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Create Ubuntu box with postgres by applying steps from my fork of LaKIM's ruby box
Load DB dump from 'full_export' file http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Database/Download => http://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/data/fullexport/ (copy the full content of directory into
) -
Create musicbrainz db in postgres by using 'CreateTables.sql' Schema used to setup this bow come from MusicBrainz GitHub repo, file (included in this repo as 'mb/schema.sql') was last updated on 2014 Jul 31st:
MusicBrainz GH CreateTables.sql file path
# It's probably a good idea to upgrade your bow before seting everything up:
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
The next steps are regarding postgres' setup so let's go to the mb directory:
cd /vagrant/mb
We'll now start connecting again and again in postgres, but for more and more precise tasks: (password for postgres user is 'postgres')
$ psql --username=postgres --password --host=localhost
First, create a user for the (future) MusicBrainz DB:
For now, just create the MB database:
Now we need to connect to this specific database....
$ psql --username=postgres --password --host=localhost -d musicbrainz
... in order to install the 'cube' extension in it:
So now we can run the Schema creation script in order to receive the data: (note: password for 'mbuser' is 'musicbrainz' !)
$ psql --username=mbuser --password --host=localhost -d musicbrainz -f CreateTables.sql
At this point, we have created the MusicBrainz database and all its tables We don't need the triggers and stuff as we don't intend on using the database, just reading it !
Copy the MusicBrainz database dump (for now, only
is handled) into the /vagrant/mb directory (should be faster to do this on the host side...) -
Extract the tarball into files
$ tar -xvf mbdumb.tar.bz2
This should have created some file in the mb
directory and especially the mbdump
directory which contains all the files that we need !!
- Load the MusicBrainz dump from files into postgres (WARNING: this script loads all data files from '/vagrant/mb/mbdump'; if you've moved the file, please modify this script accordingly)
$ psql --username=postgres --password --host=localhost -d musicbrainz -f mb_load.sql
MODIFY postgresql to allow remote connection This is ugly, but it works ... and we're in a VM... and we have firewall and stuff... :/
$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
- ADD this line into the file
host all all md5
$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
- REPLACE listen_addresses to listen on everything:
listen_addresses = '*'
- RESTART postgresql server to load modifications:
$ sudo service postgresql restart
Don't forget to update your host's firewall in case it's a bit restrictive ;)