class EvidentialSupport(variables,features,method,evidence_interval_count,interval_evidence_count) [source]
the set of computing evidential support
- variables - variables
- features - factors
- method - The method of computing evidential support, the default value is 'regression'
- evidence_interval_count - The number of intervals, the default value is 10
- interval_evidence_count - The number of variables in each interval, the default value is 200
This class currently provides the following methods:
Function: Calculate the ratio of 0 to 1 in the evidential variables associated with each unary feature of each latent variable, and the variable id at the other end of the binary feature
Function: Select the easy feature value of each feature for linear regression
Function: Create a sparse matrix to store featureValue of all variables for subsequent calculation of Evidential Support Return:featureValue Return type:sparse matrix
Function: Perform linear regression on the updated feature, save all the results of the regression back to the feature, the key is 'regression' Parameter: · update_feature_set - the set of updated feature
Function: calculate tau and alpha for feature
Parameter: · feature_set - the set of feature_id -
Function: calculate the essential support of each latent variable in a given set of latent variables, suitable for Aspect-level sentiment analysis Parameter:
· variable_set - a set of latent variables -
Function: Calculate the Evidential Support of all latent variables Parameter:
· update_feature_set - the set of updated feature · variable_set -The set of variables to be calculated the evidence support. -
Function: Calculate the accuracy of different types of relationships
Function: Build a mass function for Evidential Support calculation Parameter:
· uncertain_degree - Feature uncertainty
· label_prob - The probability of label matching, which represents the proportion of positive instances for word features and the accuracy of relationship features for relationship features
· unlabel_prob - The probability of label unmatch, which represents the proportion of negative instances for word features and 1 minus the accuracy of relationship features for relationship features Return : MassFunction
Return type : function -
Function: Build a mass function for Evidential Support calculation Parameter:
· theta - Feature uncertainty
Return : MassFunction
Return type : function -
Function: Combine different methods for different types of evidences for aspect-level sentiment analysis
Function: User-defined method for calculating essential support Parameter:
· variable_set - a set of latent variables
class Regression(each_feature_easys, n_job, effective_training_count_threshold)[source]
The class of related Linear regression, perform linear regression on all features, used for the essential support calculation of Entity Resolution
- each_feature_easys - The feature_value of the easy variable owned by each feature
- n_job - calculate the number of threads
- effective_training_count_threshold - The minimum number of effective samples, the default value is 2
This class currently provides the following methods:
- perform()[source]
Function: Perform linear regression method, suitable for Entity Resolution