To manually deploy properly to pypi, use the python-client-build
job whose
instructions are at go/push/open-source
This is useful to test out stuff against testpypi. You probably won't need it much, but if you do - here's how it works.
First set up a section of your ~/.pypirc with a token
username = __token__
password = <your token here, like pypi-AaBbCcDdEd...>
Then increment the version number in pyproject.yaml and open that PR. Download the wheels artifact (aprox. 100MB) from the GitHub CI workflow python-client-build.yml and copy it into the dist directory.
# This is only required for distribution
rm -r dist python/_convex/_convex.*.so
poetry install
poetry run maturin build --out dist
# test publish
MATURIN_REPOSITORY=testpypi maturin upload dist/*
# Now you can download thei convex package from test pypi
python -m pip install --index-url convex
Navigate and double check things look good.