v3.2.2 [2021-04]
Preprocess: use maxdiffpct instead of maxdiffs in vsearch fastq_mergepairs command line, and recommand 2.17.0 version.
DESeq2 :
rename tool in DESeq2 visualisation (with s instead of z)
improve filter in datatable
change color
add padj threshold in MAplot
ITSx : add organims model option (it was restrict to Fungi, take care of increase computing time
OTU affiliation : sort blast affiliations in biom by taxonomy
Clusters stat : add precision in HTML
Remove chimera : add precision in HTML, and rename table columns names
Affiliation Filter : add precision in HTML
Various tools:
add taxonomic rank consistency between user declaration and input files (reference database, biom)
correct typo
Bug fixed
DESeq2 visualisation :
add intermediates_dir argument in Rscript command
debug pie charts color attribution
Normalisation : correct bug when calculating number of OTU by sample
ITSx : correct stderr scanning
Affiliation filter : correct bug in OTU filter by sample and by filter
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