The Coursera Data Science Specialization Capstone project from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) allows students to create a usable public data product that can show their skills to potential employers. Projects are drawn from real-world problems and are conducted with industry, government, and academic partners. For this iteration of the class, JHU is partnering with SwiftKey ( to apply data science in the area of Natural Language Processing[NLT].
This repository contains the following files/folders:
- This readme.
- capstone.R: Creates the data objects from cleaned source files.
- ui.R, server.R, helpers.R: Shiny application
- CapstoneFinalPresentation.Rpres: R presentation file describing the application.
- Capstone_Project_Milestone_Report.Rmd: Project milestone report.
- data: Folder of data objects for Shiny application.
- capstone.png, app-screenshot.png: Images for R presentation.