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Building and installing

bbarker edited this page Dec 10, 2014 · 19 revisions

Compiling ATS2 from packaged C-source.

Please see the directions on the ATS site.

Compiling ATS2 from github-hosted source.

Please note that compiling ATS2 in this style is recommended primarily for people who are interested in helping develop ATS2.

ATS2 is implemented in ATS1. Currently, the required version of ATS1 (ATS/Anairiats) for bootstrapping ATS2 (ATS/Postiats) is 0.2.11. Assume that you have already installed ATS1-0.2.11.

Checkout Postiats from sources by downloading the zip file or using the following command (assuming that ~/postiats is a directory where the repository is to be put locally):

git clone ~/postiats

Set PATH to include the directory ~/postiats/bin so that the second half of the building process knows where to locate the created "patsopt".

Now, build ATS2:

make -f Makefile_devl all

This command effectively executes both of the following:

make -f codegen/Makefile_atslib # this is only needed for the first time
make -f Makefile_devl

Optionally, put ~/postiats/bin on your PATH, e.g., by adding the following line to your .bashrc:

export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/postiats/bin

Finally, a couple of environmental variables need to be properly set:

export PATSHOME=${HOME}/postiats #For the example install above, or wherever ATS2 is located.

If you also want to use ats2-lang-contrib, then please set the environmental variable PATSHOMERELOC to the name of the directory where ats2-lang-contrib resides.

What to try if the build of ATS/Postiats fails

Should the build fail at some point, it may be necessary to clean up:

make -C src cleanall

If that does not work, it is worth trying to clean up ATSLIB as well:

make -f codegen/Makefile_atslib cleanall

The above make rule should be executed whenever one wishes to use updated [ATSLIB] code from the upstream github repository.

When trying to build ATS2, it is possible that the version of GMP used for the build of ATS1 is no longer the same as that being used for the current build procedure. In that case, do the following, then repeat the build cleanup and make procedures outlined above:

atslib libc/SATS/gmp.sats
atslib libc/DATS/gmp.dats

Other GMP problems can arise; if you don't care about GMP support in ATS (i.e. you aren't too worried about constraints involving large numbers), then you can bypass GMP support by calling make as follows:

make -f Makefile_devl all C3NSTRINTKND=intknd

which effectively replaces gmpknd with intknd. You shoud NOT do this for producing safety-critical production code, but should be find for most development. Also note that if you want to specify linker and library flags for GMP, you must currently do so through the environment variable LIBGMP, not LDFLAGS.

Install ATS using package system

Debian GNU/Linux unstable(sid)

$ sudo apt-get install ats2-lang

ATS in a virtual machine

ATS can be installed in a docker container using the following command:

docker run -ti -v [your source directory]:/src steinwaywhw/ats 

This gives you the ability to edit/compile any ATS code on any platform as long as docker is installed. More information and the docker install file is available at

A Vagrantfile could be written based on that Dockerfile, which enables booting up a real virtual machine (instead of a container).

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