- document the API
- Interested in using the API? Let us know! Email: [email protected]
s3p.copy - should retry retry-able errors... How can we tell? (I had an error which roughly equated to our clocks being out of sync with world-time - weird, but I expect it's probably because I had so many open copy requests, some timed out) - The answer, at least for now, was to add 'sync' capability so you could re-run they copy and pick up previous failures.
support for S3 key characters outside the currently supported key chars:
<space> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
local file system support
- S3P was built to accelerate copying between two S3 buckets, but there's no reason it can't also accelerate copying to and from a local file system on an EC2 instance, an on-premises machine or your own dev machine.
- Current status:
- supported: copy to local file system
- not supported: copy from local file system
- not supported: sync/compare to or from local file system
extended S3 copy options support; exactly which of these we should support is TBD. Note, S3 uses both copyObject and aws-cp, so we need to ensure it works for both:
aws cp: # simple string values --acl ACL --cache-control CacheControl --content-disposition ContentDisposition --content-encoding ContentEncoding --content-language ContentLanguage --content-type ContentType --expires Expires --request-payer RequestPayer --storage-class StorageClass # metadata --metadata (supports JSON) Metadata # grants --grants <value>... GrantFullControl GrantRead GrantReadACP GrantWriteACP # encryption --sse --sse-c --sse-c-copy-source --sse-c-copy-source-key --sse-c-key --sse-kms-key-id # not supported by copyObject --copy-props (see MetadataDirective) # requires S3P logic --follow-symlinks | --no-follow-symlinks # future --website-redirect WebsiteRedirectLocation copyObject: ACL: private | public-read | public-read-write | authenticated-read | aws-exec-read | bucket-owner-read | bucket-owner-full-control, CacheControl: 'STRING_VALUE', ContentDisposition: 'STRING_VALUE', ContentEncoding: 'STRING_VALUE', ContentLanguage: 'STRING_VALUE', ContentType: 'STRING_VALUE', ExpectedBucketOwner: 'STRING_VALUE', ExpectedSourceBucketOwner: 'STRING_VALUE', Expires: new Date || 'Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)' || 123456789, Metadata: {}, MetadataDirective: COPY | REPLACE, RequestPayer: requester, StorageClass: STANDARD | REDUCED_REDUNDANCY | STANDARD_IA | ONEZONE_IA | INTELLIGENT_TIERING | GLACIER | DEEP_ARCHIVE | OUTPOSTS, WebsiteRedirectLocation: 'STRING_VALUE' # grants GrantFullControl: 'STRING_VALUE', GrantRead: 'STRING_VALUE', GrantReadACP: 'STRING_VALUE', GrantWriteACP: 'STRING_VALUE', # encryption BucketKeyEnabled: true || false, CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm: 'STRING_VALUE', CopySourceSSECustomerKey: Buffer.from('...') || 'STRING_VALUE' /* Strings will be Base-64 encoded on your behalf */, CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5: 'STRING_VALUE', SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'STRING_VALUE', SSECustomerKey: Buffer.from('...') || 'STRING_VALUE' /* Strings will be Base-64 encoded on your behalf */, SSECustomerKeyMD5: 'STRING_VALUE', SSEKMSEncryptionContext: 'STRING_VALUE', SSEKMSKeyId: 'STRING_VALUE', ServerSideEncryption: AES256 | aws:kms, # not supported (directly) by aws cp ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus: ON | OFF, ObjectLockMode: GOVERNANCE | COMPLIANCE, ObjectLockRetainUntilDate: new Date || 'Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)' || 123456789, Tagging: 'STRING_VALUE', TaggingDirective: COPY | REPLACE,
large-file copy support that doesn't require sys-execing "aws s3 cp"
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/aws-s3-multipart-copy didn't work, but maybe it's source is a place to start
- eliminate the dependency on aws-cli
- aws-cli is currently used to copy "large" files. Files larger than 5gigabytes can't be copied with the standard copyObject API call, so aws-cli is used as a sub-processes.
abort properly when 'found'
S3P isn't optimized when comparing with toBucket and there are large lists of Keys not present in the source-bucket.
- For a given source-bucket range, limited by the limit option, S3P creates an in-memory list of ALL keys in toBucket in the same range - without limit.
- This could be solved by passing the source-bucket list to the toBucket-listing-code and have the to-bucket-listing code slice up the source-items to match limited batches from toBucket...