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* Created by alicamargo on 31/05/15.
* Modified by gautham71298 for this particular project on April-2020.
!function (r) { var t = function (r) { var t = r.winner ? "winner" : "", e = r.ID ? r.ID : "", f = r.flag ? r.flag : "", m = r.matchDate ? r.matchDate : "", mV = r.matchVenue ? r.matchVenue : "", a = ' <div class="player ' + t + " player-" + e + '" data-id="' + e + '">'; return r.url ? (a += ' <a class="name" href="' + r.url + '">', a += " " + r.name, a += " </a>") : a += ' ' + r.name, a += '<p class="matchDate">' + m + '</p>', a += '<p class="matchVenue">' + mV + '</p> </div>' }, e = function (r) { var e = ' <div class="match">'; return r.player1 && (e += t(r.player1)), r.player2 && (e += t(r.player2)), e += " </div>" }, a = function (r, t) { for (var e = '<div class="separator-brackets rd-' + r + '">', a = 1; t >= a; a++)e += '<div class="line" id="' + a + 1 + '"><hr class="bracketHr bracketHr-' + r + '" id="' + a + 2 + '"></div>'; return e += "</div>" }, n = function (t, e) { var a = ""; if (a += '<div class="brackets-header">', t) if (Array.isArray(t)) r.each(t, function (r, t) { a += '<div class="title">' + t + "</div>" }); else for (i = 1; i <= e; i++)a += i == e ? '<div class="title">Champion</div>' : i == e - 1 && e > 2 ? '<div class="title">Final</div>' : i == e - 2 && e > 3 ? '<div class="title">Semifinal</div>' : '<div class="title">Round ' + i + "</div>"; return a += "</div>" }, o = function (t, i) { var o = ""; return o += n(i, t.length), o += '<div class="container-brackets">', r.each(t, function (n, i) { o += '<div class="round rd-' + (n + 1) + '">', r.each(i, function (r, t) { o += e(t) }), o += "</div>", t.length != n + 1 && (o += a(n + 1, i.length)) }), o += "</div>" }, c = function (r) { return 23 * Math.pow(2, r - 2) + 20 * Math.pow(2, r - 3) + 40 * (Math.pow(2, r - 3) - 1) }, l = function (r) { var t = ""; for (r = r ? r : 0, i = 2; i <= r; i++) { var b = 21; var e = 2 == i ? 32.5 : c(i) + 19.5, a = 2 == i ? 21.5 : c(i) + 8.5, n = 2 * a + 40, o = 2 * e + 40; t += "/*-- Round " + i + " --*/", t += ".container-brackets .round.rd-" + i + "{ margin-top: " + a + "px; }", t += " .container-brackets .round.rd-" + i + " .match .player{ margin-bottom: " + n + "px; }", t += "/*-- lines " + i + " --*/", t += ".container-brackets .separator-brackets.rd-" + i + " .line{", t += " height: " + o + "px;", t += " margin-bottom: " + o + "px;", t += " width: 13px;}", t += " .container-brackets .separator-brackets.rd-" + i + " .line:first-child{ margin-top: " + e + "px; width:13px !important; }", t += " .container-brackets .separator-brackets.rd-" + i + " .line .bracketHr:first-child{ margin-top: " + (b + e) + "px; }" } return t }, s = function (r) { return 150 * r + 80 * (r - 1) - 75 * (r - 1) }, d = function (r) { return c(r + 1) }, p = function (r, t) { var e, a = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], n = document.createElement("style"); e = ".left{float: left}", e += ".right{float: right}", e += ".brackets-header{", e += " margin-bottom: 80px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 10px;", e += " height: 30px;", e += " width: " + (s(t + 2) + 20) + "px !important;", e += "}", e += ".brackets-header .title{", e += " color: " + r.color_title + " !important;", e += "}", e += ".brackets-header .title{ float: left; width: 195px;text-align: center; padding: 0.4em 0; border-radius: 0.4em; border-bottom: 1px solid #FE4A49; margin-right: 5px; font-weight: 600;}", e += ".brackets-header .title:last-child{ margin-right: 0px;}", e += ".container-brackets *,", e += ".container-brackets *:before,", e += ".container-brackets *:after {", e += " -webkit-box-sizing: content-box !important;", e += " -moz-box-sizing: content-box !important;", e += " box-sizing: content-box !important;", e += "}", e += ".container-brackets{", e += " position: relative;", e += " overflow: hidden;", e += " margin: 10px;", e += " width: " + (s(t + 2) + 20) + "px !important;", e += "height: " + d(t) + "px !important;", e += "}", e += ".container-brackets .round{ width: 180px; margin-left: -75px; float: left;}", e += " .container-brackets .round:first-child{ margin-left: 0; }", e += " .container-brackets .round .match{}", e += " .container-brackets .round .match:last-child{ margin-bottom: 0px;}", e += " .container-brackets .round .match .player{", e += " border: solid 1px " + r.border_color + ";", e += " border-radius: " + r.border_radius_player + ";", e += " height: 21px;", e += " padding: 0 5px;", e += " /*width: calc(100% - 10px);*/", e += " line-height: 21px;", e += " background: " + r.bg_player + ";", e += " color: " + r.color_player + ";", e += " text-align: center;", e += " }", e += " .container-brackets .round .match .player.hover{ background: " + r.bg_player_hover + "; color: " + r.color_player_hover + ";}", e += " .container-brackets .round .match .player .name{", e += " text-align: center;", e += " text-decoration: none;", e += " cursor: pointer;", e += " width: 100%;", e += " margin-left: 10px;", e += " /*display: block;*/", e += " color: " + r.color_player + ";", e += " }", e += " .container-brackets .round .match .player.hover a{", e += " color: " + r.color_player_hover + " !important;", e += " }", e += ".container-brackets .separator-brackets{ width: 100px; float: left;}", e += " .container-brackets .separator-brackets .line{", e += " border: 1px solid " + r.border_color + ";", e += " border-left: none;", e += " border-radius: 0 " + r.border_radius_lines + " " + r.border_radius_lines + " 0;", e += " }", e += " .container-brackets .separator-brackets .line:last-child{ margin-bottom: 0; }", e += "/*-- First ronda --*/", e += " .container-brackets .round.rd-1 .match{ margin-bottom: 40px; height: 66px;}", e += " .container-brackets .round.rd-1 .match .player{ margin-bottom: 20px; }", e += "/*-- First lines --*/", e += ".container-brackets .separator-brackets.rd-1 .line{", e += " height: 42px;", e += " margin-bottom: 62px;", e += " width:13px; }", e += " .container-brackets .separator-brackets.rd-1 .line:first-child{ margin-top: 11px; width:13px; }", e += l(t), n.type = "text/css", n.styleSheet ? n.styleSheet.cssText = e : n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), a.appendChild(n) }; r.fn.brackets = function (t) { var e = r.extend({}, r.fn.brackets.defaults, t); return e.rounds ? void (this.length >= 1 ? this.each(function () { var t = r(this), a = o(e.rounds, e.titles); t.html(a), p(e, e.rounds.length), r(".player", t).on({ mouseover: function () { var t = r(this); ID = t.data("id"), r(".player[data-id='" + ID + "']").addClass("hover") }, mouseout: function () { r(".player").removeClass("hover") } }) }) : console.error("Object not found :( ")) : (console.error("Round not found :("), !1) }, r.fn.brackets.defaults = { rounds: !1, titles: !1, color_title: "black", border_color: "black", color_player: "black", bg_player: "white", color_player_hover: "black", bg_player_hover: "white", border_radius_player: "0px", border_radius_lines: "0px" } }(jQuery);
// Feature to be added: User will give flag/image for each team.
{/* <span><img src="' + f + '" id="flag" width="20" height="15"></span> */ }