v2.8.0 Release
Release Notes
New Features
- Add digest authentication by @segevda in #583
- feat: add SetLogger() method on Request by @muir in #584
- add OnSuccess, OnPanic, and OnInvalid hooks by @muir in #586
- Support RawPathParams without escaping by @SVilgelm in #664
- feat: add SetDebug() method on Request by @jeevatkm in #693
- Allow multipart/form-data in PATCH request by @sabandi in #536
- feat: add nil check to SetResult (#503) by @tkrop in #582
- Update log level to warning for errors within retry block by @sandyydk in #587
- feat: do not escape HTML in the debug log when jsonEscapeHTML set to false, inspired by pr #544 by @jeevatkm in #636
- feat: Export transport method to return current transport from the client by @MicBun in #605
- client: setters for JSON and XML Marshal/Unmarshal by @GRbit in #621
- feat: export NoRedirectPolicy error by @jeevatkm in #637
- CVE-2021-43565 CVE-2022-27191 fix by @testwill in #662
- Improve 204 no content handling by @haivp3010 in #654
- improve: support js,wasm by @shynome in #683
- config: update golang.org/x/net dependency to latest version v0.15.0 by @jeevatkm in #627, #694
Bug Fixes
- Fix multipart file readers not being reset when doing a retry by @nikplx in #549
- Fix redirect request body mismatch with origin request body caused by buffer reused by mistake by @liguangbo in #568
- Fix race condition during request: Protect pre/post request hooks with RWMutex by @jameshoulahan in #597
- fix: jitter maxWaitTime must be >= 1ns by @segevda in #629
- fix: client panic on missing digest value by @segevda in #633
- fix sync pool data race: deep copy by @zhongdalu-trechina in #635
- Fix SetAllowGetMethodPayload option ignored for io.Reader payload by @picollomartin, @jeevatkm in #541, #692
- Fix Send() documentation code by @lordzsolt in #528
- Reformat doc comments by @segevda in #620
- update README.md about Proxy Settings, no Request level setting by @maguowei in #645
- docs: through typo by @testwill in #685
- Enhance retry behavior documentation in README.md by @utsushiiro in #691
- Add label based github actions #562 and go version update by @jeevatkm in #563
- Add go fmt to github actions by @segevda in #628
Deprecated Removal
New Contributors
- @sabandi made their first contribution in #536
- @lordzsolt made their first contribution in #528
- @picollomartin made their first contribution in #541
- @tkrop made their first contribution in #582
- @muir made their first contribution in #584
- @segevda made their first contribution in #620
- @nikplx made their first contribution in #549
- @liguangbo made their first contribution in #568
- @jameshoulahan made their first contribution in #597
- @GRbit made their first contribution in #621
- @zhongdalu-trechina made their first contribution in #635
- @MicBun made their first contribution in #605
- @utsushiiro made their first contribution in #691
- @testwill made their first contribution in #685
- @SVilgelm made their first contribution in #664
- @maguowei made their first contribution in #645
- @sandyydk made their first contribution in #587
- @haivp3010 made their first contribution in #654
- @shynome made their first contribution in #683
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.8.0