This application achieves the distributed interlinking of two datasets by incorporating the Spark Framework and the LIMES tool. It employs the concept of block purging so as to boost performance.
1.Install the limes-core.jar to the local maven repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile={path/to/limes-core.jar} -DgroupId=org.aksw.limes.core -DartifactId=limes-core -Dversion=1.1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
2.Build the spark application
mvn clean package
The SparkApplication-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar will be created
Execute the application against a spark cluster using the following command
./bin/spark-submit \
--class spark.Controller \
--master <master-url> \
--deploy-mode <deploy-mode> \
--conf <key>=<value> \
... # other options
<application-jar> \
SparkApplication-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar {/path/to/limes_configuration_file.xml} {/path/to/limes.dtd} {purging_enabled=(true,false)}