k;
+ printf("branch1");
+ __goblint_check(0); // NOWARN (unreachable)
+ } else {
+ f = i;
+ printf("branch2");
+ __goblint_check(1); // reachable
+ }
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/06-invertible-assignment.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/06-invertible-assignment.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..420e8117f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/06-invertible-assignment.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+void main(void) {
+ long *i;
+ long **j;
+ long *k;
+ j = &k + 1;
+ j++;
+ __goblint_check(j == &k + 2);
+ i = *(j + 3);
+ i++;
+ __goblint_check(i == *(j + 3) + 1);
+ j++;
+ __goblint_check(i == *(j + 2) + 1);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/07-invertible-assignment2.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/07-invertible-assignment2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..559508e01d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/07-invertible-assignment2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+// example of the paper "2-Pointer Logic" by Seidl et al., Example 9, pag. 22
+void main(void) {
+ long x;
+ long *z;
+ z = &x;
+ long y;
+ y = -1 + x;
+ __goblint_check(z == &x);
+ __goblint_check(y == -1 + x);
+ *z = 1 + x;
+ __goblint_check(&x == z);
+ __goblint_check(y == -2 + x);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/08-simple-assignment.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/08-simple-assignment.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d80308f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/08-simple-assignment.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+// example of the paper "2-Pointer Logic" by Seidl et al., pag. 21
+void main(void) {
+ long x;
+ long *z = -1 + &x;
+ __goblint_check(z == -1 + &x);
+ z = (long*) *(1 + z);
+ __goblint_check(x == (long)z);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/09-different-offsets.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/09-different-offsets.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d420d5851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/09-different-offsets.c
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+struct Pair {
+ int *first;
+ int *second;
+void main(void) {
+ int *x;
+ struct Pair p;
+ p.first = x;
+ struct Pair p2;
+ p2.first = x;
+ __goblint_check(p.first == p2.first);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/10-different-types.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/10-different-types.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f6e7317aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/10-different-types.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void main(void) {
+ // no problem if they are all ints
+ int *ipt = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *ipt2;
+ int i;
+ ipt = &i;
+ // *ipt: 0; i: 0
+ __goblint_check(*ipt == i);
+ ipt2 = (int *)ipt;
+ *(ipt2 + 1) = 'a';
+ // *ipt: 0; i: 0
+ __goblint_check(*ipt == i);
+ // long pointer is cast to char pointer -> *(cpt + 1) overwrites *lpt
+ long *lpt = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
+ char *cpt;
+ long lo;
+ *lpt = lo;
+ // *lpt: 0; l: 0
+ __goblint_check(*lpt == lo);
+ cpt = (char *)lpt;
+ *(cpt + 1) = 'a';
+ // *lpt: 24832; l: 0
+ __goblint_check(*lpt == lo); // UNKNOWN!
+ lo = 0;
+ *lpt = lo;
+ // *lpt: 0; l: 0
+ __goblint_check(*lpt == lo);
+ *((char *)lpt + 1) = 'a';
+ // *lpt: 24832; l: 0
+ __goblint_check(*lpt == lo); // UNKNOWN!
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/11-array.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/11-array.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b6c264852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/11-array.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+void main(void) {
+ int m[5];
+ int **j;
+ int *l;
+ j = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) + 7);
+ j[3] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *k;
+ l = j[3];
+ j[0] = k;
+ j[2] = m;
+ __goblint_check(**j == *k);
+ __goblint_check(l == *(j + 3));
+ __goblint_check(j[2] == m);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/12-rel-function.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/12-rel-function.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee7db3b01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/12-rel-function.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+void *f(int **a, int **b) {
+ int *j;
+ int **i = &j;
+ j = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
+ *a = j;
+ *b = *i + 1;
+int main(void) {
+ int **c = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*));
+ int **d = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*));;
+ f(c, d);
+ __goblint_check(*d == *c + 1);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/13-experiments.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/13-experiments.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2023e1e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/13-experiments.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+struct Pair {
+ int (*first)[7];
+ int second;
+struct Crazy {
+ int whatever;
+ int arr[5];
+void main(void) {
+ int arr[7] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
+ int(*x)[7] = (int(*)[7])malloc(sizeof(int));
+ struct Pair p;
+ p.first = x;
+ p.second = (*x)[3];
+ struct Pair p2;
+ p2.first = x;
+ __goblint_check(p.first == p2.first);
+ int arr2[2][2] = {{1, 2}, {1, 2}};
+ p.second = arr2[1][1];
+ int *test;
+ int *x2[2] = {test, test};
+ int test2 = *(x2[1]);
+ struct Crazy crazyy[3][2];
+ __goblint_check(crazyy[2][1].arr[4] == ((struct Crazy *)crazyy)[5].arr[4]);
+ int *sx[4];
+ int k = *sx[1];
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/14-join.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/14-join.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33fad953f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/14-join.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void main(void) {
+ long y;
+ long i;
+ long x;
+ long *z;
+ int top;
+ if (top) {
+ z = -1 + &x;
+ y = x;
+ } else {
+ z = -1 + &x;
+ i = x;
+ }
+ __goblint_check(z == -1 + &x);
+ __goblint_check(x == i); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(y == x); // UNKNOWN!
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/15-arrays-structs.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/15-arrays-structs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f68dcf87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/15-arrays-structs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+struct mystruct {
+ int first;
+ int second;
+struct arrstruct {
+ int first[3];
+ int second[3];
+void main(void) {
+ // array of struct
+ struct mystruct arrayStructs[3];
+ __goblint_check(arrayStructs[0].first ==
+ ((int *)arrayStructs)[0]); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(arrayStructs[1].second ==
+ ((int *)arrayStructs)[3]); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(arrayStructs[2].first ==
+ ((int *)arrayStructs)[4]); // they are the same element
+ // struct of array
+ struct arrstruct structArray;
+ int *pstruct = (int *)&structArray; // pointer to struct
+ __goblint_check(structArray.first[0] ==
+ pstruct[0]); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(structArray.first[2] ==
+ pstruct[2]); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(structArray.second[0] ==
+ pstruct[3]); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(structArray.second[2] ==
+ pstruct[5]); // they are the same element
+ // array of array
+ int array2D[2][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};
+ __goblint_check(array2D[0][0] ==
+ *((int *)array2D + 0)); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(array2D[1][0] ==
+ *((int *)array2D + 2)); // they are the same element
+ __goblint_check(array2D[1][1] ==
+ *((int *)array2D + 3)); // they are the same element
+ // arr2D[0][1] is the element and arr2D[2] is a pointer to an array
+ __goblint_check(array2D[0][1] == (long)array2D[2]); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check((int *)array2D[0] + 4 == (int *)array2D[2]);
+ __goblint_check((int *)array2D + 4 == (int *)array2D[2]);
+ __goblint_check(array2D[1][2] == *((int *)array2D + 4));
+ __goblint_check((int *)array2D + 4 == (int *)array2D[2]);
+ // 3D array
+ int array3D[2][3][4];
+ __goblint_check(array3D[1][0][3] == *((int *)array3D + 15));
+ __goblint_check(array3D[1][2][0] == *((int *)array3D + 20));
+ __goblint_check(array3D[1][2][3] == *((int *)array3D + 23));
+ __goblint_check(array3D[0][1][1] == *((int *)array3D + 5));
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/16-loops.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/16-loops.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..792b7fb588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/16-loops.c
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void main(void) {
+ long y;
+ long i;
+ long *x = malloc(sizeof(long) * 300);
+ long *x2 = x;
+ long *z;
+ int top;
+ top = top % 300; // top is some number that is < 300
+ y = *x;
+ z = -1 + x;
+ while (top) {
+ z = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
+ x++;
+ z = -1 + x;
+ y++;
+ top--;
+ }
+ __goblint_check(z == -1 + x);
+ __goblint_check(y == *x2); // UNKNOWN!
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/17-join2.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/17-join2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97bcbdb2be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/17-join2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+void main(void) {
+ long *y = (long *)malloc(4 * sizeof(long));
+ long a;
+ long b;
+ long *x = (long *)malloc(4 * sizeof(long));
+ int top;
+ if (top) {
+ *(x + 2) = a + 1;
+ *(y + 1) = a + 2;
+ } else {
+ *(x + 2) = b + 2;
+ *(y + 1) = b + 3;
+ }
+ __goblint_check(*(x + 2) == *(y + 1) - 1);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/18-complicated-join.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/18-complicated-join.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff55e82d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/18-complicated-join.c
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.join_algorithm precise
+// Example 1 from the paper Join Algorithms for the Theory of Uninterpreted
+// Functions by Gulwani et al.
+void main(void) {
+ long ********y = (long ********)malloc(100 * sizeof(long *));
+ *y = (long *******)malloc(100 * sizeof(long *));
+ **y = (long ******)malloc(100 * sizeof(long *));
+ int top;
+ if (top) {
+ **y = (long ******)y;
+ __goblint_check(**y == (long ******)y);
+ __goblint_check(******y == (long**)y);
+ } else {
+ ***y = (long ***)y;
+ __goblint_check(***y == (long *****)y);
+ __goblint_check(******y == (long**)y);
+ }
+ __goblint_check(******y == (long**)y);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/19-disequalities.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/19-disequalities.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7c8c8d22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/19-disequalities.c
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void main(void) {
+ long *i;
+ long **j;
+ j = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) + 7);
+ *(j + 3) = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *k;
+ *j = k;
+ __goblint_check(**j != *k + 1);
+ __goblint_check(**j != *k + 2);
+ if (*i != **(j + 3)) {
+ __goblint_check(i != *(j + 3));
+ __goblint_check(&i != j + 3);
+ j = NULL;
+ __goblint_check(i != *(j + 3)); // UNKNOWN
+ }
+ int *k2 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *j = k2;
+ k = k2;
+ __goblint_check(*j == k);
+ __goblint_check(k2 == k);
+ int *f1 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *f2 = f2;
+ if (*j != f2) {
+ __goblint_check(*j != f2);
+ __goblint_check(k != f1);
+ j = NULL;
+ __goblint_check(*j != f2); // UNKNOWN
+ __goblint_check(k != f1);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/20-self-pointing-struct.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/20-self-pointing-struct.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b6af9e865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/20-self-pointing-struct.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+struct list {
+ int data;
+ struct list *next;
+void main(void) {
+ struct list last = {
+ 41
+ };
+ struct list first = {
+ 42, &last
+ };
+ last.next = &last;
+ __goblint_check(first.next->next->next->next == &last);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/21-global-var.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/21-global-var.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4cf669f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/21-global-var.c
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts
+int **i;
+int **j;
+int counter;
+void f() { __goblint_check(*i == *j); }
+void recursive_f() {
+ __goblint_check(*i == *j);
+ counter++;
+ if (counter < 25)
+ recursive_f();
+void non_terminating_f() {
+ if (*i == *j)
+ non_terminating_f();
+int main(void) {
+ j = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *));
+ i = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *));
+ *i = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *j = *i;
+ f();
+ recursive_f();
+ non_terminating_f();
+ __goblint_check(0); // NOWARN (unreachable)
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/22-join-diseq.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/22-join-diseq.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0192e5f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/22-join-diseq.c
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void main(void) {
+ long *a;
+ long *b;
+ long *c;
+ long *d = (long *)malloc(4 * sizeof(long));
+ long *e = (long *)malloc(4 * sizeof(long));
+ long *unknown;
+ int top;
+ if (a != b + 4 && e != c && c != d) {
+ __goblint_check(a != b + 4);
+ __goblint_check(e != c);
+ __goblint_check(c != d);
+ if (top) {
+ d = unknown;
+ __goblint_check(a != b + 4);
+ __goblint_check(e != c);
+ __goblint_check(c != d); // UNKNOWN!
+ } else {
+ e = unknown;
+ __goblint_check(a != b + 4);
+ __goblint_check(e != c); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(c != d);
+ }
+ // JOIN
+ __goblint_check(a != b + 4);
+ __goblint_check(e != c); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(c != d); // UNKNOWN!
+ }
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/23-function-deref.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/23-function-deref.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..001dc6887e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/23-function-deref.c
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void *g(int **a, int *b) {
+ b = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int *));
+ *a = b;
+int main(void) {
+ int *i = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int **j;
+ j = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *));
+ *j = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ int *k = *j;
+ __goblint_check(k == *j);
+ g(j, i);
+ __goblint_check(k == *j); // UNKNOWN!
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/24-disequalities-small-example.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/24-disequalities-small-example.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53f2bfcd81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/24-disequalities-small-example.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+int *a, b;
+c() { b = 0; }
+main() {
+ int *d;
+ if (a == d)
+ ;
+ else
+ __goblint_check(a != d);
+ c();
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/25-struct-circular.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/25-struct-circular.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2565c3e9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/25-struct-circular.c
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+struct mem {
+ int val;
+struct list_node {
+ int x;
+ struct mem *mem;
+ struct list_node *next;
+int main() {
+ struct mem *m = malloc(sizeof(*m));
+ int x = ((struct mem *) m)->val;
+ m->val = 100;
+ struct list_node *head = malloc(sizeof(*head));
+ head->x = 1;
+ head->mem = m;
+ head->next = head;
+ __goblint_check(head->next == head);
+ __goblint_check(head->next->next == head->next);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/26-join3.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/26-join3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2a710a9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/26-join3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+void main(void) {
+ long *x;
+ long *y;
+ long *z = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ int top;
+ if (top) {
+ x = z + 7;
+ y = z + 3;
+ } else {
+ x = z + 1;
+ y = z + 1;
+ }
+ __goblint_check(x == z + 7); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(x == z + 3); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(x == z + 1); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(x == z + 1); // UNKNOWN!
+ long *x1;
+ long *x2;
+ long *y1;
+ long *y2;
+ if (top) {
+ x1 = z + 1;
+ y1 = z + 2;
+ x2 = z + 1;
+ y2 = z + 2;
+ } else {
+ x1 = z + 2;
+ y1 = z + 3;
+ x2 = z + 4;
+ y2 = z + 5;
+ }
+ __goblint_check(x1 == y1 - 1);
+ __goblint_check(x2 == y2 - 1);
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/27-join-diseq2.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/27-join-diseq2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c02a4b93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/27-join-diseq2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+int main(void) {
+ long *a;
+ long *b;
+ long *c;
+ long *d = (long *)malloc(4 * sizeof(long));
+ long *e = (long *)malloc(4 * sizeof(long));
+ long *unknown;
+ int top;
+ if (a != b && e != c && c != d) {
+ __goblint_check(a != b);
+ __goblint_check(e != c);
+ __goblint_check(c != d);
+ if (top) {
+ d = unknown;
+ d = c + 1;
+ __goblint_check(a != b);
+ __goblint_check(e != c);
+ __goblint_check(c != d); // implicit disequality
+ } else {
+ e = unknown;
+ __goblint_check(a != b);
+ __goblint_check(e != c); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(c != d);
+ }
+ // JOIN
+ __goblint_check(a != b);
+ __goblint_check(e != c); // UNKNOWN!
+ __goblint_check(c != d);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/28-return-value.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/28-return-value.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2016ecae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/28-return-value.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+int a, b, c;
+void *d(const *e) { return e + 200; }
+int *f() {}
+main() {
+ g(a, c, b);
+ if (0) {
+ __goblint_check(0); // NOWARN (unreachable)
+ }
+ __goblint_check(1); // reachable
+g(int, struct h *, struct i *) {
+ int *j = f();
+ d(j);
+ __goblint_check(1); // reachable
diff --git a/tests/regression/83-c2po/29-widen.c b/tests/regression/83-c2po/29-widen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..606af48d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regression/83-c2po/29-widen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// PARAM: --set ana.activated[+] c2po --set ana.activated[+] startState --set ana.activated[+] taintPartialContexts --set ana.c2po.askbase false
+int a;
+long b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
+int *i;
+k() {
+ int j;
+ long top;
+ while (top) {
+ b = a * 424;
+ c = j;
+ d = j + b;
+ e = a * 424;
+ f = e + 8;
+ g = j;
+ h = j + f;
+ i = h;
+ a = a + 1;
+ __goblint_check(g == c);
+ // __goblint_check(h == 8 + d);
+ __goblint_check((long)i == h);
+ __goblint_check(j == c);
+ }
+main() { k(); }