Filter the vcf based on this regions file
First, re-compress the vcf file, then index it
bgzip sorghum.filtered.season4.season6.vcf
tabix sorghum.filtered.season4.season6.vcf.gz
Run the filter against all of the phenotype and pvalue combinations, plus add qtl filtered versions
Annotate the vcf file with snpEff
java -Xmx8g -jar ../../snpEff/snpEff.jar Sorghum_bicolor ./sorghum.filtered.season4.season6.vcf.gz | gzip > sorghum.filtered.season4.season6.annotated.vcf.gz
Using the ANN section of the INFO column...
##INFO=<ID=ANN,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Functional annotations: 'Allele | Annotation | Annotation_Impact | Gene_Name | Gene_ID | Feature_Type | Feature_ID | Transcript_BioType | Rank | HGVS.c | HGVS.p | cDNA.pos / cDNA.length | CDS.pos / CDS.length | AA.pos / AA.length | Distance | ERRORS / WARNINGS / INFO' ">
Create a file and append to it from a bcftools query:
echo "CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tAllele\tAnnotation\tAnnotation_Impact\tGene_Name\tGene_ID\tFeature_Type\tFeature_ID\tTranscript_BioType" > variant_annotaions.tsv
bcftools query -f "%CHROM|%POS|%ID|%REF|%ANN \n" sorghum.filtered.season4.season6.annotated.vcf.gz | cut -d'|' -f 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | tr '|' '\t' >> variant_annotaions.tsv