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File metadata and controls

164 lines (125 loc) · 13.5 KB

Gitter ews-javascript-api


Whats new v0.11.0

  • BREAKING dependencies upgraded to latest version of commonjs module (still avoiding pure esm modules). The code is now compiled to es6 target, must use nodejs version >= 10
  • Security update: updated all dependency to latest version.

Whats new v0.10.0

  • new/fix: #324 Autodiscover is back again, improved and supports DNS fallback using Autodiscover SRV records

Whats new v0.9.6

  • fix: #316 fixed issue where Update Item operation was failing.

Whats new v0.9.5

  • fix: #276 You can now use FolderId with uniqueId string parameter
  • fix: #300 fix issue with LegacyfreeBusyStatus serialization, this also fixes lots of other enum attribute failing to serialize/de-serialize properly.
  • fix - general: better detection of enum value in if condition for a value. default enum value of 0 is neglected earlier.

Whats new v0.9.4 (no 0.9.3)

  • new: you can now use ContactGroup for private DL functionality, GroupMember and GroupMemberCollection classes are implemented
  • new: added code for passing options to underlying Fetch library. most requested option was allowing use of untrusted certificate.
  • fix: #241 ExtendedPropertyCollection code updated, was not letting changes in Email or Phone number in contact object.
  • fix: #242 SimpleServiceRequestBase code improved, should prevent unhandled rejection in case of response status 200 and local parsing errors.
  • fix: #250 fixed writing logic for ExtendedPropertyDefinition propertyset in output xml.
  • fix: #256 ServiceResponseCollection.GetEnumerator() is now returning Responses array rather than throwing error.
  • fix: #261 added skipLibCheck option in tsconfig, otherwise building from source would be throwing some error for type checking in dependency libs.
  • fix: #274 fixed array initialization in DeleteAttachmentRequest, it was preventing any request to DeleteAttachment in EWS.
  • fix: #277 fixed an issue where setting Contact.FileAsMapping would not work and cause unhandled Excepttion

snippet for 0.9.4

how to provide fetch options:

import {....., ConfigurationApi, .......} from 'ews-javascript-api';
// use this before instantiating ExchangeService 
ConfigurationApi.SetXHROptions({rejectUnauthorized : false});

for more details on which all options supported, see

export interface xFetchOptions {

Whats new v0.9.2

  • new: ExchangeService.GetServerTimeZones() can be used to get Windows TimeZone information from server
  • fix: #207 fewer debugger statements. less annoyment when debugging code.
  • DateTme and TimeZone related fixes, see #186, #187, #198, #209

Whats new v0.9.0

  • new: #94 new XHR algorithm and BlueBird like Promise support. default is Bluebird. Breaking changes published in #131. how to replace promise api, see pull request comment. This also enabled streaming subscription over ntlm authentication as well as cookies auth. see #65
  • new: #180 can now use XHR api per ExchangeService instance see issue link for how to
  • new: #148 TimeZone implemented, see comment of pull request for known issues and workaround
  • new: #145 various OnChangetracking is implemented, various array like fields (EmailSddresses, PhoneNumbers etc.) can now be updated properly. see #137
  • new: #140 DateTime object is now more compatible with c# counterpart, see issue for more details on which all property and functions are available
  • new: #131 Can this library be used in new Typescript projects - Typing field in package.json published. works as expected in latest typescript.
  • fix: #181 - PropertySet comparison bug
  • fix: #178 - Throw error when call folder.FindFolders(folderView)
  • fix: #174 - Stop subscribe mailbox with unknown error - This also adds OnResponseHeader delegate on StreamingSubscriptionConnection object. helps in detemining when connection is established
  • fix: #167 - Exception.js does not handle Circular references - fixed issue with Exception Stack Trace when there is circular reference
  • fix: #164 - Can't update permissions on calendar folder
  • fix: #163 - BUG: FileAttachment.Load does not work, throws error
  • fix: #156 - AllDayEvent on Exchange2007_SP1
  • fix: #151 - Problems with Recurrence.RelativeMonthlyPattern
  • fix: #150 - Impossible to set Interval on Recurrence
  • fix: #143 - Get Email Message source - TextBody element was not captured due to the way code is organized.
  • fix: #137 - contact.Save not working properly || email adresses, phonenumbers etc. not saved. #123 is also fixed.
  • fix: #126 - Mail attachment problem - wasnt working properly below 2013 version
  • fix: #65 - Is StreamingSubscriptionConnection api working on NTLM auth? - now it works
  • fix: #58 - Availability is using GMT and not leveraging user's current timezone

Whats new v0.8.0

Whats new v0.7.0

Caveat: all binary data and XML data should be converted to base64 string, this library assumes all base64 strings where binary data or c# byte[] is used.

Whats new v0.6.2

  • new: #100 More Item Types implemented
  • fix: #114 - ConversationQueryTraversal returns a soap fault
  • fix: #91 - StreamingSubscriptionConnection.OnDisconnect not called for streaming subscription
  • fix: #101 - FindItems() not fulfilled/rejected for an unauthorized request
  • fix: #109 - Appointment: Recurrence is always null
  • fix: #96 - SearchFilter collection not working
  • fix: #99 - Can't cancel meeting - TypeError
  • fix: #95 - Message body text not working
  • fix/PR: #102 - SendCancellationsMode fix enum serialization
  • fix: #86 - Issue with sending meeting responses

Whats new v0.6.0 (and fixed in 0.5.1 and 0.5.2)

  • new: #41 App management operations availbale, see MSDN: Mail apps for Outlook section by using EWS in Exchange
  • fix: #64 - small type fixed to prevent error in typing d.ts file
  • fix: #69 - Fixed use of ComplexpropertyCollectioin type objects, there were issues in parsing this complex type with different elements in ews operations
  • fix: #71 - Fixed this lexical scope in delegate calls when called by xhr promise.
  • fix: #76 - Fixed improper detection of ComplexProperty type and PropertyDefinition type inside PropertySet.
  • fix: #83 - Added ServiceRequestUnauthorizedException class to detect "Unauthorized" exception in case of 401 status code in http call. SoapFaultDetails.Exception can be checked for this class type in case of 401 exception in xhr call.

Whats new v0.5.0

Whats new v0.4.0

Whats new v0.3.0 (including 0.2.8)

  • new: Mailbox synchronization now works, SyncFolderItems and SyncFolderHierarchy ExchangeService now availbale see MSDN for example
  • new: Pull Subscription should now work use MSDN example
  • new: SetTeamMailbox and UnpinTeamMailbox ExchangeService methods now availbale. (SetTeamMailbox does not work with Office 365, Access Denied error, on-prem test is pending) See official MSDN reference for detail ExchangeService.UnpinTeamMailbox method
  • new: GetRooms and GetRoomLists ExchangeService methods now availbale. See official MSDN reference for detail ExchangeService.GetRooms method and ExchangeService.GetRoomLists method
  • new: ConvertId and ConvertIds ExchangeService methods now availbale, see MSDN detail at EWS Identifiers in Exchange
  • new: GetClientAccessToken ExchangeService method now availbale, used with "Mail App" management, App management (#41) coming later
  • fix: ImpersonatedUserId bug #34

Whats new v0.2.7 (including 0.2.5 and 0.2.6)

  • new: Streaming Notification code updated, see issue #24 for example. More details at How to: Stream notifications about mailbox events by using EWS in Exchange
  • new: Pull Subscription should also work MSDN not updated yet, pushed to 0.2.8
  • new: SearchFilter code update. See official MSDN link for examples How to: Use search filters with EWS in Exchange
  • new: Some use of ExtendedPropertyDefinition works, see #23 for an example.
  • new: Grouping class updated, it can be applied on FindItems
  • new: AccountLockout detection in failed conenction. Does not work with Office 365
  • improvements: Contact object related code udpate, fix code errors
  • improvement: SoapFaultDetails updated for improved error handling, most EWS operation not return instance of SoapFaultDetails in case of any failure, it contains Exception property with information of failures oe exception in operation.
  • fix: FindItems improvements
    • bug fixed where code was not updated to handle correct constructor overload
    • SearchFilter can be used
    • Grouping can be used

Whats new v0.2.3

  • Appointment/CalendarItem code update
    • Appointment can be created using new Appointment()
    • Appointment can be saved with Appointment.Save()
    • Meeting invitation can be send using Appointment.Save(SendInvitationsMode.SendToAllAndSaveCopy)
    • issue - HTML Body is not working using Appointment
  • GetUserOofSettings and SetUserOofSettings on ExchangeService is ready to be used.
  • fix: Autodiscover issue fixed, where it throws exception when redirecting to office 365 using 302 redirect from CNAME dns record

Whats new v0.2

  • Attachment Operations
    • GetAttachment method - load attachment information from Attachemnt or AttachmentId
    • Create email message with attachment, sample code in Wiki