diff --git a/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.spec.tsx b/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.spec.tsx
index 2547427106a2fe..2b5ef8aa1f0758 100644
--- a/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.spec.tsx
+++ b/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.spec.tsx
@@ -32,10 +32,14 @@ jest.mocked(useProjects).mockReturnValue({
placeholders: [],
+const mockInvalidateQueries = jest.fn();
function wrapper({children}: {children?: ReactNode}) {
- return (
- {children}
- );
+ const queryClient = makeTestQueryClient();
+ queryClient.invalidateQueries = mockInvalidateQueries;
+ return {children};
function getMockReplayRecord(replayRecord?: Partial) {
@@ -84,11 +88,6 @@ describe('useReplayData', () => {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/replays/${mockReplayResponse.id}/`,
- body: {data: mockReplayResponse},
- });
const {result} = renderHook(useReplayData, {
initialProps: {
@@ -505,4 +504,59 @@ describe('useReplayData', () => {
+ it("should invalidate queries when result's 'onRetry' function is called", async () => {
+ const {mockReplayResponse} = getMockReplayRecord({
+ count_errors: 0,
+ count_segments: 0,
+ error_ids: [],
+ });
+ const replayId = mockReplayResponse.id;
+ MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
+ url: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/replays/${replayId}/`,
+ body: {data: mockReplayResponse},
+ });
+ MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
+ url: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/replays-events-meta/`,
+ body: {
+ data: [],
+ },
+ headers: {
+ Link: [
+ '; rel="previous"; results="false"; cursor="0:1:0"',
+ '; rel="next"; results="false"; cursor="0:1:0"',
+ ].join(','),
+ },
+ });
+ const {result} = renderHook(useReplayData, {
+ wrapper,
+ initialProps: {
+ replayId,
+ orgSlug: organization.slug,
+ },
+ });
+ // We need this 'await waitFor()' for the following assertions to pass:
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ result.current.onRetry();
+ expect(mockInvalidateQueries).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
+ queryKey: [`/organizations/${organization.slug}/replays/${replayId}/`],
+ });
+ expect(mockInvalidateQueries).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
+ queryKey: [
+ `/projects/${organization.slug}/${project.slug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/`,
+ ],
+ });
+ expect(mockInvalidateQueries).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
+ queryKey: [`/organizations/${organization.slug}/replays-events-meta/`],
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.tsx b/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.tsx
index ba6d13168fe9ca..d89ce43ede58cc 100644
--- a/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.tsx
+++ b/static/app/utils/replays/hooks/useReplayData.tsx
@@ -214,21 +214,19 @@ function useReplayData({
const clearQueryCache = useCallback(() => {
- () => {
- queryClient.invalidateQueries({
- queryKey: [`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays/${replayId}/`],
- });
- queryClient.invalidateQueries({
- queryKey: [
- `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/`,
- ],
- });
- // The next one isn't optimized
- // This statement will invalidate the cache of fetched error events for all replayIds
- queryClient.invalidateQueries({
- queryKey: [`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`],
- });
- };
+ queryClient.invalidateQueries({
+ queryKey: [`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays/${replayId}/`],
+ });
+ queryClient.invalidateQueries({
+ queryKey: [
+ `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${replayId}/recording-segments/`,
+ ],
+ });
+ // The next one isn't optimized
+ // This statement will invalidate the cache of fetched error events for all replayIds
+ queryClient.invalidateQueries({
+ queryKey: [`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`],
+ });
}, [orgSlug, replayId, projectSlug, queryClient]);
return useMemo(() => {