In this guide, we’ll learn about how another way Haskell handles polymorphism. We’ll look at a few of the uses cases for this sort of polymorphism.
Let’s begin by considering the polymorphism we’ve already seen and seeing what polymorphic type signatures for functions tell us about the functions.
Suppose you’d like to create a reverse
function which reverses the order of a list:
reverse [1, 2, 3] == [3, 2, 1]
reverse "abc" == "cba"
This function should compltely ignore the elements of the list. It should not evaluate them or use
them in any way. It should work for lists of any type of element. All of these are enforced by
the type signature of reverse
-- | Reverse the elements in a list.
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
Since the element type is just a
(a type variable), reverse
cannot make any assumptions about
it. The same exact code must work for Int
, Char
, String
, Handle
(a file handle), or any
other type.
These sorts of type signatures help eliminate many bugs and can help you figure out what code you
want to write. However, while sometimes we can operate on any type variable a
, sometimes we’d
like to have some constraints on what a
can be. For example, consider a hypothetical function
, which returns whether or not a some element is in a list. Could elem
have the following
type signature?
-- | Return whether an element exists in a list.
elem :: a -> [a] -> Bool
elem element list = ...
A brief examination of the type signature should make it clear that, no, a working elem
cannot have that type signature. A function with that type signature cannot check whether one
value of type a
is equal to another value of type a
! Thus, there’s no way that it could check
that the element is equal to the values in the list. We could, however, create the following
function, which is elem
specialized to Int
-- | Return whether an element exists in a list.
elemInt :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
elemInt element list = ...
We could implement a valid elemInt
, because we know we can compare Int
As an exercise, go ahead and implement elemInt
. Make sure the following test cases pass:
elemInt 0 [] == False
elemInt (error "Nothing") [] == False
elemInt 3 [10, 20, 30] == False
elemInt 3 [1, 2, 3] == True
We could also implement elemChar
, elemString
, elemFloat
, and many other versions of elem
In order to implement elem
, however, we need to have a way to write a type signature that allows
polymorphism over the list element type (via a type variable a
) but also requires that we can
somehow compare values of type a
for equality. Haskell provides typeclasses as a mechanism for
constrained polymorphism.
On Any TypeIn some languages, all types will support the equality operator. For example, in C or Java, two
values of the same type may always be compared using ==
. This comparison tests for
pointer or reference equality, not the fact that the underlying objects are equal. (If you’ve
programmed in Java, you will have been taught early on that you must use .equals()
for objects if
you mean to compare their values, because ==
will only check for reference equality; this can be a
cause of many subtle bugs.)
Haskell does not allow testing for equality by pointer comparison for a variety of reasons. (Among
others, pointer comparison prevents some optimizations and breaks expected language semantics in
some cases.) Instead of using pointer comparions, ==
will always compare the values of objects.
We cannot have ==
work on all types because some objects might not have a meaningful comparison
operator. For example, what does it mean to check if two file handles are equal? Are the equal if
they have the same filename? If they have the same filename and point to the same location on disk?
If they point to the same node/location in a file system but have different names (due to hard
links), are they equal?
As another example, consider equality of functions of type Int → Int
— it is impossible to check
if two functions are equal without running them on all possible inputs, which would take forever.
Thus, the ==
operator only makes sense and only exists for a subset of all types in Haskell.
Typeclasses are a mechanism for overloading the meaning of names (values and functions) for
different types. This allows us to write code that works on multiple types while using values of
those types — for example, we can use the ==
operator to test many different types for equality.
The ==
function is defined as part of the Eq
typeclass, which could be written as follows:
class Eq a where (1)
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool (2)
This line declares the typeclass.
are keywords, and between them you put the name of the class (Eq
) and a type variable (a
) that will represent theEq
-able type for the remainder of a declaration.Eq
is the name of a constraint on types: in the remainder of the declaration, we write the type signatures of values and functions that must be implemented for a type for it to be part of theEq
typeclass. The type variablea
is used in those type signatures. -
This type signature is the declaration of a method of the typeclass. (Be very careful — typeclasses and typeclass have very little to do with object-oriented classes and methods, although the terminology may be decieving and there may be some surface similarities.) With this type signature, we state that in order to create an instance of the
typeclass for some type we must write a function called==
that satisfies the given type signature. For example, in order to create an instance ofEq
, we would have to write a function with type signatureInt → Int → Bool
which tests two integers for equality.
Haskell already defines instances of Eq
for all commonly used data types, which means you can use
on common types such as Int
, String
, [Int]
, Maybe String
, and most others defined in
the standard library. For the sake of understanding typeclasses, let’s define our own tree data
-- | A binary tree containing Int values.
data IntTree = Leaf Int | Tree Int IntTree IntTree
If we tried to write code that used ==
on IntTree
values, GHC would spit out an error message
complaining about the lack of the Eq IntTree
instance. To satisfy GHC, we can write an instance
of Eq
for IntTree
instance Eq IntTree where (1)
Leaf x == Leaf x' = x == x' (2)
Tree x left right == Tree x' left' right' =
x == x' && left == left' && right == right'
_ == _ = False (3)
This line is the beginning of the instance declaration and generally mirrors the class declaration. In this case, we’re declaring an instance
Eq IntTree
, so you can replace all occurrences of thea
type variable in the original class withIntTree
. -
This is the definition of the
operator. To the left of the=
, we have match the arguments to==
with two patterns,Leaf x
andLeaf x'
and returnTrue
if and only ifx == x'
. Note thatx
are of typeInt
, which means we can use==
on them, because we have the instanceEq Int
provided for us by Haskell. -
In order to make sure that
works for allIntTree
values, we provide a fall-through pattern match which will match anything the previous patterns haven’t. Since the previous patterns tested leaves against leaves and branches against branches, we know that this pattern is only matched if the structures of the trees are different (there’s a leaf in one tree where there is a branch in another), so we returnFalse
because these trees cannot be equal.
Eq IntList
Consider the following linked list data structure:
data IntList = Nil | Cons Int IntList
Implement the Eq
typeclass for the IntList
type. Then, verify that the following code works and
value1 :: IntList
value1 = Cons 3 (Cons 10 Nil)
value2 :: IntList
value2 = Nil
main = print (value1 == value1,
value2 == value2,
not (value1 == value2))
In both the example above (IntTree
) and the exercise (IntList
), you must use recursion to
implement ==
. In addition to recursing in the definition of ==
, you must eventually invoke the
for the Int
type, to compare the values at the leaves of the tree and nodes of the linked
list. In the line Leaf x == Leaf x' = x == x'
, the usage of ==
on the right hand side refers to
for Int
values; this is not a case of recursion, because we aren’t calling ==
In addition to defining their required methods, typeclasses can define auxiliary methods with
default implementations. For example, the Eq
typeclass is actually defined as follows:
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool (1)
x /= y = not $ x == y
method is not required by theEq
typeclass. If an implementation of/=
is not provided, the default implementationnot $ x == y
is used. Instances are allowed to provide their own custom implementations of/=
; custom implementations are often used to provide more efficient implementations of typeclass methods.
Many of the typeclasses in the standard library have several methods but only require one or two of them for a complete implementation.
Typeclasses are fundamental to the Haskell language, and the standard library ships with several
very commonly used typeclasses. In this section, we’ll go over several of the simpler typeclasses;
we’ll see how they’re defined, how they’re used, and how to write simple instances for them. We
skip the Eq
typeclass, as it is reviewed in the previous section.
Types which implement the Ord
typeclass can be compared to each other; their values must have a
total order imposed on them (for any values x
and y
, we can compare the two values and
determine which one is greater, if any). In order to be a member of the Ord
typeclass, a type
must have a compare
function which returns an ordering. In some languages (C, Java, Python) the
compare function must return an integer which is zero if the two values are equal, a positive
integer if the first value is greater than the second, and a negative integer if the first value is
smaller than the second. In Haskell, orderings are instead expressed using the Ordering
data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT
The Ord
typeclass then has a compare
function which takes two values and returns an Ordering
compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
In addition, the Ord
typeclass includes a few functions that have default implementations using
but can be overriden for efficiency, such as <
, >
, max
, and min
. The full Ord
typeclass declaration is as follows:
class Eq a => Ord a where
-- Required for implementing Ord.
compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
-- Functions with default implementations.
(>) :: a -> a -> Bool
x > y = compare x y == GT
(<) :: a -> a -> Bool
x > y = compare x y == LT
(>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
x >= y = compare x y == GT || compare x y == EQ
(<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
x <= y = compare x y == LT || compare x y == EQ
max :: a -> a -> a
max x y = if x > y then x else y
min :: a -> a -> a
min x y = if x < y then x else y
The Ord
typeclass, unlike Eq
, has a context. Contexts come before type declarations or
typeclass heads and can specify that type variables implement some specific typeclass:
class Eq a => Ord a where ...
In the above declaration, the context is Eq a
, and is separated from the typeclass head (which
is Ord a
) using a "fat arrow", ⇒
. The context specifies that the type variable a
must be a
member of the Eq
typeclass in order to implement the Ord
typeclass for that variable. In this
case, Eq a
is required for Ord a
because it is nonsensical to have an ordering unless we have
equality, since clearly compare
can be used to implement (==)
In general, it is wise to make sure that all instances of Ord
follow a few rules. First of all,
they should agree with instance of Eq
; that is, if x == y
, then compare x y
should return
. Instances of Ord
should also define a reasonable total order: if compare x y == LT
, then
compare y x == GT
, and if compare x y == EQ
then compare y x == EQ
as well.
The Show
and Read
typeclasses allow types to be converted to and from strings. They are not
meant for user input and output, but rather for programmer viewing and debugging. (For example, the
instance for String
outputs newlines as \n
and quotes as \"
, which makes sense for
programmers but does not for user output.). The Show
typeclass has three methods: show
, and showList
Most of the time, knowing about show
is enough; the other two are somewhat specialized methods that
you will rarely need to implement. show
has the type show :: a → String
; it can convert any
type a
which implements the Show
typeclass into a String
. For example, in order to convert an
integer to a string, you could write show (1 :: Int)
; in this context, show
would be
specialized to show :: Int → String
For the sake of demonstration, let’s create our own character-like type that can only hold uppercase As, Bs, Cs, as well as a special character representing non-printable character:
data ABC = A | B | C | Other
If we want to be able to print ABC
values, we can create a Show
instance for it:
instance Show ABC where
show A = "A"
show B = "B"
show C = "C"
show Other = "<Not printable>"
We can then write programs that print values of type ABC
to standard output. The following
program will simply print the letter "A" to the screen:
a :: ABC
a = A
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn (show a) (1)
Instead of writing
putStrLn (show x)
, we can writeprint x
is a function defined asprint = putStrLn . show
For most use cases, show
is all you need to know about the Show
typeclass; for the sake of
completeness, we discuss showsPrec
and showList
, even though these functions come up rarely in
To motivate showsPrec
, consider the following code:
main = putStrLn (show Other ++ show Other ++ show Other ++ show Other)
How long does this program take to run? Not very long, because we only have four Strings we’re
concatenating. However, in general, concatenating n Strings can take O(n^2) time, since each
time we append a string to the end of a list, we must first traverse the entire list. If we were to
run this program with a thousand ABC
values instead of four, this might take quite a while due to
this quadratic growth! This quadratic growth is the first problem that ShowS
The fundamental issue is that Show
relies on String
values, which take a long time to append.
To rectify this, showsPrec
uses a different type with the alias ShowS
type ShowS = String -> String
A ShowS
value is a function that, when given a String
, prepends another String
to it and
returns the sum. The type String
and ShowS
are isomorphic in meaning, which we can show
by providing conversion functions between them. We can convert a String
into a ShowS
by writing
a function which prepends the given string to its input:
showString :: String -> ShowS
showString str = \next -> str ++ next
Converting from String
to ShowS
is fast. Since we don’t actually do any work (we just create a
function), we don’t need to iterate over the characters, so it is done in constant time. We can
also convert from ShowS
to a String
by using the ShowS
to prepend to an empty string:
fromShowS :: ShowS -> String
fromShowS prepender = prepender ""
Unlike showString
, fromShowS
is not a constant time operation. In order to prepend a string to "", the
must traverse the entire string it’s appending and then add "" onto the end of it. Thus,
the runtime of fromShowS
grows linearly with the number of characters in the output.
Let’s compare appending String
values and ShowS
values. In order to append String
values, you
use the ++
operator, which traverses over the first string character by character and then adds
the second string onto the end. As you append more and more characters to a string, appends take
longer and longer, because each append must traverse all previous characters; thus, the running
time grows quadratically in the length of the string. In constract, in order to append ShowS
values, you just use the .
function composition operator. If you have a ShowS
which prepends the
string "x" and a ShowS
which prepends the string "y", you can make a ShowS
which prepends "xy"
by composing your two ShowS
values to first prepend "y" and then prepend "x". Since function
composition is done in constant time, combining ShowS
values only takes as long as the number of
values you are combining.
As long as showsPrec
outputs a ShowS
instead of a String
, we can write code that efficiently
concatenates the string representations of many things. Using ShowS
yields better performance, but
it is not as convenient as show
for common uses, which is why show
is included in the typeclass.
The second problem that showsPrec
solves is one of parenthesizing. For example, if we write show (Just [1, 2, 3])
, we
expect the result to be Just [1, 2, 3]
; however, if we write show (Just (Just [1, 2, 3]))
, we
expect the result to be Just (Just [1, 2, 3])
. Consider the following attempt at an
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) where (1)
show Nothing = "Nothing"
show (Just x) = "Just " ++ show x
This example uses instance contexts; see Exercise 1 for more information on this.
If you pay attention to what this example does, though, you will notice that show (Just (Just [1,
2, 3]))
does not work! Instead of outputting what we want, it outputs Just Just [1, 2, 3]
, which
is missing a set of parentheses.
Using the type alias ShowS
, the type of showsPrec
for a type a
is written as
showsPrec :: Int -> a -> ShowS
The Int
that showsPrec
is passed is the operator precedence of the enclosing context, which is
a number between zero and eleven. Function application has precedence ten; infix data constructors
can have lower precedences. This integer allows the showsPrec
implementation to decide whether or
not to include the parentheses. The following is a proper implementation of Show Maybe
, this time
using showsPrec
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) where
showsPrec _ Nothing = showString "Nothing"(1)
showsPrec precedence (Just x) =
if precedence > 10 (2)
then showString "(Just " . showsPrec 11 x . showString ")" (3)
else showString "Just " . showsPrec 11 x (4)
is the same convenience function we defined earlier, of typeshowString :: String → ShowS
. -
10 is the precedence of function application, so a precedence context greater than means that this value is being printed as an argument to some function and thus we need parentheses.
We use
to concatenateShowS
values (instead of++
, which is only used forString
values). -
Since the
constructor looks like a function, we must print the argument to it in a precedence context greater than function application; thus, we pass 11 as the precedence context toshowsPrec
for whatever comes after theJust
can be thought of as a low-level interface to the capabilities of the Show
Although the complexity may seem daunting, it is necessary for printing all the possible values
that you can define in Haskell.
The last method of the Show
typeclass is showList
-- Give the method a specialized way of showing lists of values.
showList :: [a] -> ShowS
The showList
method can be used to override the default of printing lists with square brackets
and commas. This is rarely necessary, but is used by the Haskell standard library to print String
values using quotes instead of square brackets and to omit the commas.
for listsConsider the following linked list data type, isomorphic to Haskell’s [a]
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
Implement the Show
typeclass for List a
, provided that a
implements Show
. To do so, fill
in the following template:
instance Show a => Show (List a) where
show xs = ...
This code has another example of a context, this time used in an instance instead of a class
declaration. The context Show a
with the instance head Show [a]
says that for any type a
that implements Show
, [a]
implements Show
(with the implementation provided below).
Your implementation of show
should act identically to show
for Haskell lists, but use {}
instead of []
. For example, show Nil
should be {}
and show (Cons 'X' (Cons 'Y' Nil))
be {'X', 'Y'}
for CharactersRecall the data type and Show
instance we defined earlier:
data ABC = A | B | C | Other
instance Show ABC where
show A = "A"
show B = "B"
show C = "C"
show Other = "<Not printable>"
Modify this instance to use showsPrec
. You can use showString
to do so.
Once you have rewritten this instance to use showsPrec
, add an implementation for showList
it such that lists of ABC
values are printed surrounded by vertical bars, without commas, and skipping
values. For example, you should have showList [A, B, C, Other, C, B]
return a string
containing |ABCCB|
The opposite of the Show
typeclass is the Read
typeclass. While Show
is used to convert
Haskell data structures to Strings, Read
provides methods to parse Strings into Haskell data
structures. Since converting Strings to data structures requires fairly complex parsing, the
methods of the Read
typeclass are actually almost never used. However, the Haskell Prelude
provides the read
read :: Read a => String -> a
This is not a method of the Read
typeclass, but it requires that the type that’s being output
implements Read
. To use read
, just pass it a String
, as in the following example:
value :: Int
value = read "100"
main :: IO ()
main = print value
Since the output of read
is a type variable, it is polymorphic in its output. This can often
cause problems, as GHC’s type inference engine will be unable to determine exactly what type is
meant to be read. For example, compiling the following program will yield an error, complaining
that the type variable a
is ambiguous:
main :: IO ()
main = print $ read "100"
The type of read "100"
could be Int
, Float
, Bool
, or anything else, and this program would
typecheck just fine. If the value is unable to be parsed, the error will happen at runtime, not at
compile time. In order to avoid the ambiguous type, you can annotate the read
expression with an
explicit type:
main :: IO ()
main = print (read "100" :: Int)
This program should compile fine, and, when run, will print 100 to the console.
If you try to read
a string that isn’t valid, you’ll get a runtime error. For example, the
following program will fail:
main = print (read "True" :: Int)
The error message will complain about not being able to find a parse:
*** Exception: no parse
By using read
, we’ve introduced a potential error which is not represented in any way in the type
of read
; in fact, the purpose of the type system is to eliminate errors like this! To avoid this,
you can use the readMay
function from the Safe
module (from the package safe
made for Safe
readMay :: String -> Maybe a
Instead of erroring and crashing like read
does, readMay
will return Nothing
if it fails, and
the result if it succeeds. Using readMay
can introduce a bit of complexity into your
code base due to the overhead of managing errors, but makes your code typesafe and avoids unexpected
crashes, yielding a very robust code base. In general, favor uses of readMay
over read
For most programmers, knowing how to use read
is enough; however, there may be a time where you
need to write a custom implementation of the Read
typeclass for one of your own data types.
Writing a Read
parser is a fairly complex task that requires a little more background than we are
assuming in this guide, so we will delay that topic until the guide about parsing.
Haskell has a special syntax for enumerated lists. For example, when working with integers, all of the following lists are valid:
-- A list of integers between 1 and 10, inclusive on both sides.
small :: [Int]
small = [1..10]
-- A list of odd integers between 1 and 10 (inclusive).
smallOdd :: [1,3..10]
-- An infinite list of all positive integers.
positives :: [Int]
positives = [1..]
-- An infinite list of even positive integers.
positiveEven :: [Int]
positiveEven = [2, 4..]
This syntax is very commonly used with integers; however, it also works with Char
and Float
-- The list containing 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and so on until 1.0.
tenths :: [Float]
tenths = [0.0, 0.1 .. 1.0]
-- All lowercase English letters.
lowercase :: [Char]
lowercase = ['a'..'z']
This general syntax is enabled by the Enum
typeclass. The Enum
typeclass has a whole suite of
methods which describe any type that can be enumerated:
class Enum a where
-- Compute the next element.
succ :: a -> a
-- Compute the previous element.
pred :: a -> a
-- Convert between integers and our enumerable type.
toEnum :: Int -> a
fromEnum :: a -> Int
-- Functions that the list syntax desugars to.
enumFromTo :: a -> a -> [a]
enumFromThenTo :: a -> a -> a -> [a]
enumFrom :: a -> [a]
enumFromThen :: a -> a -> [a]
The last four methods that start with enumFrom
are used to produce the list
syntax above. The four types of list syntax are translate directly into those methods:
[1..10] == enumFromTo 1 10
[1,3..10] == enumFromThenTo 1 3 10
[1..] == enumFrom 1
[2, 4..] == enumFromThen 2 4
Thus, if you implement the Enum
typeclass for your own types, you can use this list syntax as well.
In addition the list syntax, the Enum
typeclass has functions for using the
implementing type as an enumeration. In particular, the fromEnum
and toEnum
functions can be used convert between the enumerated type and the positive integers. (For example,
in the context of ASCII characters, fromEnum
gets the ASCII code of a character while toEnum
converts it back to a Char
.) Also, succ
should yield the next element of the enumeration, while
should yield the predecessor (so, for numeric types, succ
should add one and pred
subtract one).
has many methods, but the only ones that are necessary in order to complete an instance
definition are fromEnum
and toEnum
. For instance, if we had a type that could only represent
the characters X, Y, Z, or W, we could make it enumerated as follows:
data Var = X | Y | Z | W
instance Enum Var where
fromEnum X = 0
fromEnum Y = 1
fromEnum Z = 2
fromEnum W = 3
toEnum 0 = X
toEnum 1 = Y
toEnum 2 = Z
toEnum 3 = W
toEnum _ = error "Invalid value"
We can then use any methods of the Enum
class, including the syntactic sugar for list ranges. For
example, we could write [X .. W]
, which evaluates to [X, Y, Z, W]
. (The spaces around the dots
are syntactically important; without them the parser gets confused.)
The Bounded
typeclass is the simplest of all of the typeclasses discussed in this section:
class Bounded a where
-- A lower bound on all values.
minBound :: a
-- An upper bound on all values.
maxBound :: a
Strangely enough, though, Ord
is not required by Bounded
, even though Bounded
is making a
statement about the ordering of values. This is because Bounded
only requires that minBound
less than all elements and maxBound
is greater than all elements; however, if Bounded a
Ord a
, then it would also require there to be a total order on all the possible values of type
. (For example, if there are two values x, y :: a
, and both are above minBound
below maxBound
. In that case, you could implement Bounded
, even if the expression compare x y
made no sense because x
and y
themselves were not directly comparable.)
For any type a
which is both Bounded
and Enum
, the Enum
methods should respect the bounds.
For instance, succ maxBound
and pred minBound
should both result in runtime errors, since there
should be nothing outside of those bounds. Similarly, enumFrom
and enumFromThen
should not go
beyond (above or below) the maxBound
or minBound
set by the Bounded
Many of the typeclasses you encounter in Haskell are fairly simple and have very routine
implementations. For example, consider the following data structure and Show
data Something a = A | B | C | D | E a
instance Show a => Show (Something a) where
show A = "A"
show B = "B"
show C = "C"
show D = "D"
show (E a) = "(E " ++ show a ++ ")"
instance Eq a => Eq (Something a) where
A == A = True
B == B = True
C == C = True
D == D = True
(E x) == (E y) = x == y
Instances like the one above are filled with boilerplate code. They require a lot of typing,
provide plenty of room for error, and are completely and thoroughly uninteresting. To avoid having
to declare these boring instances for every data type you create, Haskell can auto-generate these
instances if you ask it to using the deriving
keyword. The following declaration demonstrates a
use of the deriving
data Something a = A | B| C | D | E a
deriving (Show, Eq) (1)
If you only want to derive one typeclass, you don’t need the parentheses or commas; for instance, if you didn’t want
Something a
to be comparable using==
, you could just writederiving Show
instead ofderiving (Show, Eq)
Haskell can automatically derive typeclass instances for many common typeclasses, such as Eq
, Bounded
, Read
, Enum
, and Show
. (Some more complex typeclasses can also be derived, but
sometimes it requires extra language extensions.) You should generally let Haskell derive all your
simple typeclass instances for you, unless you need a behaviour that differs from the default. The
default behaviours are usually pretty intuitive – for example, Read
and Show
parse and output
their data structures just like you would in code, and Enum
and Bounded
use the order of
constructors to order their values.
Typeclasses are fundamental to the way that Haskell handles numbers. Haskell has about a half-dozen different numeric types (and more provided by libraries), and then divides functions operating on those types among a half-dozen different numeric typeclasses. When you write numerical code, then, you use whatever functions you need and choose the numeric typeclasses they require. The code you write then works for all possible applicable numeric types.
Some of the commonly used Haskell types are the following:
: A standard IEEE 32-bit floating point number. -
: A standard IEEE 64-bit floating point number. -
: A rational number represented as a fraction with arbitrary precision integer numerators and denominators. -
: An arbitrary precision integer. -
: A 29-bit machine integer. -
, etc: Types used for communicating with C libraries through the foreign function interface (FFI).
Next, we look at the typeclasses that provide the functions that let us operate on these functions.
The most common and base typeclass is Num
class Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
(*) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
negate :: a -> a
abs :: a -> a
signum :: a -> a
fromInteger :: Integer -> a
The binary operators +
, *
, and -
do exactly what you expect. negate
multiplies a number by
negative one (or otherwise negates it); abs
takes the absolute value of the number; signum
returns either positive or negative one, depending on the sign of its argument. Finally,
can be used to convert from any arbitrary precision integer to another type of Num
Whenever you need to convert an Integer
to any other numeric type, use fromInteger
The Num
typeclass only includes +
, *
, and -
; it does not include /
(division), because
some numeric types do not support standard division. For example, you cannot divide two Int
values to get another Int
value without some sort of rounding. In order to support rounding, a
numeric type must implement the Fractional
class Num a => Fractional a where
(/) :: a -> a -> a
recip :: a -> a
fromRational :: Rational -> a
The Fractional
typeclass has Num
as a superclass (it requires Num a
in order to implement
Fractional a
). Fractional
allows you to divide using /
and take the reciprocal of a number
using recip
. Finally, just like we can use fromInteger
to convert arbitrary precision integers
to Num
values, we can use fromRational
to convert from arbitrary precision fractions (ratios of
arbitrary precision integers) to any Fractional
Like Fractional
supports numbers that can do division, Integral
supports various integer
class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a where
quot :: a -> a -> a
rem :: a -> a -> a
div :: a -> a -> a
mod :: a -> a -> a
quotRem :: a -> a -> (a, a)
divMod :: a -> a -> (a, a)
toInteger :: a -> Integer
The meanings of these should be somewhat self-explanatory. quot
takes the quotient of two
numbers, rem
takes the remainder, div
does integer division (truncated towards negative
infinity), mod
takes the integer modulus. quotRem
and divMod
do quot
and div
together. Finally, toInteger
converts from an Integral
type to an Integer
, since Integer
is meant to be the "most general" integer type.
The Integral
typeclass has two superclasses: Real
and Enum
. We’ve already seen Enum
in the
previous section. The Real
typeclass provides only toRational
, which returns an exact fraction
that represents the Real
class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a where
toRational :: a -> Rational
The Real
typeclass has Num
and Ord
as a superclass, so by transitivity Integral
requires both of these.
For real numbers that are represented as floating point numbers, Haskell provides the Floating
typeclass which provides all the traditional transcendental functions:
class Fractional a => Floating a where
pi :: a
exp :: a -> a
sqrt :: a -> a
log :: a -> a
(**) :: a -> a -> a
logBase :: a -> a -> a
sin :: a -> a
tan :: a -> a
cos :: a -> a
asin :: a -> a
atan :: a -> a
acos :: a -> a
sinh :: a -> a
tanh :: a -> a
cosh :: a -> a
asinh :: a -> a
atanh :: a -> a
acosh :: a -> a
Finally, two more typeclasses provide the rest of the kitchen sink of numeric functions. For types
that implement Real
and Fractional
, there is the RealFrac
typeclass; for types that implement
and Floating
, there is the RealFloat
-- Real and Fractional.
class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a where
properFraction :: Integral b => a -> (b, a)
truncate :: Integral b => a -> b
round :: Integral b => a -> b
ceiling :: Integral b => a -> b
floor :: Integral b => a -> b
-- Real and floating.
-- Functions for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers.
class (RealFrac a, Floating a) => RealFloat a where
floatRadix :: a -> Integer
floatDigits :: a -> Int
floatRange :: a -> (Int, Int)
decodeFloat :: a -> (Integer, Int)
encodeFloat :: Integer -> Int -> a
exponent :: a -> Int
significand :: a -> a
scaleFloat :: Int -> a -> a
isNaN :: a -> Bool
isInfinite :: a -> Bool
isDenormalized :: a -> Bool
isNegativeZero :: a -> Bool
isIEEE :: a -> Bool
atan2 :: a -> a -> a
Fix everything above to say which types are in each typeclass
Table of conversions