For Pull Request XXX:
- Did you use Copilot in developing this PR? (If you select No, just answer question 5)
- No
- Yes
- Compared to your previous experience coding WITHOUT using Copilot (This number represents 100%) How much less time did the coding take during this PR with Copilot?
(Example: The PR would normally take 5 days, but only took 4 days with Copilot then the answer is 20%)
- 0%
- > 0% but < 10%
- ≥ 11% but < 20%
- ≥ 21% but < 30%
- ≥ 31% but < 40%
- ≥ 41%
- Describe your thought process for calculating (or estimating) the time saved in Question 2
- (Please tell us in a comment)
- How often did you use Copilot in this PR?
- All or most of the time
- About Half of the time
- Some of the time
- Not very much
- What other information can you share about Copilot's ability to save you time coding?
- (Please tell us in a comment)
- Where did you invest your Copilot Time Savings?
- Resolve vulnerabilites
- Experiment, Learn and Wellness
- Technical debt and refactorization
- Work on other items in the backlog
- Other. Please explain in the comment