This change log only lists the major changes between releases. For a full list of changes refer to the commit log.
New pipelines:
- chromatin-profiling/atacseq: runs Bowtie2 and MACS2 to call ATAC-Seq peaks
- rnaseq/wafergen-scrna: analyses WaferGen's single cell sequencing data, using umis and scRNApipe for the core analysis.
Changes to pipelines and framework:
- Major pipelines now produce benchmarking logs
- STAR-RSEM now supports --estimate-rspd and new strandedness option
- Shotgun-metagenomics: Added SRST2, read counting and coverage threshold for decontamination
- GATK: support for joint variant calling (--joint-calls) and added a new option (--gvcf-only). Also added a new optional references config for agressive splitting
- Added --restarts option to control number of automatic restarts in case of failure
- Minor additions to SG10K and many under the hood changes to bc2lfastq
New pipelines:
- metagenomics/shotgun-metagenomics: runs several metagenomics profilers and pathway analysis
- germs/vipr3: Assembles viral NGS data and analyses low frequency variants
Changes to pipelines and framework
- Reduced number of submitted jobs in all pipelines (bundling of jobs e.g. in GATK and use of master slot through local rules)
- Reduced cluster memory footprint in all pipelines
- bcl2fastq now also creates index reads by default
- Workflows are restarted automatically once after failure
- S3 suport for FastQ files listed on config files
- Support for injection of processed BAM into GATK and Lacer-LoFreq
- Now using environment modules instead of dotkit
Software Upgrades:
- GATK 3.7
- BWA 0.7.15
- Lacer 0.424
- Snakemake-3.11.2
- New pipelines:
- chromatin-profiling/chipseq running dfilter and macs2, followed by meme-chip
- Added default SNPeff annotation to all variant callers
- Fasta and bed compatibility now checked before running
- Added option to skip variant calling in GATK pipeline (--bam-only)
- Added option to use precomputed BAM into GATK pipeline (--raw-bam)
- Several fixes for fluidigm-ht-c1-rnaseq to be able to better deal with the typically huge number of files and jobs
- Cluster limit adjustments for all pipelines to reflect move from vmem to RSS in GIS
- Log files are now automatically bundled on success
- Job completion emails can now be send to other users
- Version upgrades:
- snakemake 3.8.2
- sambamba 0.6.5
- New pipelines:
- somatic/lofreq-somatic
- somatic/mutect
- Update of variant-calling/gatk to GATK 3.6 incl. adoption of new
best practices (also fixes use of changes known sites according to
- Addition of padding parameter for non-WGS samples
- PCR duplicates are now marked after merging using sambamba (previously we used samblaster streaming per fastq pair) in all pipelines
- New configuration options: the previously monolithic conf.default.yaml was split into references.yaml, modules.yaml and params.yaml. These are user changeable via newly added parameters. This way one can for example change reference bundles etc.
- Multisample support was implemented for most pipelines, with lots of internal changes. However, this can lead to surprisingly high memory consumption by snakemake itself. See notes in
- Many optimizations (thread settings, cluster settings) and bug-fixes
- Added several of auxiliary tools, e.g. and
- Added convenience wrapper
- Substantially extended documentation (main README, README per pipeline and added example workflow visualizations)
- Reduced all threads to maximum of 16 (NSCC limit 24)
- Refer to git commit messages for more details and changes under the hood
- newly production ready pipelines
- [essential-genes]
- fluidigm-ht-c1-rnaseq
- rnaseq
- variant-calling-gatk
- variant-calling-lofreq
- new web service:
- now using drmaa by default
- simplified wrappers with class PipelineHandler()
- new tools: whatapps and production warnings helper
- new
option - mail to ngsp and requestor (
) - new tool:
- many bug fixes
- first ever used deployment
- only bcl2fastq