Get to kill some dragons.
This project consisted on building a video game using JavaScript and the game Engine Phaser.
- Built with
- Live Demo
- Getting Started
- Authors
- Contributing
- Show your support
- Acknowledgments
- License
Dragon fights.
To kill as many dragons as you can to get points
- Mobility: the hunter has the ability to move in any direction with help of keys on the keyboard.
- Shoot: the hunter will be shooting arrows from a crossbow.
- Scoring System: get 10 points for each dragon they kill.
- player: hunter
- enemies: dragons
- platform: open road
- levels: 1
Movement keys
- A left
- D right
- W up
- S down
Shooting arrows key
- spacebar
- Boot: shows the name game
- Prealoader: loads assets and gets current user score if exist
- Authentication: if there is not a user saved on local storage, asks player name
- Title: gives options to start, configure, see controls or get leader board game
- Options: configures sound
- Controls: shows controls
- Leader Board: shows leaders scores' game
- Game: plays the game
- Game Over: shows player's current and maximum scores, asks to go to the menu
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Make sure you have installed Node JS. If not, follow this guide for Linux or this one for Mac OS.
Download the project
$ git clone
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
If you want to modify the code and see the changes on live go the project's root directory and run webpack-dev-server with the next command:
$ npm run dev
or you can run the http-server for production enviroment:
$ npx webpack --config
$ npm run start
Open the next link http://localhost:8080/ and enter a player name. Happy playing!!!
Only run the next comman inside the project's root directory:
$ npm run test
To deploy this project on heroku run the next commands:
$ heroku create
if you are on master
$ git push heroku master
or if you are in another-branch
$ git push heroku another-branch:master
👤 Marshall Chikari
- Github: gitnyasha
- Twitter: @marshallchikari
- Linkedin: marshall chikari
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
inputText Phaser library
This project is MIT licensed.