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Releases: getsentry/sentry-java


08 Nov 11:18
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7.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release


  • Do not filter out Sentry SDK frames in case of uncaught exceptions (#3021)

Breaking changes:

  • Cleanup startTransaction overloads (#2964)
    • We have reduce the number of overloads by allowing to pass in TransactionOptions instead of having separate parameters for certain options.
    • TransactionOptions has defaults set and can be customized
  • Raw logback message and parameters are now guarded by sendDefaultPii if an encoder has been configured (#2976)


  • Use getMyMemoryState() instead of getRunningAppProcesses() to retrieve process importance (#3004)
    • This should prevent some app stores from flagging apps as violating their privacy


07 Nov 11:17
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  • Do not register sentrySpringFilter in ServletContext for Spring Boot (#3027)


02 Nov 11:33
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  • Add thread information to spans (#2998)
  • Use PixelCopy API for capturing screenshots on API level 24+ (#3008)


  • Fix crash when HTTP connection error message contains formatting symbols (#3002)
  • Cap max number of stack frames to 100 to not exceed payload size limit (#3009)
    • This will ensure we report errors with a big number of frames such as StackOverflowError
  • Fix user interaction tracking not working for Jetpack Compose 1.5+ (#3010)
  • Make sure to close all Closeable resources (#3000)


18 Oct 16:11
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  • Make DebugImagesLoader public (#2993)


  • Make SystemEventsBroadcastReceiver exported on API 33+ (#2990)
    • This will fix the SystemEventsBreadcrumbsIntegration crashes that you might have encountered on Play Console


12 Oct 17:14
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  • Improve default debouncing mechanism (#2945)
  • Add CheckInUtils.withCheckIn which abstracts away some of the manual check-ins complexity (#2959)
  • Add @SentryCaptureExceptionParameter annotation which captures exceptions passed into an annotated method (#2764)
    • This can be used to replace Sentry.captureException calls in @ExceptionHandler of a @ControllerAdvice
  • Add ServerWebExchange to Hint for WebFlux as WEBFLUX_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_EXCHANGE (#2977)
  • Allow filtering GraphQL errors (#2967)
    • This list can be set directly when calling the constructor of SentryInstrumentation
    • For Spring Boot it can also be set in as sentry.graphql.ignored-error-types=SOME_ERROR,ANOTHER_ERROR


  • Add OkHttp span auto-close when response body is not read (#2923)
  • Fix json parsing of nullable/empty fields for Hybrid SDKs (#2968)
    • (Internal) Rename nextList to nextListOrNull to actually match what the method does
    • (Hybrid) Check if there's any object in a collection before trying to parse it (which prevents the "Failed to deserilize object in list" log message)
    • (Hybrid) If a date can't be parsed as an ISO timestamp, attempts to parse it as millis silently, without printing a log message
    • (Hybrid) If op is not defined as part of SpanContext, fallback to an empty string, because the filed is optional in the spec
  • Always attach OkHttp errors and Http Client Errors only to call root span (#2961)
  • Fixed crash accessing Choreographer instance (#2970)



29 Sep 07:31
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7.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release


Breaking changes:

  • Capture failed HTTP requests by default (#2794)
  • Reduce flush timeout to 4s on Android to avoid ANRs (#2858)
  • Set ip_address to {{auto}} by default, even if sendDefaultPII is disabled (#2860)
    • Instead use the "Prevent Storing of IP Addresses" option in the "Security & Privacy" project settings on
  • Reduce timeout of AsyncHttpTransport to avoid ANR (#2879)
  • Add deadline timeout for automatic transactions (#2865)
    • This affects all automatically generated transactions on Android (UI, clicks), the default timeout is 30s
  • Apollo v2 BeforeSpanCallback now allows returning null (#2890)
  • Automatic user interaction tracking: every click now starts a new automatic transaction (#2891)
    • Previously performing a click on the same UI widget twice would keep the existing transaction running, the new behavior now better aligns with other SDKs
  • Android only: If global hub mode is enabled, Sentry.getSpan() returns the root span instead of the latest span (#2855)
  • Observe network state to upload any unsent envelopes (#2910)
  • Do not try to send and drop cached envelopes when rate-limiting is active (#2937)


  • Measure AppStart time till First Draw instead of onResume (#2851)
  • Do not overwrite UI transaction status if set by the user (#2852)
  • Capture unfinished transaction on Scope with status aborted in case a crash happens (#2938)
    • This will fix the link between transactions and corresponding crashes, you'll be able to see them in a single trace

Breaking changes:

  • Move enableNdk from SentryOptions to SentryAndroidOptions (#2793)
  • Fix Coroutine Context Propagation using CopyableThreadContextElement, requires kotlinx-coroutines-core version 1.6.1 or higher (#2838)
  • Bump min API to 19 (#2883)
  • Fix don't overwrite the span status of unfinished spans (#2859)
    • If you're using a self hosted version of sentry, sentry self hosted >= 22.12.0 is required
  • Migrate from default interface methods to proper implementations in each interface implementor (#2847)
    • This prevents issues when using the SDK on older AGP versions (< 4.x.x)
    • Make sure to align Sentry dependencies to the same version when bumping the SDK to 7.+, otherwise it will crash at runtime due to binary incompatibility.
      (E.g. if you're using -timber, -okhttp or other packages)


28 Sep 08:10
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  • Add sendModules option for disable sending modules (#2926)
  • Send db.system and in span data for androidx.sqlite spans (#2928)
  • Check-ins (CRONS) support (#2952)
    • Add API for sending check-ins (CRONS) manually (#2935)
    • Support check-ins (CRONS) for Quartz (#2940)
    • @SentryCheckIn annotation and advice config for Spring (#2946)
    • Add option for ignoring certain monitor slugs (#2943)


  • Always send memory stats for transactions (#2936)
    • This makes it possible to query transactions by the device.class tag on Sentry
  • Add sentry.enable-aot-compatibility property to SpringBoot Jakarta SentryAutoConfiguration to enable building for GraalVM (#2915)



06 Sep 07:38
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  • Send db.system and in span data (#2894)
  • Send http.request.method in span data (#2896)
  • Add enablePrettySerializationOutput option for opting out of pretty print (#2871)


04 Aug 12:50
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  • Add HTTP response code to Spring WebFlux transactions (#2870)
  • Add sampled to Dynamic Sampling Context (#2869)
  • Improve server side GraphQL support for spring-graphql and Nextflix DGS (#2856)
    • If you have already been using SentryDataFetcherExceptionHandler that still works but has been deprecated. Please use SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler combined with SentryInstrumentation instead for better error reporting.
    • More exceptions and errors caught and reported to Sentry by also looking at the ExecutionResult (more specifically its errors)
    • More details for Sentry events: query, variables and response (where possible)
    • Breadcrumbs for operation (query, mutation, subscription), data fetchers and data loaders (Spring only)
    • Better hub propagation by using GraphQLContext
  • Add autoconfigure modules for Spring Boot called sentry-spring-boot and sentry-spring-boot-jakarta (#2880)
    • The autoconfigure modules sentry-spring-boot and sentry-spring-boot-jakarta have a compileOnly dependency on spring-boot-starter which is needed for our auto installation in sentry-android-gradle-plugin
    • The starter modules sentry-spring-boot-starter and sentry-spring-boot-starter-jakarta now bring spring-boot-starter as a dependency
  • You can now disable Sentry by setting the enabled option to false (#2840)


  • Propagate OkHttp status to parent spans (#2872)


26 Jul 07:43
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  • Add TraceOrigin to Transactions and Spans (#2803)


  • Deduplicate events happening in multiple threads simultaneously (e.g. OutOfMemoryError) (#2845)
    • This will improve Crash-Free Session Rate as we no longer will send multiple Session updates with Crashed status, but only the one that is relevant
  • Ensure no Java 8 method reference sugar is used for Android (#2857)
  • Do not send session updates for terminated sessions (#2849)